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Communicating the Value


Submitted By CamilaVi
Words 1105
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Communicate the Value: Brand Identity Prism and
Integrated Marketing Communications Brief
Devry University Keller School of Management

CHANEL VISION: "To be the Ultimate House of Luxury, defining style and creating desire, now and forever."
Chanel is a privately held company owned by Alain and Gerard Wertheimer, grandsons of Pierre Wertheimer, who was an early business partner of Coco Chanel. Its products cover clothes, fragrances, handbags and watches. The brand is most famous for its “little black dress”, the Chanel No. 5 perfume and the Chanel Suit. Karl Lagerfeld joined Chanel as its creative director in 1983. Revenues were up in all categories in 2013 and the brand opened nine beauty boutiques, including its first in France and China. It is the #79 World’s most valuable brand.
Brand Identity Prism

Problem description: Coco Chanel is an icon on the luxury brands. It has a strong background and its reputation is implacable. It is recognized for being symbol of glamour but as well hard work and good management; because of its rich story and trajectory, the new campaign has to maintain that distinction but at the same time being able to express that the brand, besides style and luxury, also has a great story to tell about Coco Chanel (the founder) and her entrepreneurial qualities. People recognize the brand as a luxury fashion brand, which is right; however, we want to launch a campaign where we highlight another brand attributes: Coco Chanel as a successful entrepreneurial, smart woman and overall a prosper business with class and positive impact.
Objective: As part of our annual strategic planning, we have decided to expend $10 millions in a campaign that creates the awareness of our brand as symbol of success, savvy management and brilliant ideas. Our brand is not just about getting a consumer to choose us over our competitors. It is about getting them to see the brand as the only solution to their desire; for that reason we have to cover all the benefits the customer is looking for: functional, emotional, self-expressive; being the self-expressive need the one we want to focus more.
The global luxury market is on target to reach 223 billion € in 2014, aided by a 5 percent bump in growth this year (at constant exchange rates, +2 percent at current) – down just slightly from seven percent in 2013 (+3 percent at current exchange rates). With the exception of Japan, China and South America, all markets are now strongly driven by touristic spending – who is buying matters more than where they are buying .
Our audience is defined below:
Wealthy Older Family Mix: The residents of Money & Brains seem to have it all: high incomes, advanced degrees, and sophisticated tastes to match their credentials. Many of these city dwellers are married couples with few children who live in fashionable homes on small, manicured lots.
Wealthy Older w/o Kids: The nation's most exclusive address, Upper Crust is the wealthiest lifestyle in America--a haven for empty-nesting couples over the age of 55. No segment has a higher concentration of residents earning over $100,000 a year and possessing a postgraduate degree. And none has a more opulent standard of living. Blue Blood Estates is a family portrait of suburban wealth, a place of million-dollar homes and manicured lawns, high-end cars and exclusive private clubs. The nation's second-wealthiest lifestyle is characterized by married couples with children, graduate degrees, a significant percentage of Asian Americans, and six-figure incomes earned by business executives, managers, and professionals.
Elite Suburbs: The most affluent suburban social group, Elite Suburbs is a world of six-figure incomes, post-graduate degrees, single-family homes, and managerial and professional occupations. The segments here are predominantly white with significant concentrations of well-off Asian-Americans. Befitting their lofty salaries, S1 members are big consumers of large homes, expensive clothes, luxury cars, and foreign travel. Despite representing a small portion of the U.S. population, they hold a large share of the nation's personal net worth.
Coco Chanel besides to be another luxury fashion brand “It’s a philosophy, a state of mind, a statement, a label, worn with pride to say to the world I’ve arrived”
Our target perceive us as a very well-known luxury brand, which offers them distinction and also high quality products. The purpose of this new campaign is giving them the sense of winners, making identify the brand a successful business model, woman entrepreneurship and recognition. Most of the luxury brands, have been created by very successful business wealthy entrepreneurial persons that have being smart enough to shine more than for their money, for their management and brilliant ideas. That is Coco Chanel, and icon of successful, distinguished and achiever woman.
Even the use of her celebrity phrases would be desirable on this campaign, i.e. “Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity” Coco Chanel.
This campaign would not pretend to change logo, colors or any of the physical actual characteristics of the brand, but to conceive and smart, deep and creative idea to make the fact of a distinguished celebrity who was elegant until the end of her days, but also brilliant and a role model.

• Digital Communication
• Personal Selling
• TV
• Magazines
The project budget is $10 millions of dollars, including all of the deliverables we want for our communication mix.
• Product excellence by itself in not enough. Coco Chanel as one of the top luxury brand must perform at an experiential level as well.
• As luxury consumers evolve, not only does product quality act as a point of differentiation, but also as substance to justify a premium value and pricing. We have to be able to offer to our customers an idea that satisfy their self-expressive needs. Recognition and success, to keywords for this project.
• While pedigree factor is important to celebrate the years of mastery or lineage, it is crucial to generate ongoing relevance and dynamism through the persona, PR and public-figure factor. To emphasis on Coco Chanel trajectory as a public figure and woman entrepreneur.

Retrieved from:
THE CHANEL BAND, Corporate Brands
Retrieved from:
CHANEL, Forbes, November 2014
Retrieved from:
BRAND STORIES, October 16, 2013 Coco Chanel: Masterful Storytelling in The Luxury Branding Industry
Retrieved from:

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