...SUMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN DALAM MEMPERKASAKAN TAMADUN BANGSA : PERSPEKTIF ISLAM Berdasarkan jurnal Sumbangan Pendidikan dalam Memperkasakan Tamadun Bangsa: Perspektif Islam karya Ahmad Munawar Ismail dan Noranizah Yusuf, pendidikan adalah aspek yang boleh membentuk nilai-nilai moral dan mampu juga membangkit kemusyikilan dalam kalangan masyarakat. Hal ini berbeza dalam pendidikan Islam, kewujudan kitab-kitab suci seperti Al-Quran, Al-Sunnah dan Hadith bukan digunakan untuk keimanan sahaja tetapi untuk mendidik dan memupuk kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan dalam sesebuah masyarakat. Pendidikan dari perspektif Islam merupakan sesuatu ajaran yang luas skopnya, bersifat holistik, dan tidak sememangnya tegar atau sempit ajarannya yang difahami oleh sesetengah orang. Tambahan pula, pengajaran pendidikan Islam juga bertujuan untuk memantapkan pemikiran dan pandangan seseorang individu terhadap ajarannya serta akhlak masyarakat berteraskan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah. Jika umat Islam gagal menerapkan pendidikan Islam berasaskan Al-Quran dan Al-Sunnah, maka umat Islam tersebut mampu terjebak dalam lembah kehinaan. Jurnal ini juga telah memberi beberapa konsep,falsafah dan objektif pendidikan Islam. Antaranya ialah, pendidikan Islam adalah pendidikan yang falsafah dan tujuan serta teori-teorinya dibangun untuk melaksanakan praktik pendidikan yang didasarkan kepada nilai-nilai Islam yang terkandung dalam Al-Quran dan Hadis Nabi (H.M Chabib Thoha, 1996:3). Jika ditelusuri, Al-Quran...
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...produced many leaders in the field of education, religion (scholars), statesman even hero, so it can not be denied the role and contribution to the character with establishment of the Nation, such as Wahid Hashim, Hamka, Hasyim Muzadi, Mahfud MD. In the contemporary context, encountered symptom of moral decline that is really worrying, such as fraud, deceit, oppression, and harm each other, even fight each other which not only affects adults but also among the students, as a generation, have tarnished the credibility of the education (Nata, 2003), it was time for madrasah to act more minimizing the deterioration of the nation and mankind in general, as well as the role of madrasah Baitul Hikmah during the golden age of Islam, which has contributed greatly to progress Islam. This role should be transferred by madrasah to be applied at this time, so it is going to become a laboratory of religion education and research center of scientific activity, which gave the intellectual leaders in various disciplines. Similarly madrasah expected to...
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...National University of Malaysia Jurnal Hadhari Bil. 3 (2010) 61-84 Institute of Islam Hadhari CABARAN INTEGRASI ANTARA KAUM DI MALAYSIA: PERSPEKTIF SEJARAH, KELUARGA DAN PENDIDIKAN MOHD RIDHUAN TEE ABDULLAH ABSTRAK Kajian berkaitan dengan integrasi kaum di Malaysia agak kompleks. Ini kerana, sosio politik setiap kaum bersifat perkauman. Agen-agen seperti sejarah, pendidikan, media, parti politik dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan amat kuat mencengkam budaya politik setiap kaum. Akhirnya, lahirlah setiap bangsa yang memperjuangkan kepentingan masing-masing. Bukti-bukti ini diperolehi melalui tinjauan yang dibuat ke atas kajian-kajian sebelum ini. Keadaan tidak banyak berubah sehingga ke hari ini. Kajian ini bertujuan menilai sejauh mana pengaruh agen sosio politik seperti sejarah, institusi keluarga dan pendidikan yang dilalui meninggalkan kesan terhadap hubungan antara kaum. Hasil kajian menunjukkan sosio-politik perkauman melahirkan sentimen perkauman yang tinggi. Integrasi masih lagi samar. Realitinya, sentimen perkauman masih kuat mencengkam budaya politik masyarakat berbilang kaum. Kata Kunci: Integrasi nasional, sosialisasi politik, politik etnik, agenda nasional, perpaduan ABSTRACT Study on integration and unity among races in Malaysia is quite complex. These are due to the facts that the political socialization agents process i.e. history, education, social, economy and politic, are race oriented. Every race fights for their own interest. Most of the past research...
