...essay will discuss the extent to which commercialization has entered into children’s culture, the particular concerns associated with this process, how valid such concerns are and whether this is an issue to be seriously addressed and rectified. The example of Disney will be used as a model to examine the influence of commercialization on children’s culture. Disney who for over 70 years and through generations has infiltrated the world of children, has simultaneously over time marketed itself into permanent existence in the daily lives of young children in America and globally. Within contemporary society the topic of commercialization and children is of high interest questioning whether the subtle and not so subtle insertions of “Disnification” are exploitive feeding on the vulnerability of children with the intention of creating children as future consumers. Thesis: Commercialization of children’s culture is becoming a global issue and in order to make any decisions about whether it should be dismissed as positive or negative is difficult to state unless you take into account various inside and outside factors at play. Understanding the forces playing on this issue such as popular culture is to understand the trends and direction in which society is generally moving. Recognizing too that such processes like commercialization cannot operate in isolation and separate from many parts of society is to identify that indeed popular culture provides the perfect venue for Disney...
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...The conflict between commercialization and socio-cultural deterioration : “Gamperaliya”, “Kaliyugaya” and “Yuganthaya” by Martin Wickramasinghe The noble trilogy of the Sinhalese literature “Gamperaliya”, “Kaliyugaya” and “Yuganthaya” by Martin Wickramasinghe, is an eminent manifestation of a real time conflict, which divulges socio-economic transformations from 18th to 19th century, during contemporary Sri Lanka. Therefore it’s needless to say that these three legendary fictions, prima facie, visualize the sequential impacts of alienation of commercialization in to the conservative social system of Sri Lanka. I would say the trilogy is, much more of commercial substance rather than for its literal importance. Nevertheless for ages, there has been a question whether the writer in his books is, merely insisting commercialisation as a big disaster, which utterly destructed the spectacular socio cultural system inherited to Sri Lankans. Through, reading between the lines one could clearly say that, he was not at all assaulting commercialization, but the snobbish affectation of the society, sculptured through westernization, who took wrong the purpose of commercialization. (Sarathchandra,E. 1997) Therefore my discussion intend to stress, commercialization is not the key of destruction but the key of success for a nation’s development. My theory is built upon two facts that question the validity of the arguments of ancient critics like Piyadasa Sirisena, who plainly renege economic...
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...subjugated by enterprise persons to conceive profit. Of all the performers on MTV, rappers obtain the most vigilance for their proficiency to continue their proficiency to articulate their outlooks in bold manners. Hip-hop has evolved considerably since the end of the 1980’s when it was advised to be the CNN for very dark youth by Chuck D. It was inescapable for Hip-Hop to originate from the below ground sound and become more commercialized at one issue or another. However, if this action was a contradictory or affirmative occurrence is contended about by many. Commercialization is generally the submission of enterprise in alignment to earnings or to exploit. This procedure has stayed one of the objectives of persons in the hip-hop culture. Hip-hop devotes persons the opening to display their gifts of rapping, break-dancing, DJing and graffiti to profit from cash and reside what was advised a perfect lifestyle. The culture of Hip-Hop is going into the mainstream by the use of melodies and corrects publicizing. A couple of persons make it and become very thriving and other ones manage not do well and wreck their reputation. Jay-Z is effortlessly one of the most thriving hip-hop creative individuals having had a snare worth of roughly $500 million in 2011. Jay-Z has traded round 40 million albums round the world and has obtained multiple Grammies as well as nominations. Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs, the founder of Bad Boy Records, furthermore is the...
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...popularity of Hip-Hop has been subjugated by business individuals to create profit. Of all the performers on MTV, rappers receive the most attention for their ability to extend their ability to express their views in bold manners. Hip-hop has developed significantly since the end of the 1980’s when it was considered to be the CNN for black youth by Chuck D. It was inevitable for Hip-Hop to arise from the underground sound and become more commercialized at one point or another. However, whether this movement was a negative or positive phenomenon is argued about by many. Commercialization is usually the application of business in order to profit or to exploit. This method has remained one of the objectives of people in the hip-hop culture. Hip-hop gives people the opportunity to show their talent of rapping, break-dancing, DJing and graffiti to earn money and live what was considered an ideal lifestyle. The culture of Hip-Hop is entering the mainstream via the use of music and proper publicizing. A few people make it and become very successful and others do not succeed and ruin their reputation. Jay-Z is easily one of the most successful hip-hop artists having had a net worth of approximately $500 million in 2011. Jay-Z has sold around 40 million albums around the world and has received multiple Grammies as well as nominations. Sean ‘P. Diddy’ Combs, the founder of Bad Boy Records, also is the founder of the...
