...importance of effective communication in management The relevance of the communication cycle for effective communication in management Effective communication is paramount to every organisation and is a vital component to enable it to achieve its purpose, goals and objectives. Managers require effective communication skills, as it helps them to perform their job roles and responsibilities successfully and for the overall performance and development of the organisation. Communication is the process of exchanging information within the communication cycle. This information is conveyed with words, tone and body language. In our organisation this communication includes the exchange of ideas with team members, provide information on decisions, policies or protocols and assists in the resolution of staff grievances. By using effective communication in these processes, builds positive relationships in the workplace and provides clear understandings between the management and staff. In turn this builds teamwork and morale, which aids proficiency in the workplace. The Shannon and Weaver model describes the communications process. It was designed to develop the effective communication between the sender and receiver. It involves breaking down the information system into sub-systems to evaluate the efficiency of the various communication channels and codes. These include the information source, message, channel and receiver. The initial communications process is the information...
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...Communication in Management Summary: Communication is the process of sending and receiving information. In some businesses they have a store room, this is part of their supply chain, and the store room is in charge of everything that enters the plant. The store room has an inventory tracking system that will locate a part if it happens to get lost. Becoming a part of the communication management team is essential. Personal communication is so important because everyone is a part of the entire operation. Communication is an oral or written form of sharing ideas and information. The purpose of information is to be able to express your ideas and thoughts. Good communication is really being able to listen to someone else’s ideas and thoughts, and the way they express themselves. It is also being able to appreciate their ideas also. Non-verbal is the usage of body gestures, signs and visual expressions. Verbal is a spoken or oral way of communication. I have worked in a team environment for the last 15 years on my job. In this type of environment you may clash with so many different personalities. Some of the people in the teams are not friendly and several do not want to talk. People tend to communicate more in a group because everyone gets a turn Discussion: There are certain parts that makeup a complete job. As you might have guessed, my business builds electrical equipment. One of our high demand departments is Panel boards; this department is responsible for the breaker...
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...40 Teachers. It is located in Wellawatte, Sri Lanka. The School is following the Management Information System. The students are taught all subjects in English; they include: Language Arts, Math’s, Science, Music, PE, Commerce, Accounting, Economics and Art. The school provides many facilities and activities for the students and in addition to a good all round education. SWOT Analysis 1.1 The School management is clearly segmented into three distinct layers. These layers are: top management, middle management and lower management. Management layers are shown below: Top Management Level Head Principal The Head Principal of the school is responsible for most areas of the school operations. The Head Principal also publicly represents the school; mediate conflicts among staff, students, parents, and community members. Vice principal The Vice Principal of the school assists the Head Principal to guide behavior management, budgeting, staff supervision, curriculum, and other areas. Middle Management Level Teachers Everyday students are subjected to a range of decisions made by teachers about grading, curriculum, behavior management, and relationships with students. Teachers are also responsible for executing others decisions. Accountant The Accountant of the school is responsible for all transactions taken place within the school. Lower Management Level Security Guard The Security Guard is on duty at the Main Gate of the school from...
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...should be able to: • Identify communication strategies appropriate to different images of managing change. • Appreciate a variety of strategies involved in communicating change. • Identify key elements involved in the communication process. • Describe appropriate communication strategies for announcing organizational change. • Understand how successful communication processes will vary depending on the stage and type of organizational change. Chapter Summary The way change is communicated is central to its success. Many problems can disturb the process of communication – message overload, message distortion and message ambiguity. Language, power, gender and emotion can also impact the communication of change. How change managers perceive their role in communicating change will vary; for example, their ability to shape rather than control information about the change will vary depending on their image of managing change. This chapter outlines the variety of strategies that managers can use to communicate change including contingency approaches. It explores dilemmas underlying different change communication strategies such as whether you can communicate too much, how the strategy is linked to the type of change and the phases of a change and whether the strategy acts to “get the word out” or to get “buy-in.” Finally, it discusses options concerning the different media which can be used in the communication of change and the different “richness”...