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...978-983-44372-3-7 (pbk.) 1. Islamic religious education--Southeast Asia. 2. Islam--Education--Southeast Asia. I. Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad. II. Jory, Patrick. 297.77 First Printed 2011 © 2011 Kamaruzzaman Bustamam-Ahmad & Patrick Jory Publisher: Yayasan Ilmuwan D-0-3A, Setiawangsa Business Suites, Taman Setiawangsa, 54200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – for example, electronic, photocopy, recording – without prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed review. The opinions expressed in this publication is the personal views of the authors, and do not necessary reflect the opinion of the publisher. Layout and cover design: Font: Font size: Printer: Hafizuldin bin Satar Goudy Old Style 11 pt Gemilang Press Sdn Bhd iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS T his book grew out of a three-day workshop jointly held by the Regional Studies Program, Walailak University, and the Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies, Copenhagen University, in Nakhon Si Thammarat, southern Thailand, in 2006. The theme of the workshop was, “Voices of Islam in Europe and Southeast Asia”. Its aim was to gather leading scholars in the fields of Islamic Studies from diverse disciplinary backgrounds to discuss contemporary developments in the study of Islam and Muslim societies in...
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...FAKTOR – FAKTOR ISLAM BERKEMBANG PESAT DI NUSANTARA Impak Hubungan Islam – Barat Ketidaksukaan masyarakat Barat terhadap Islam lebih kerana the ignorance of Islam dan ini akan semakin berkurang. Umat Islam di Barat akan menjadi komunikasi yang efektif dan duta-duta yang handal untuk menjelaskan dan memperlihatkan wajah Islam yang sesungguhnya di sana. Melalui mereka, nasib umat Islam diluar Barat akan disuarakan dan penderitaan demi penderitaan negara-negara Muslim akibat dominasi Barat yang kebanyakannya bijak yang tidak adil akan berkurang. Akibat dari ajaran Islam yang semakin tersebar di Barat dan suara politik kaum Muslimin semakin kuat, jambatan untuk terciptanya saling pemahaman dan pengertian akan semakin kondusif dan menguat. Islam dan Barat mudah-mudahan akan masuk ke dalam sebuah equilibrium sejarah baru yang lebih adil, lebih fair dan lebih demokratis . http://moeflich.wordpress.com/2008/03/18/islam-di-amerika-keajaiban-bernama-911/ Perdagangan Penyebaran Islam telah disumbangkan oleh golongan pedagang yang sekali gus bertindak sebagai mubaligh. Ada dalam kalangan mereka adalah golongan ulama dan golongan sufi. Walaupun pada peringkat awal tumpuan perdagangan ialah dengan negara China, akan tetapi pedagang-pedagang terpaksa singgah berbulan-bulan lamanya di pelabuhan-pelabuhan Kepulauan Melayu untuk menunggu angin yang sesuai untuk meneruskan pelayaran ke China atau untuk pulang ke Tanah Arab. Dalam jangka masa yang panjang ini, pedagang-pedagang ini mempunyai...
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...Pertahanan Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) Kem Sungai Besi, 57000 Kuala Lumpur. MALAYSIA azan@upnm.edu.my / juraimy@upnm.edu.my / hasanalbanna@upnm.edu.my ² Fakulti Pengajian Komtemporari Islam, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin (UNISZA) Gong Badak, 21300 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu. MALAYSIA amandaima@unisza.edu.my Abstrak Kajian ini bertujuan menganalisis strategi peperangan dan pertahanan dalam beberapa siri peperangan utama yang dipimpin dan dirancang sendiri oleh Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. dalam menegakkan keadilan dan hak asasi kemanusiaan serta menyebarkan syiar Islam. Perancangan Baginda S.A.W. yang teliti dan teratur telah menghasilkan satu jentera perang walaupun kecil tetapi seimbang dan berupaya menghadapi musuh. Strategi berkesan yang digunakan telah memerangkap pihak musuh dalam keadaan yang tidak dijangkakan. Setiap perancangan dan pelancaran operasi ketenteraan telah dipimpin oleh Baginda S.A.W. sendiri. Di bawah kepimpinan Baginda S.A.W., tentera-tentera Islam telah dididik dan dilatih dengan peraturan moral, keimanan yang teguh bagi menghidupkan keyakinan dalam hati serta mempersiapkan aspek psikologi dan jasmani. Hasil strategi peperangan dan pertahanan yang berlandaskan kepada AlQuran dan kepimpinan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. telah menjamin kejayaan tentera Islam. Baginda S.A.W. sangat berlaku adil terhadap tentera pimpinannya, iaitu setiap tindakan ketenteraan yang diambil adalah hasil perbincangan dan rundingan yang dibuat dengan para sahabat. Berdasarkan kebijaksanaan...