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...INNOVATION MANAGEMENT WBB 10202 Perspective of Innovation NURULIZA RASLAN UniKL - RCMP University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 CONTENTS • The Factors that affect innovation • • • • Creativity versus Innovation The innovation continuum Sources of Innovation Innovation Culture and Myths University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 INNOVATION & SOCIETY Innovation have changed our lifestyle. Beneficial to society or not? University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 INNOVATION FACTORS CULTURE PROCESS INNOVATION RESOURCES INFRASTRUCTURE All elements/factors are equally important. No innovation if one of these 4 elements missing. Each element requires/supports each others expanding innovation Innovation by Design – defines innovation as invention plus implementation / commercialization. Invention involves the process of taking an idea and developing it into a concept. University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 Culture CULTURE University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 Trend Lifestyle Market PROCESS University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 RESOURCES University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 People Material Technology INFRASTRUCTURE University Kuala Lumpur –RCMP Innovation Management WBB 10202 Organization/ Company Vision Mission Objective University...
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...Hip-hop culture developed during the seventies. Throughout its formation, the various elements were at some time or another, deemed unacceptable. Graffiti artists faced jail sentences, break dancing became illegal in some areas, and rap music has been severely criticized for various reasons. These elements were never analyzed in an oppositional manner until recently, however. Hip-hop culture represented the claiming of urban communities by the residents. Writers decorated the empty walls of their communities in an attempt to personalize their surroundings. They also painted trains, which traveled to other communities, and in this sense they developed a living and moving art form. Break dancing claimed space simply because it utilized community space for the performance of a culture specific dance form. Finally, DJing and MCing claimed public space because the main stage for performance was often local parks where they would throw parties for the community. ?The power was supplied by the city unknowingly as community members discovered ways in which they could tap into the city's power boxes at no expense to themselves? (Shomari, 45). Therefore, the development of hip-hop culture was inherently oppositional. Rap music now viewed as an area for political debate by many, did not begin with this in mind. Rap music was developed by DJs, who used two of the same records and looped the break beats of the record, which then allowed the beat to be extended infinitely. They also used...
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...Football in America by Jeannie Ray SPM/210 - SOCIO-CULTURAL ELMNTS OF SPORT: PLAYING WELL W/OTHERS DR DION DALY August 6, 2011 Football In America American football has a long legacy in American History. It can be traced back centuries to early European cutures, influenced through the years by multiple people, changed the rules and has become a National phenomenon for Americans. American football is over 100 years old and still going strong. It has inspired songs, movies and motivated individuals to great heights in their careers and lives. American football originated with its earlier form of play that derived from a variation of the sport Rugby in 1892. There are mentions of Native Americans playing ball games but, modern American football originates in traditional ball games played at villages and schools in Europe dating many centuries before America was settled by Europeans. Reports of early settlers at Jamestown, Virginia playing games with inflated balls in the early 17th century have been noted in history also. American football is the result of several major divergences from its earlier form of rugby. The introduction of the line of scrimmage and down-and- distance are among the first major changes of the game Rugby to its conversion to American football by Walter Camp. Walter Camp is considered as the father of football. The changes that he incorporated into collegiate football became dominant in the United...
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...One central theme is the tension between tradition and commodification. From Elias's industrial food system to Opie's soul food to Jayasanker's Americanized immigrant foods, examples of the commodification and reshaping of food traditions to consumer preferences and market demands are legion. Food is constantly commodified via mass production, cultural assimilation, or commercialization for economic and cultural ends. A second general trend is how food forms and reflects American identity. Elias's work shows how mass-produced food products came to be regarded as hallmarks of modernity and middle-class respectability, whereas Opie demonstrates that the African American foodways are markers of cultural pride and politicized resistance. Jayasanker discusses the ways immigrant foods have been incorporated into and improved the greater American cuisine. Food is deeply tied to concepts of identity, whether national, racial, or cultural, in all three...
