...Should College Athletes be Paid? Why should college athletes be paid or not? In this article it says, “Big time college football and basketball programs generate billions a year in TV and marketing contracts, tickets sales, and merchandising.” Why I choose this topic is because If the college players don't bring any money for the TV , tickets, and merchandising then that is wrong. They should, at least, have 10% of what they sell that has the player's last name on it .I am on the pro side why I am is because If a person buys an item that has something to do with them, then they should be paid a little amount of what the regular price is of the item. I am going to tell you a few Pros about college players getting paid. First of all, in the text it says, “ Big time college football and basketball programs generate billions a year.” My question is how does the franchise make billions a year. They make billions a year from the players who, when the games and consistently bowl games and don't even bring a little bit poor because people consider they are amateurs and they will do something poor with the money like use it on things that...
Words: 773 - Pages: 4
...argument of the payment of college athletes beyond what is received in scholarships. This topic has become more prevalent recently because the NCAA has been contemplating changing the policies for compensating college athletes. This is due to the fact that people are starting to view college athletics as more of a business then just a program at colleges and universities. The research question that is posed based on this topic is should colleges and universities pay their college athletes for participating in a sports program. I have found many sources on various databases. These sources present information on both sides of the argument. Some of these sources give some background information and show how...
Words: 1548 - Pages: 7
...Why should athletes not be paid? I’m going to tell you why the college athletes should not be paid. You should care about this topic because it is a problem that colleges face and if you want to play sports in college you might want to be paid for them but you get to choose to play sports or not. What some don’t know is that you shouldn’t have to get paid to play a sport that you chose to do. Today, I am going to try and persuade you why college athletes should not be paid. In college playing a sport is a privilege because most people that play sports in high school don’t play in college. What reason do athletes need more money, each year there are billions given to college athletes, the athletic scholarship averages over the schools tuition. Here is an example Ohio State of a little over $10,000 a year and the scholarship is $17,856 (Anderson). If they wanted to get paid let’s say a $100,000 salary that isn’t bad but a salary is affected by federal and state taxes. A student with a salary would have to pay a total of $34,900. That means the student only has $65,100. And college expenses get to $65,000 then then what was $100,000 is only $100, so is getting paid and having a salary better...
Words: 790 - Pages: 4
...Pay There are 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a week. The average person is told they should receive 8 hours of sleep a night. The average full time college student spends about 12 to 15 hours in class every week. If you take the average amount of sleep a person should get plus 15 hours of class, then the average college student is already down 79 hours every week, and this does not include time for studying, meal time, transportation, etc. Now let’s apply this to a college athlete. In a study done on college athletes in 1988, individuals during their sport on season were averaged to spend about 30 hours a week in some sort of activity related to their sports (Bower 1998) and in 2008 athletes claim to spend an additional...
Words: 727 - Pages: 3
...The topic that is going to be discussed throughout this essay is about college athletes getting paid. Throughout my years of playing sports college athletes haven’t been getting paid, but the University that the college athlete is attending is getting paid off the athlete’s performance, and even their name. No matter what University the athlete attends they should be getting paid. The huge amounts of college athletics being made off of college athletes has driven some to question if college athletes ought to be getting paid or not. Statistics show that more college athletes that are on scholarship go to bed hungry every day because the average scholarship is not enough. The average Athletic scholarship towards athletics and room is enough, but towards food and the expenses of the athletes is not enough. For being a college athlete myself, I for one can say I went to bed hungry multiple times, but since I have no money I cannot afford to go buy anything to eat from the store. So therefore, I have to wait until the next meal swipe just to be able to get something to eat. Economists say, NCAA schools can absolutely be able to afford to pay college athletes. Duke’s athletic program, for example, brought in...
Words: 729 - Pages: 3
...Some athletes dream of continuing their careers in college, but some never get that chance. Competing at the next level is a very exciting journey. For some kids playing a sport in college is the only way they can afford an education. The big controversial issue is should college athletes be paid. This quote from Elissa Cordrey is very meaningful to college athletics because it isn’t all about the money: If the child is playing for the sake of a scholarship, and not for love of the game, be careful, she warned. Keep your eyes wide open. It's not high school athletics. In some ways, it's really exciting. But if your child's not passionate, you are going to have a lot of teary phone calls’” (Holland, Kelley Holland, and John W. Schoen). The dedication and passion athletes need to play...
Words: 1850 - Pages: 8
...NCAA(National Collegiate Athletic Association) is not paying college athletes, which will become a problem sooner or later if the NCAA does not pay college athletes. Many people think that paying college athletes will bring some problems to universities/colleges, such as offering players more money.However it would be unfair for less appealing and wealthy schools because they do not have as much power or money to recruit the best players. Though people do not understand that college football is for stronger players compared to weaker ones. If the players are dedicated to playing for their future, then paying college athletes would prepare them for the NFL(National Football League) and the players who don’t make it still help their team get better. Although most players in college do not make it to the NFL, every player on their teams help win and helps other players get better so everyone should receive a piece of the action....