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...1 | 20228572 | MI AL HIDAYAH C.A. | JL. CAGAR ALAM PANMAS | 2 | 20228573 | MI AL HIKMAH | JL. H. KENAN NO.72 | 3 | 20228574 | MI AL MAU’IZHAH | BANJARAN PUCUNG | 4 | 20228575 | MI AL-HIDAYAH I | KEL. JATIMULYA RT.04/02 | 5 | 20228576 | MI AL-HIDAYAH II | KEBON DUREN RT.01/01 | 6 | 20228577 | MI AL-HIDAYAH ARCO | JL. KEMANG NO.2 KOMP. ARCO | 7 | 20228578 | MI AL-HIDAYAH CIPAYUNG | KP. TAMAN CIPAYUNG RT.01/11 | 8 | 20228579 | MI AL-IKHLAS | LEUWINANGGUNG | 9 | 20228580 | MI AL-ISLAHIYAH | PARUNGKULON RT.04/06 DUMEK | 10 | 20228581 | MI ARRAHMAN | JL. MAWAR RAYA RT.03/04 NO.17 | 11 | 20228582 | MI ATTAQWA | JL. RAYA PENGASINAN RT.01/06 | 12 | 20228583 | MI FA’RUL HIDAYAH | JL. MASJID ARRAHMAN, SAWANGAN BARU | 13 | 20228584 | MI FATAHILLAH | JL. RAYA BOGOR KM.31 | 14 | 20228585 | MI HASMI AL HASANI | CIMPAEUN | 15 | 20228586 | MI HAYATUL ISLAMIYAH | JL. ABDUL WAHAB RT.01/05 | 16 | 20228587 | MI HIDAYATUL ATHFAL SERUA | JL. MANDOR TADJIR RT.02/05 SERUA | 17 | 20228588 | MI HIDAYATUSSIBYAN | JL. ESTATE JATIJAJAR 02/08 | 18 | 20228589 | MI IRSYADUL ATHFAL | JL. H. ABDUL GANI, CILODONG | 19 | 20228590 | MI KHOIRUL HUDA BEDAHAN | JL. H. SULAEMAN NO.9 BEDAHAN | 20 | 20228591 | MI MASYARIKUL ANWAR | JL. RAYA CURUG RT.03/09 | 21 | 20228592 | MI MIFTAHUL ANWAR | LEUWINANGGUNG | 22 | 20228593 | MI MIFTAHUL FALAH | JL. BANYU MEDAL NO.35 RT.01/05 | 23 | 20228594 | MI MIFTAHUL HUDA | JL. RAYA PONDOK PETIR RT.03/01 | 24 | 20228595 | MI MIFTAHUL HUDA...
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...and Director Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding Georgetown University islamic leviathan Islam and the Making of State Power Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr Islamic Leviathan Islam and the Making of State Power Ú seyyed vali reza nasr 1 2001 3 Oxford Athens Chennai Kolkata Nairobi New York Auckland Bangkok Bogotá Buenos Aires Cape Town Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Paris São Paul Shanghai Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto Warsaw and associated comapnies in Berlin Ibadan Copyright © 2001 by Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr Published by Oxford University Press, Inc., 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza, 1960 – Islamic leviathan : Islam and the making of state power / Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr. p. cm.—(Religion and global politics) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-19-514426-0 1. Malaysia—Politics and government. 2. Islam and politics—Malaysia. 3. Pakistan—Politics and government—1988 – 4. Islam and politics—Pakistan. I. Title. II. Series. DS597.2.N37 2001 322′.1′095491—dc21 00-064968 ...