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...Innovation Organisations: The 3M Way Damian Gordon Recommended Reading 3M formerly known as the Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company Founded on the North Shore of Lake Superior at Two Harbors, Minnesota in 1902 With over 76,000 employees they produce over 55,000 products, including: adhesives, abrasives, laminates, passive fire protection, dental products, electrical materials, electronic circuits and optical films Richard Drew June 22, 1899 – December 14, 1980 American inventor who worked for 3M in St. Paul, Minnesota, where he invented; – – – Masking tape, Cellophane tape, and Duct tape. Masking Tape In 1923 3M employee Richard Drew visited an autorepair shop in St. Paul, Minnesota. 3M produced and sold sandpaper and Drew was in the shop to test out a new batch. Masking Tape When he entered the shop employees were expressing disappointment at a failed attempt to paint a car in the two-tone style that was becoming popular at the time. Masking Tape Typically how the effect was achieved was by painting part of the car in one colour while covering the other parts with butcher paper The butcher paper was usually held in place with a heavy adhesive tape. Unfortunately, removing the adhesive tape peeled away part of the paint job. THE IMPORTANT BIT: Rather than just sympathise with his customers and move on, Drew decided to do something about it. Masking Tape His company 3M had a lot of know-how in creating adhesives...
Words: 1976 - Pages: 8
...Callan Parker Ms. Faith Dickens English Honors II May 30th, 2014 Vampires: Killing Machines or Sex Machines? The sexualization and carnality of modern vampires can be tied to the commercialization of peoples interest in the supernatural and a contrasting society. In less than a century, vampires have gone from scary and repulsive monsters to beautiful, mysterious creatures. This transformation is brought on by the common advertisement of sex and the attentiveness of people to abstract societies nowadays. The look and feel of vampires has also changed due to the resources of entertainment producers and a capitalist society focused on building revenue. Nosferato vampires compared to modern vampires: In Nosferatu, the most important and popular element in the movie was the accuracy of Dracula/Count Orlok. The description in the book matches the actors portrayal, “…a tall old man, clean shaven save for a long white mustache, and clad in black from head to foot, without a single speck of colour about him anywhere,” (Stoker, 21). Later in his letter, Jonathan mentions the physical structure of the Count who stands before him: “His face was a strong—a very strong—aquiline, with a high bridge of the thin nose and peculiarly arched nostrils …The mouth, as far as I could see it under the heavy moustache, was fixed and rather cruel-looking, with peculiarly sharp white teeth; these protruded over the lips, whose remarkable ruddiness showed astonishing vitality...
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...Since the 1990s, Zambia has experienced drastic political, social and economic changes, these changes have proliferated in the media industry more especially radio broadcasting. The need for community radio stations in Zambia has risen over the past few years this is because radio is still the dominant mass-medium in Zambia and Globally. It has the widest geographical reach and the highest audiences as compared to television, newspapers and other information and communication technologies. Radio seems to have proven itself as a developmental tool, particularly with the rise of community and local radios. Therefore, its from this background that this article…. A community radio station is a type of community mass media. The different types of mass media in Zambia can be classified under print, broadcast and electronic media. A community radio station is defined as a non-profit distributing which is designed to serve specific communities of location and interest, thereby providing programming that is relevant to the community, and with management structures that represent the community the station serves. (Lewis and Jones, 2006). It is operated in the community, for the community, about the community and by the community. It is said to be a sound broadcasting station that serves a specific section of society known as a community. The ownership and management of a community radio station is representative of the community that persues a social development agenda and which is non-profit...
