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Development of Children and Violent Video Games


Submitted By jerrypierre99
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The Development of Children and Violent Video Games
Jerry Pierre
Post University

Strategic analytical studies including well-identified statistics have shown that the violence between youth is increasing drastically every year. Inconsiderable amount of people blame Mainstream Musical Artists in all genres who portray abrogating actions, as something affirmative. Others might blame the guardians for not overseeing their children, but many people fail to convey technology as a bombshell. The au courant DVD that visually shows violent sex acts and violence or computers that give adolescence ingress to unauthorized sites, technology is something that many guardians need to have full introspection awareness. Annulling video games can also have a major impact on a child’s introspective and vitality. Video games have a negative impact on young children’s behavior in today’s commonality.
Video games are expediently the utmost asked for when a child sits on Saint Nicholas lap the season of nativity, to include when making a wish while blowing out the candles on their birthday cake. The latest installment in the Modern Warfare 3 video game franchise Call of Duty reached outlandish sales of $775,000,000 in five days. At Sixty dollars, that means that this game is present in over 12,000,000 homes worldwide. Whereas the gaming industry is a remunerative one, it can also have contrary effects on children and adolescents. Scientific studies, done by researchers and psychologist around the world, show that impetuous video games can be detrimental in both children and adolescents, transmogrify brain functions, causing overly belligerent behavior, feelings of assailing, demoniac, violence and childhood obesity. Youth education also suffers because video game addiction and lack of sleep. Some solutions need to be thought out and enacted for the physical and mental health of children and adolescents worldwide. (Tito 2011)

The year of 1999, the most diabolical high school shooting in history had procreated Dylan Klebold 17 and Eric Harris 18 emptied fire at Columbine High School killing 13 blameless bystanders. “In fact, the pair’s suicidal attack was planned as a grand- if badly implemented- terrorist bombing that quickly devolved into a 49- minute shooting rampage when the bombs Harris built fizzled.” Thereafter, detectives linked these misfortunes to multiple video games including “Doom”, and “Mortal Combat” Violent video games conclusively promote violence to its gamers through repeated exposure, boundless accessibility, and the breeding of aggressive behavior, while video game companies satisfy in their own selfish desires at the cost of mankind serenity. ( staff 2009)
Let’s get back to the basics; How did the industry of video games gain so much ground? Where did it start? Antecedent to the 1980’s, they were what people may consider essential computer games, adequately sold as coin- operated games, and home consoles. Momentarily after the North-American video game crash of 1983, an immense recession hit the economy and then the Nintendo entertainment system prevailed in popularity that has only continued to grow. In years since, the gaming world has aggrandized and partition into diverse grouping. There are erratic, serious and educational games ranging from console games to online role-playing games to the most recent and mushrooming market of locomotive games.
In 2013, the ecumenical merchandise totaled $93 billion. Video games are intentional to target different facets of children’s lives, these video games are engrossed to brainwash children. What child is going to designate a game about learning verses a game where they can kill zombies and prostitutes all in one stroke, or drive luxurious car’s at fractious chucks of speed. A study from Buchman and Funk found that “Hysterical Games” became routinely popular across grades for both boys and girls. Educational games were less popular for some boys and girls being asked, but throughout all age groups, violent video games never lost their superior power in the gaming industry. Studies have shown the pessimistic accouterments violent video games have on the younger generation. Although these studies do not directly regulate if assault increases in their examination, they are able to observe detectable changes that include more combative patience. Teenyboppers who play more violent video games are more likely to increase aggressive speculations, insensitivity, and poor conduct. Climate aftermath of video game violence in kids is depressed by the games. Juveniles are rewarded for being more savage; the act of brutality is done frequently. The child is in domination of the assault and involvement the violence in his own eyes (Bloodshed, Kicking, Acuminating and Shooting).
This active aid, repetition and reward are adequate tools for learning behavior. Undeniably many studies seem to announce that violent electronic games may be akin to destructive conduct. Withal, the indication is not persistent and this t just so seems that is far not established. Many experts including, Henry Jenkins of Massachusetts Institute of Technology have acclaimed that there is a deteriorate rate of children crime which correspond with acceptance of games acting as death race, Dungeon and dragons and Grand theft auto. He concluded that teenage gamers are able to leave the sentimental change of the game behind when the game is over. ( 2010)
Certainly there are documents of teenagers who pursue violent crimes also spend numerous of time playing video games such as those convoluted Newport cases. It turns out there will always be violent individuals. Correspondingly concluding those who mainly played Solitary games generally execute better academically and were less likely to perform aggressions. Winded up that any accouterments were small and that altogether video games were at most a “Satisfactorily Significant, yet secondary factor” in shaping juvenile behavior. Analyst interviewed just over 200 children between the ages of 10 and 11 about their playing habits along with how long they spend each day and what type of games they favored. Meanwhile their teachers were asked to approach the children’s academic engagement, tolerance and ability to deal with situation. Two thirds of children said they played video games every day – albeit boys were almost twice as likely as girls to do such. Around one in 10 afore said they gamed more than three hours a day, again a group dominated by boys. Overall individuals who played for less than an hour a day were less likely to have dilemmas such as encroachment than those who did play at all.
Individuals who spend more than three hours a day portrayed higher levels of invasions and were less academically engaged. Taken together, this recommended that capacity may play a larger role than the quality of game played. As stated in the introduction, statistics are growing rapidly each year and the children are unaware of the mental holds technology is having on their state of mind. Not all guardians are technologically savvy so they are not up to date with the violence that cross over the television screen into their homes.


Tito, G. (2011, November 17). Modern Warfare 3 Beaks every Sale Record Known to Man. Retrieved from Staff. (2009). Columbine High School shootings. Retrieved from (2010, February 3). Henry Jenkins, PhD. Retrieved from:

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