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Submitted By topfight
Words 283
Pages 2

What do people think of when they talk about offender rehabilitation? What are the origins of prisoner rehabilitation? Why do some people support prisoner rehabilitation even for serious offenders? How does prisoner rehabilitation affect prisons and general society? What recommendations might you make to improve prisoner rehabilitation?
According to Foster rehabilitation is often thought of in a more narrow definition today as specific programs applied within the prison setting (or outside intended to bring about end of criminal behavior called resistance meaning to cease or stop (p.372). As stated in Foster the word rehabilitation is an often used word in corrections, it uses so often by so many different speakers in so many different contexts that it has ceased to have any real meaning (p.372).
How prisoner rehabilitation has a big affect on prisons, and society is it can have a positive, side and it can also have a negative side for example it could be good for the inmates that do the programs if there successful, and it could be bad for the inmates who are not successful. When it comes to the programs as stated in Foster as crime rates rose, some get tough on crime advocates wanted to do away with any efforts that smacked of being nice to criminals, some conservative scholars argued that retribution and incapacitation were more appropriate objectives of punishment (p.378).
With this get tough on crime with some of the inmates not doing what the program is asking them to do , and the fact that some of them would be let out are put back in to the communities raised question about the safety of the communities around the

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