It was a late afternoon during her freshman year. Young Heather McRea had just heard of her father’s first heart attack, officially known as myocardial infarction, whose symptoms include a feeling of discomfort similar to heartburn, shortness of breath, nausea, feeling faint, a cold sweat, or feeling tired. She was terrified. Suddenly, the late assignment which she was trying so hard to complete before it would no longer be accepted by her teacher seemed significantly less important. “How could this have happened?” she thought to herself. Later that night, Heather McRea had discovered the cause of her father’s heart attack. According to the doctor who had informed her of the cause of her father’s heart attack, the heart attack had most likely been caused by a diet which included excessive…show more content… Heather McRea thought about the events which she had seen happening and the events which other people with whom she had previously interacted. After a few minutes of deep thought, Heather McRea realized that she would be a better person if she was less selfish, which would mean caring more about other humans and not only about herself. The term “other humans” could be used to refer to her mother, her father, her neighbors, members of her community, humans who lived in her home, humans who lived in the same city as she did, humans who lived in the same state as she did, humans who lived in the same country as she did, humans who lived on the same planet as she did, humans who lived in the same solar system as she did, humans who were the same age as she was, humans who were the same height as she was, humans who were born to the same family as she was, humans whose eyes were the same color as her eyes were, humans whose hair was the same color as her hair was, humans whose recommended shoe size was the same as her recommended shoe size was, or humans whose color preference was the same as hers. Heather was also ready to support