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...competitive edge that will make them light years ahead of competition and the most talked about way of achieving this is through excellent customer service delivery. Excellent customer service delivery results in increased customer satisfaction and ultimately increased profit Premier Bank is one of the oldest banks in SaoTome that is consistently looking for ways to improve service delivery to customers; however a major barrier to achieving customer service excellence in the bank is lack of team work amongst employees. Often times, employees view themselves or departments as individual entities and not part of the whole entity, therefore team efforts are not directed towards the same clear goals. This is often as a result of communication break down or no communication between departments. Our fact finding assignment reveals that eight out of every ten customer interactions with Premier bank is delayed or unsuccessful due to the following reasons • No one in the team knows what is going on except for the employee we spoke to • Employee no longer works in the department • Our request can ONLY be handled by one person and he/she is on vacation • Your transaction has been moved from our department to another and we cannot call them to inquire about the status of your request • You should be calling another department and not this department To achieve competitive leverage in the banking industry, employees of Premier Bank must become Team Players. The battle to win the HEART...
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...Question: Student is encouraged to visit a work environment and identify the culture of the organization. 1-Describe exhaustively the physical cultural elements that they are able to identify. 2-Explain what those physical cultural elements mean. 3-Demonstrate how those physical cultural elements affect the organizational culture in the work place. Introduction: Culture is something created in the minds of people and it resides in those minds. The shared values, norms, and beliefs that control the way people interact with each other inside the organization and outside are the elements of an organization’s culture.Organizations have their set of beliefs; core values, moral codes etc.These values and beliefs are shared by most of the people associated with the organization. The beliefs, values, symbols (conscious & subconscious) create a mental reality of an organization. For instance if the dominating belief in an organization is that customer care is the basic ingredient for success than any behavior that meets the criteria will be acceptable. The physical cultural element of an organization in a way symbolizes the core beliefs and value system of that particular organization. The culture of an organization can be summarized as visons, values beliefs and expectations. The policies, methods and procedures. The work ethic and work hours. The physical cultural elements of an organization could be: 1- Religious and cultural symbols 2- Ethnic diversification...
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...Communication However good you think your listening skills are, the only person who can tell you if you have understood correctly or not is the speaker. Therefore, as an extension of good listening skills, you need to develop the ability to reflect words and feelings and to clarify that you have understood them correctly. It is often important that you and the speaker agree that what you understand is a true representation of what was meant to be said. As well as understanding and reflecting the verbal messages of the speaker it is important to try to understand the emotions - this page explains how to use reflection effectively to help you build greater understanding of not only what is being said but the content, feeling and meaning of messages. The most immediate part of a speaker's message is the content, in other words those aspects dealing with information, actions, events and experience, as verbalized by him or her. Reflecting content helps to give focus to the situation but, at the same time, it is also essential to reflect the feelings and emotions expressed in order to bring them into sharper focus. This helps the speaker to own and accept their own feelings, for quite often a speaker may talk about them as though they belong to someone else, for example using “you feel guilty” rather than “I feel guilty.” A skilled listener will be able to reflect a speaker's feelings from body cues (non-verbal) as well as verbal messages. It is sometimes not appropriate...
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...What's the benefit of a mission or vision statement? By Ron Robinson, President of ABARIS Consulting Inc. February 4, 2002 What is a mission statement? According to Bain & Company, mission statements are one of the most frequently used management tools. Organizations spend thousands of hours and dollars developing mission statements and then more resources again on public relations to unfold them to their stakeholders. This is not surprising when you review the often-stated benefits of mission statements: • To communicate the direction of the organization. • To help make day-to-day operating decisions. • To keep the organization focused. • To motivate employees. Many authors have a variety of beliefs of what should be included in a mission statement. Ireland and Hill (1992) state that the mission statement should include the organizations goals, purpose, product and market scope and philosophical views. Davies and Glaister (1997) believe that it should include the organizations statement of purpose and inspirational view for the future. While Jamieson and Justice (1999) state that the framework for the development of a mission statement should begin with the organizations primary purpose, target market, core products or services, critical values and measures of success. One of the better practical definitions has been provided by Bartkus, Glassman and McAfee (2000) who basically state a mission statement is a statement to communicate a description of the firm to its...
