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Cognos Ibm


Submitted By goherrer007
Words 760
Pages 4
Chapter 12 Enhancing Decision Making
Case 2: IBM and Cognos: Business Intelligence and Analytics for Improved Decision Making
Tags: business decision making; business intelligence software; decision support systems; management reporting systems; executive dashboards; mobile delivery platforms.
In this video from the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), Dan Fulwiler and Steve Segalewitz from IBM, discuss how understanding your online data more clearly can improve decision-making. Video demonstration of IBM/Cognos BI software applications.
In the accelerating media industry, discovering relevant business insights within the chaos of available information can lead to substantial competitive advantage. IBM Business Intelligence and Analytics is designed to integrate all data providers and in-house sources to reveal timely and actionable business insights. The software collects, connects and leverages information from consumers to suppliers. L= 5:06

IBM has been known for most of its recent history as the world's largest computer company. With over
388,000 employees worldwide, IBM is the largest and most profitable information technology employer in the world. It is still selling computers today, and is still one of the biggest computer companies in the world, and it has also been known to produce very efficient computers as well. IBM holds more patents than any other U.S. based technology company and has eight research laboratories worldwide.
Known for its highly talented workforce, the company has scientists, engineers, consultants, and sales professionals in over 170 countries. IBM employees have earned three Nobel Prizes, four Turing Awards, five National Medals of Technology, and five National Medals of Science. As a chip maker, IBM has been among the Worldwide Top 20

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