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Persuasive Communication


Submitted By ammcbroom
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Persuasive Communication
Amy McBroom
February 9,2015
Business 211
Brigitte Culberson-Austin

Communication is the process of exchanging information between an individual. In a business setting there is a proper form of communication called persuasive communication. Persuasive communication is the process of transmitting information to another person, next making sure the individual understands and agrees to the information. For this method of communication to be effective, one may disguise the information to make it more believable.
Persuasive communication is most effective used in these types of scenarios such as manager to manager, manager to employee, or department-to-department. There are four methods of communication with different levels of persuasiveness. First, face-to-face communication is between two people at the same location. During a face-to-face conversation, the sender and receiver can read each other’s body language. The sender should be confident in relaying the message; this will show the importance of the message. Active listening also plays a role in face-to-face conversations. The sender can listen to feedback from the receiver of the message. This form of communication is proven to be the most effective because the sender and receiver can use body language and the voice to interpret the message. Second, a phone call is between two people located at different locations. During the phone call the sender can still convey a persuasive message primarily by using their voice. Both parties can reply verbally and hear each other’s tone. This communication is the second best form of persuasive communication. Third, instant messaging and email is a form or a communication where the message sent to the receiver through electronic devices. In this communication there is no voice or body language to read from the sender or receiver. This form of communication is not as effective due to the uncertainty of how the message was received.

Fourth, a hand written letter sent from one person to another. Like instant message and e-mail, this form of communication has no emotions. If the receiver of the letter does not understand the context, then he or she would need to reply to the sender for clarification. This method can take more time to relay a message.
Overall, face-to-face is found most effective. Face-to-face is immediate and the sender can make sure the message was received correctly. The other forms of communication are helpful but not as useful in the business world.

Gareth R. Jones. Chapter 6: Leadership, Influence, and Communication in Business. McGraw-Hill Company, 2007.

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