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Teamwork Competency Paper

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Yes, the team members should have been instructed beforehand due to it promotes awareness and provides direction and clear defined roles and purpose. “Teamwork skills and competencies need to be role modeled and taught” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013).
The teamwork competencies are highly relevant and important aspects of characterics that individuals should be capable of performing. The competencies should be presented beforehand so that you can build off of them. Nonetheless, you should not have a team already in effect and then try and implement competencies. According to Aguado, Rico, Sánchez-Manzanares, and Salas (2014, p. 101), “However, teamwork requires several competencies to allow its members to effectively integrate their contributions, function as a unified whole, and make an “expert team” out of a mere “group of experts.” …show more content…
Therefore, it is essential once team members comply and are competent in the importance of problem solving, mentoring, and conflict management, then they are able to effectively serve and carry out teamwork duties. According to attend unit 5, there is certain criteria that influences effective teams. The necessary criteria includes performance and viability (Bethel University, n.d.). Additionally, once team members are aware of the expectations by initially setting forth the competencies,they are able to perform well and are considered to be effective. They also present either a high or low viability in the manner of which they interact with their team members. A high performance shows that they are satisfied with the team they are on and a lower performance indicates that there could possibly be some underlying issues with the team

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