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...UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK ------------------------------------------------- 94300 KOTA SAMARAHAN, SARAWAK ------------------------------------------------- FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES SSF 2014 RESEARCH METHODS RESEARCH PROPOSAL TAJUK: RUANG KOMUNIKASI SERTA BUDAYA PELAJAR LELAKI LEMBUT DAN PERSEPSI PELAJAR NORMAL DI UNIMAS DISEDIAKAN UNTUK PROF DR DIMBAB NGIDANG DISEDIAKAN OLEH MOHD NASHRIQ BIN NIZAM 37120 WA02 DUE DATE: 11 APRIL 2014 Isi Kandungan Tajuk | BAB 1PENGENALAN * 1.0 Pendahuluan * 1.1 Latar Belakang Kajian * 1.2 Penyataan Masalah * 1.3 Persoalan Kajian * 1.4 Matlamat Kajian * 1.5 Objektif Kajian * 1.6 Skop Kajian * 1.7 Kepentingan KajianBAB 2KAJAN LITERATUR * 2.0 Pengenalan * 2.1 Definisi Konsep dan Operasional * 2.2 Teori Kajian * 2.3 Hipotesis * 2.4 RumusanBAB 3KAJIAN METODOLOGI * 3.0 Pendahuluan * 3.1 Jenis Metodologi * 3.2 Pengumpulan Data * 3.3 Populasi Kajian * 3.4 Persampelan * 2.5 Instrumen Kajian * 2.6 Kawasan Kajian * 2.7 Skop Kajian * 2.8 Kod Etika * 2.9 Limitasi KajianRUJUKANAPPENDIX | BAB 1 PENGENALAN 1.0 Pendahuluan Bahagian ini menerangkan tentang latar belakang kajian, persoalan kajian, pernyataan masalah, matlamat kajian, objektif kajian, skop kajian dan kepentingan kajian. Pada 18 Julai 2011, Mohd. Ashraf Hafiz telah menggemparkan tanah air dengan membuat permohonan untuk menukar status jantinanya kepada perempuan di Mahkamah Sesyen Kuala Terengganu. Dia dikatakan...
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...CETUSAN SAINS ISLAM Oleh Hafizah Iszahanid dan Nasron Sira Rahim Berita Harian Rahsia ilmu sains, teknologi dinyatakan dalam al-Quran terus dibongkar “BACALAH dengan nama Tuhanmu yang menciptakan sekian makhluk. Ia menciptakan manusia dari sebuku darah beku. Bacalah dan Tuhanmu yang Maha Pemurah; yang mengajar manusia melalui pena dan tulisan. Ia mengajar manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya,” (al-Alaq: 1 hingga 5). Dimulakan dengan wahyu pertama daripada Al-Quran itu, dunia Jahiliyah yang menggambarkan kemunduran tamadun manusia dari segi sains, teknologi dan intelektual sekitar zaman Rasulullah SAW terus dipacu menuju ke puncak pencapaian. Berdasarkan teori dan asas pengetahuan pelbagai bidang yang termaktub dalam al-Quran, kajian demi kajian dipelopori umat Islam mewujudkan satu tamadun gemilang dari sudut ilmu, khususnya sains dan teknologi. Ketika al-Quran diturunkan, pelbagai fakta di dalamnya jelas masih asing di kalangan manusia ketika itu. Tiada siapa mengetahui hakikat kehidupan seperti tertera dalam al-Quran antaranya cakerawala bergerak secara terapung (Yaasiin: 40), bumi bergerak (An-Naml: 88), pokok menghasilkan bahan bakar (Yaasiin: 80), atom adalah benda terkecil (Yunus: 61) dan semakin tinggi semakin sukar bernafas (Al-An'aam: 125). Berbekalkan maklumat daripada kalam Allah itu, umat Islam mula meneroka ilmu sains dan kegemilangannya memuncak pada adab ketujuh apabila umat Islam menunjukkan kecenderungan dan minat mengkaji serta mempelajari...
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...Islam, which is today, one of the greatest religions of the world had its origin in Arabia in the seventh century. The doctrines of this faith were first proclaimed by Proclaimed by Prophet Muhammad under whose banner the scattered tribes of Arabia became a nation. Prophet Muhammad was born in A.D. 570 at Mecca in Arabia. From the beginning, Muhammad was absorbed in religion. He would often withdraw and spend days and night at a cave near Mt. Hira close to Mecca. Here he meditated and prayed. One night, as he was alone in the cave the angle Gabriel appeared to him and proclaimed Muhammad to be the messenger of Allah. He bade Muhammad to spread his faith among the people of Arabia. Muhammad accepted this as a true revelation from heaven and it encouraged him to now announce his mission. He openly announced himself as the prophet of Allah, ‘divinely commissioned to lead the Arab people to a new morality and a monotheistic faith’. Muhammad condemned the worship of many gods and idols, as was then prevalent amongst the Arab tribes. By doing so, he turned the Arabs and also his own tribesmen against himself. He was abused and stoned by them. Some Arabs got together to plan his murder. He took shelter in Medina. His flight to Medina with a group of followers on July 2, A.D. 622 is known as the Hijra and is regarded as the official beginning of the Mohammedan era. In Medina, Muhammad preached his religion and won many flowers. Muhammad said, “Allah is most great” and founded...
