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Video Games Exploratory Research

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Video Games and Their Effect on Childhood Development: Exploratory Essay It is no surprise that in the digital age of today- many, if not most children have access to some form of video games. In fact, 48% of American households own some sort of device that can be used for gaming. These devices include computers, video game consoles, smartphones, wireless devices, and handheld gaming systems (Logfren). The number one selling game of 2017 thus far is Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands, which is a tactical shooting game, number two is For Honor, a combat battle game, and holding on strong four years after initial release, Grand Theft Auto V- an action game based on three criminals, comes in at number seven (Morris). All three of the previously …show more content…
In fact, when I searched those terms, the very first link shown is an article from The American Psychological Association directly linking violent video games to increased aggression. Attempting to better understand the affiliation between the two, I found a longitudinal study titled “A Longitudinal Study of the Association Between Violent Video Game Play and Aggression Among Adolescents”, which proves this correlation. According to the research, “The first set of analyses revealed that adolescents who played violent video games across many years of high school also reported steeper increases in aggression over time compared to participants who reported less sustained play” and, “Consistent with the general aggression model, violent video game play may influence an individual’s level of direct aggression by promoting aggressive beliefs and attitudes and creating aggressive schema, aggressive behavioral scripts. and aggressive expectations.” (Willoughby et al., 1054) The study also notes that there is no discrepancy in gender regarding aggressive …show more content…
While stereotypes lead many to believe that children are playing these games alone in isolation, the truth is that a multitude of games are now available as multi-player games in many forms. Granic et al. state “For example, World of Warcraft—a multiplayer fantasy game set in a massive virtual world— boasts12 million regular players, and Farmville— one of the most popular social networking games on Facebook— hosted over 5 million daily users in 2012.” (73) These multi-player games allow players to work alongside other players, making cooperative decisions. As declared by Granic et al., “In these virtual social communities, decisions need to be made on the fly about whom to trust, whom to reject, and how to most effectively lead a group.”

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