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Commerce Clause Definition

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The relationship of Commerce Clause and Civil Rights Act of 1964 related to terminating segregation. The major supreme court cases that dealt with Civil Rights Act and Commerce Clause are, Heart of Atlanta v. United States, Boynton v. United States, Katzenback v. McClung and Daniel v. Paul. These cases presented the unfair of discrimination treatment based on their color. Also, these cases showed the power of congress able to extend their necessary power for commerce to regulate the interstate in order does not interfere commerce. However, some disagreed there is not enough evidence to show discrimination, but no less than selecting their arrangement of business. The congress did enforce the civil rights as the court saw separate and unequal which violated the constitutional rights.
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a law passed to declare equality for all regardless race, sex, or religion. Although the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment declared freedom and equality there was still discrimination and segregation after it was imposed. After President Kennedy’s death, Martin Luther king Jr and President Lyndon B. Johnson continued pressuring for the civil rights law to pass. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 enforced the Fourteenth and …show more content…
v. United States Et Al., 1964). In discriminating, the Congress said under Section 201 (c) of the act the commerce would be affected which the Congress can interfere by then. The Civil Rights Act and the Commerce Clause gave an equality for all and the ability to regulate and prohibit any discrimination. The Congress had to deal with moral wrongs, and the Title II of the Act could resolve this issue in local activities and in state (Heart of Atlanta Motel, Inc. v. United States Et Al.,

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