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...Faith Diversity We live in a multicultural society where we come in contact with various religions or denominations. To practice nursing competently, nurses need to be knowledgeable about various different faiths and be able to relate to patients of different cultures and faiths (Griffith, 2009). It is important for healthcare professionals and caregivers to understand faith diversity and their healthcare practices in order to provide them with holistically appropriate care (Griffith, 2009). The purpose of this paper is to discuss three types of faiths, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islamic, as compare and contrast with Christianity, what their perspectives and components are on healing, and healthcare implications when providing care. Perspectives and Components on Healing Buddhism Buddhism originated from Asia. This is a philosophy based on Buddha’s life, “The Enlightened One” (SDH, n. d.). Buddha taught us that suffering arises from our craving and attachment, that we can free ourselves from these attachments through meditation, a path of wisdom, and morality (SDH, n. d.). According to the Buddhist philosophy, they believe in healing inwardly, that the individuals are responsible for their own wellbeing and the nature of living determines their health (Unknown, 2012). Suffering is optional. Health is an important aspect of Buddhism and they believe that the body is a temple, is sacred and should be well care for and respected. The body should be kept pure and should not have...
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...Spanish Empire. During the building process of their empires, the Ottoman and the Spanish both developed many similarities in their political, social, and economic affairs. A similarity between these empires was that they both had some type of slave system. Even though they did have some things in common there were also many differences that were between these empires. Some differences between these two were that the Ottomans had the devshirme slave system and the Spanish had the encomienda system. The devshirme system was the practice in which the Ottomans recruited and then forcibly took Christian boys from their families and put them in Ottoman society. These Christian boys were called Janissaries. The Janissaries were converted to Islam and trained so that they could obtain a high position in society such as being a military leader or a high administrator. The reason for this system was that the Ottomans wanted to have the most able men trained to lead the empire. The encomienda system was a practice employed by the Spanish during the colonization of the Americas. It was used to regulate Native American labor. In this system, Spanish-Americans were given grants from Spain for which they had to take care of a certain number of Native Americans. These men that were given grants were instructed to teach the natives the Spanish language and convert them to Christianity. In return, these men were allowed to take tribute from the natives in the form of labor and gold. This system...
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...de Souza Leão Jensen Cpr.nr. 170588-3218 Characters: 22. 050 Introduction Dubai is claimed by many to be the centre of the Middle East, and by some, of the world. Connecting many countries, continents, cultures and people Dubai is a very cosmopolitan place that combines old tradition and religion with modernity, innovation, pioneering and extravagance. From the old traditional souks to the new modern malls we see people from all over the world, dressed in many different ways. It is sometimes easy to spot where people come from, especially if they are wearing a traditional costume for their culture. The locals of Dubai and the surrounding Emirates are called Emirati and the official religion of the United Arab Emirates is Islam. The traditional dress of the Muslim woman from the UAE is the Abaya, a kind of maxi dress or robe, it is long, has long sleeves, it is loose fitting and in the UAE it is generally black and simple, it is made of very thin fabric to make it cool in the scorching summers of Dubai and the surrounding Emirates. Muslim women in different parts of the world wear different garments, but all with the same purpose, to cover the body and not show the shape of the body, but in Dubai there is a large number of women in the black Abayas. There is a great contrast between the tourists, wearing tank tops and shorts revealing a lot of skin, and the Muslim women covering up their entire body, and some even their faces. There are many misconceptions, assumptions...
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...Critical Thinking Paper Final Paper Critical Thinking – PHI 210 12/14/2012 Religions are the Cause of War Most religions are not complex in their beliefs. There is a God and his angels or a hierarchy of deities to get to God. There is a heaven and a hell of sorts that the person will go to when they pass on. Most times this depends on how you treated your fellow man or what you did to show God how you felt about him. It’s a no brainer really, the whole “Do unto others as you have them do unto you” or a form of this is in every religion. Then let’s not forget the Messiah or Prophet. Every religion has one. The messiah/prophet was sent by God; a form of himself as human to save humanity from their evil ways. In some religions he was born of the virgin and in others he did not get his calling until he was older. They are more than life and do no wrong. They go throughout the world helping the poor. A Robin Hood if you will; who took from the rich to give to the poor. Religions are rooted and grounded in tradition and give people something to believe in. A “Higher Power”. The “Higher Power” gives a sense of direction. The church through religion gives guidance on how to live our lives and be better people. Regardless of religion or sect, the church brings people together for understanding of the religion and to pray. The church plays an important and is very influential role in the way people live or conduct their lives (Erwin, 2012). With most religions...
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