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...the Course 2 Week 2- Theoretical Approaches to Media, Culture and Chinese Society 3 Outline of Class 3 State and Market Framework 4 Negotiable State market Framework 4 Political Economy Approach 5 Presentation 5 WEEK 3- Media Systems and the Party State (Mao-Reform Era) 6 Anti-capitalistic and anti-imperialistic revolution (1921-1949) 6 Legitimacy 7 Maoist Socialist Practice (1949-1976) 7 Deng (1978-1992) 8 Jiang Zemin’s era- 1992-2002 10 Market Economy and Scientific Outlook on Development (2002-2012) 11 The 5th Generation 2012-2022 11 WEEK 4 11 The Shifting Role of the media: Between the party line and the bottom line 11 Focus on the Bottom line 12 State Control 12 “Popular Culture” in the context of China in post-Mao market reform era 13 The Chinese state (The Party-state) 14 The media-government/state relationship 14 The Media System and Media-State Relationship 15 Maoism/Mao Zedong Thoughts 16 Week 4- Commercial Media and Reconfigured Power Relations 16 The Party/State Structures 16 Different Party Committees 17 Ministries (under the state council) 17 Media System: 18 Central Media Outlets 18 Provincial Media Outlets 18 Universal Values: Two views 18 Week 5- Popular Culture and Cultural Industry 19 Mass Media and Popular Culture in Mao Era 19 Popular Culture 20 Popular Culture in the Mao Era 20 Broadcasting/Radio in Mao Era 20 Week 7- Media Culture in China’s Global Reintegration 21 Shifting Role of...
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...Summary of Chapter 4 & 5 Management systems can and should be changed and adapted over time to match the company’s changing needs. There is increased use of outsourcing and people who work together are separated. The online revolution has made it posible for companies to virtually extend the organisational boundaries, overcome the separation, and tap into their customers, suppliers, and partners. The main approach to ensure innovation is successful is to develop an internal marketplace. Internal Market Place: where the ideas and functions of innovation can flourish in a supply-and-demand environment. Then, the true commercial value of every idea is reflected in the management attention and funding it receives. How: 1. Internal marketplaces weigh, select and prioritize innovations for their creative and inherent commercial value and worth. 2. Management funds only the projects that they perceive have great commercial value. Organisation Cycle: 1. Introduction (Start-up Companies): Creative Market. Bias toward creativity, creativity is usually bigger than value creation processes, which is a problem since value capture helps companies develop faster, better, and cheaper deliveries. They usually focus on radical innovation. 2. Growth and maturity: Balancing creative and value capture, they need adequate measurement systems to avoid bias. Mixed portfolio of incremental, semiradical, radical innovations. 3. Greater Maturity (decline): Commercial...
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...The youth of today will become the leaders of tomorrow and equipping them with the neccessary skills will make them an efficient and effective entrepreneur that can move the economy forward (Oviawe, 2010). In order words, if Nigerian youth posess adequate entrepreneurial culture in our universities, they will shun restiveness and embrace innovative ideas that will provide an environment for business start-ups. But since the introduction of this mandatory entrepreneurship education in our universities over a decade, are the youth living up to this standard? This study therefore seeks to investigate the entrepreneurial culture of Nigerian youths in Ogun state-owned universities; assessing the level of each of the dimensions of entrepreneurial culture in Ogun state owned universities and thus providing recommendation that can promote effective entrepreneurial culture in our...
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...The Death of Radio: an Analysis based on Mass Communication as a Political Economy and Culture Saad Rana ICMS Abstract Before the advent of television, radio was the form of broadcast medium to disseminate information to the masses. Broadcasters announced news, provided infotainment, as well as entertainment in the form of stories and shows with live audiences in the studio. This paper will look at radio as a form of mass communication, the proliferation of other types of broadcast media. The paper will try to understand the political economy of the industry and how it has become big business by analyzing Murdock and Golding's The Industrialization of Mass Communications. MacDonald's Theory of Mass Culture will be dissected to understand that although radio was a form of mass culture, it provided entertainment to the masses, which allows the economy to thrive. Discussion In their paper, 'The Industrialization of Mass Communications,' Murdock and Golding imply that mass communications—how people or organizations communicate to the masses—is a money-making industry, and like all other industries such as technological, auto etc.; it is susceptible to losing its value for what it was intended to be –a pure form of communicating to the masses. Their theory on mass communications focuses on the industry as a political economy which is how an economy cycles, questioning and arguing the ownership and control of media, factors that bring together media industries with other...
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