Words: 1701 - Pages: 7
...Should college athletes be paid? Most college athletes don't come from the best financially based families. According to Sporting News, 86 percent of student athletes live in poverty. A lot of college athletes struggle to financially support themselves. They often times are in need of money and need help to just pass by. This is where the whole paying student athletes argument comes into play. But in other cases student athletes are pretty well taken care of and have it very nice on their campuses. Many students are already playing for free or on scholarships and only have to pay for everyday essentials. Student athletes cannot be paid to participate in college athletics. There are no possibilities where college athletes could be paid. Most...
Words: 1300 - Pages: 6
...With the growing scandals in college sports many questions have erupted. These scandals have helped many athletes live, however, if caught the players could be severely punished. They put their bodies and health at risk for the university, by becoming a college athlete they take away their freedoms also they eliminate their chances of living a normal college life. Ever since the fab four were caught taking money for various items many other scandals have been stopped. Many top D1 college athletes are being paid or selling their items for money. These actions go against the NCAA rules and stipulations for the players. College athletes are adored...
Words: 1684 - Pages: 7
...is it possible to go to college and come out debt free? Imagine getting a college degree and paying for that degree by being apart of the schools athletic program. You’d be able to give back to the University by demonstrating leadership, good character and being a role model for potential students. Being able to focus on schoolwork and give time, effort and energy to a team is very impressive and gives the University positive credit. The University would also benefit greatly from the agreement that is between them and the athlete. College athletes should get paid to participate in collegiate sports because it would offer the athletes time management skills, decrease the athletes stress about financial needs and provide the athletes the opportunity to graduate from college debt free. Currently in the United States there are millions of athletes. 3% of those high school athletes will continue their athletic career in college. Many of those college athletes don’t have the financial requirements to attend college; that’s where the scholarships come in. The average high school athletes dream is to play their beloved sport get offered a scholarship and further their career collegiately. Not only is the University giving an athlete their dream; they are giving the athlete the...
Words: 553 - Pages: 3
...Did you know that colleges spend over forty two million dollars on athletes, most of whom, wont step foot on the court or field again. The controversial debate on whether college athletes should be paid or not is still one today. While a staggering amount of money is spent on athletes that won't even be playing the game years to come, it makes many think, why spend so much money on college athletes when they are still asking for more? Players who ask for more amounts of money while receiving thousands in scholarships should not get a dime for being so greedy. There so many athletes that receive money for scholarships and want more money but that might be over doing it for the common college student. The main purpose of this paper is to explain...
Words: 481 - Pages: 2
...What is a college education worth? Is it worth more than books, tuition, room, and board? Some people think that college athletes should get more than this. College athletes shouldn't be paid for playing college sports because some already get a full- ride scholarship to the college. Many people think they should be paid above and beyond their scholarship to play their sport, but the athletes are already receiving the benefit of a free education. Why is it that some people feel college athletes should get paid above and beyond their scholarship money? Some say the extra money will be used to pay for meals they eat off-campus, clothes, or a trip over spring break. The college athletes believe other kids get money from their parents on top of their scholarships, so why shouldn’t they? They can get jobs because they do not have practice to attend, so they can make money on the side. Some people feel like it would teach the kids financial responsibilities before they can receive the big contract in the NBA, NFL, or MLB. That is something every kid needs to know but what about the kids that do not get forwarded scholarships how do they learn. They...
Words: 695 - Pages: 3
...College athletics have gained immeasurable amounts of popularity among Americans over the past few decades. This has produced increased annual revenue for the National Collegiate Athletic Association (also know as the NCAA) and the participating colleges which has driven the dispute of whether college athletes should or shouldn’t be compensated beyond their athletic scholarship. This paper will endeavor to answer the question as to whether or not college athletes should be compensated for, by explaining the reasons for and against the payment of college athletes. Why a lot of people think that college athletes should be paid, There are some that believe that if a college athlete were to be paid that they would lose the passion for the game. Many people say that they would much rather watch college football, then watch the pros play....
Words: 1444 - Pages: 6
...time. Many players play for the competition and to strive to complete their dreams of going pro. But, what some don't understand is that they risk their physical health every second they’re on that court/field. If you think that college players should be paid then you’re not alone because the amount of money the NCAA is making they should have enough to give a fair share to each college athlete. After all, these athletes bring in all the money, plus the crowd...
Words: 470 - Pages: 2
...According to Best Colleges Online, “Even then, there’s a good chance your scholarship won’t even cover the cost of tuition, with the average athletic scholarship coming out to about $10,400. Outside of football and men’s basketball, the average is $8,700.” Many people think that college athletes should not be paid because they already are paid in other forms, education, gear, etc but the NCAA, as a whole, makes more than enough for every player to have a salary. College Athletes should be paid a decent salary for all they do for the NCAA, most kids depend on the NCAA, and their education is not worth anything. For example, John Brill states, “According to his study, in 2005 a draft ready football player is worth $495,000 and a draft ready basketball player is worth over $1.4 million to the NCAA respectively.“ This would prove...
Words: 1047 - Pages: 5