Cognitive Theorist Paper Cognitive theories began to become extremely popular in the late twentieth century. Cognitive theorist such as Jean Piaget , Edward C. Tolman , Albert Bandura and Max Wertheimer raised the most attention in the psychology world. The focus of this reading will be on Max Wertheimer. What he brought to the field of learning and cognition; the Gestalt theory, the theory he is most notably known for and the concepts most commonly accepted from that model will be discussed and analyzed. Max Wertheimer born on April 15th 1880 in Prague was a well-known psychologist. His father was an educationist and his mother had received her doctorate degree from the University of Wurzburg. Wertheimer studied at the Psychological Institute at the University of Frankfurt. He later worked as a professor at the University of Frankfurt for several years. Wertheimer migrated to the United States in 1933. He worked as a professor at the New York School for Social Research for a period of ten years. Due to his remarkable academic skills and efforts New York schools became one of the top-notch schools of psychology in the beginning of the twentieth century. Mark Wertheimer, along with Kohler and Kofka, was one of the founding members of Gestalt psychology. Gestalt theory emphasized higher- order cognitive processes. The main focus of Gestalt theory was “grouping”. In learning opposed to the reductionism of behaviorism, Gestalt concentrates on the way in which the mind insists on finding patterns in things, and how this contributes to learning, especially the development of “insight”. Gestalt emphasizes that the mind abhors to non- sense. Max Wertheimer was the pioneer of Gestalt psychology. He became interested in studying perception at the age of 30 after viewing a stroboscope at a children’s toy store. He contributed to the field of learning and cognition in