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...During this week’s reading I found chapter 16 about organization the most relatable. I like to think of myself as a very organized person both at home and in the workplace. However I had no idea what the meaning of Organization Culture was, and that there was seven steps to it. The steps are as following 1) Innovation and Risk Taking 2) Attention to Detail 3) Outcome Orientation 4) People Orientation 5) Team Orientation 6) Aggressiveness & 7) Stability. Out of those seven steps the steps that stand out to me are the first step being innovation and risk taking, being a native a native Californian and one from Silicon Valley I can see where companies have to be creative to succeed in the business. The second step is attention to detail; this should be something that everyone should do. No matter what their position is and whatever the company is. It’s the little things that make the difference and details are one of those “little” things. As well as step five: team orientation. In week two we learned how important a team can be to a company, so it only makes sense that this stands out to me just as much as the first two but now I understand how much it really makes a difference. Again, all seven steps are all very important but these three are the ones that stood out to me the most and made me think just a little more about what organization means to a...
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...16.替换段落985-20-25-9至段落25-10,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-20-25-9 根据2009年更新的会计准则,替换段落985-20-25-9。 985-20-25-10 根据2009年更新的会计准则,替换段落985-20-25-10。 17.修正段落 985-20-55-13,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-20-55-13 会计主体准备购买软件并将其集成到另一个软件或硬件产品中。不论在购买时技术的可行性是否确定,所购买的用于销售、租用或者任何商业用途的电脑软件在取得时其成本应予以资本化 18. 替换段落985-20-55-14和它的相关标题,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-20-55-14 根据2009年更新的会计准则,替换段落985-20-25-14。 19.修正段落985-20-55-18,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-20-55-18 在技术可行性提升已被确认并副标题 730-10的规定入账之前,产品改良的成本被认为是研发的一部分。如果初始产品不再作商业用途,根据可变现净值测试和摊销规定,初始产品的任何未摊销成本应被归入改良成本中。如果初始产品同改良一起保留在市场上,初始产品的未摊销成本应该被在初始产品和改良之间分配。 20.修正段落985-350-25-1,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 985-350-25-1 段落985-20-25-3规定在技术可行性确定后生产产品发生的成本应予以资本化。段落985-20-25-8规定购买的软件将来作其他用途的其成本应予以资本化 对Topic350 的修正 修正段落350-30-35-7,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 350-30-35-7 无形资产不能在入账时被减记或冲销,除非它在该时期内受损。 22.修正段落350-30-35-17A,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 350-30-35-17A 在企业合并或者资产收购时用于研发活动的无形资产将被认为是不确定部分,直到相关研发工作完成或中止。在这段时间内那些被认为是不确定性的资产,他们不会被摊销但应根据后面的内容进行减值测试。一旦研发工作完成或中止,会计主体将以这部分的指导为基础决定资产的使用寿命。与段落360-10-35-49中的指导一致,通过公司合并取得的暂时被闲置的无形资产和被弃置的无形资产一样,不入账。 23. 修正段落350-30-50-1,并链接转换到段落730-10-65-1,如下: 350-30-50-1对于无形资产,不论是单独取得的或是作为资产组的一部分(在资产收购中取得或在企业合并中取得),所有下面的信息都应在入账时在财务报表附注中披露: a.以下所有是对于用于摊销的无形资产: 1. 被分配的总数和任何主要无形资产种类被分配的数量 2. 任何明显的残余价值的总量和主要无形资场种类残余价值的数量 3. 加权平均摊销期的总量和主要无形资产种类的加权平均摊销期 b. 对于没有被摊销的无形资产,被分配的总数和被分配到任何主要无形资产种类的数量 c. 在一笔交易中除了企业合并所取得的研发资产的数量 d. 按主要无形资产的种类,对于附着更新或扩展段落的资产,在下一个更新或扩展前的(包括显式和隐式)加权平均摊销期间。 除了商誉,如果合计取得的无形资产公允价值是值得注意的,信息也应在每一个重要的企业合并中或者在重要的非重要企业合并的集合中予以披露。 ...
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...Communication to Manage Crisis HCS/320 Communication to Manage Crisis Those who work in hospitals have to face crisis. It may happen in the emergency room or even in the manager’s office. Hospital employees need to be ready for such events. Coombs 1999 states that no organization can guarantee that they will not have any crisis. According to Reynolds 2006, crisis may occur internally or externally for the organization but when it occurs people’s lives may be at stake and at the same time the reputation of the company may get jeopardized. During crisis communication as well as improper communication can play a great role. For lack of communication right things may not be done and crisis may occur. Even a rumor may spread and crisis may happen. Communication methods to be adopted during a crisis have been talked about a lot but defining crisis is not so easy. According to Heath 2006, before defining the crisis, the risks need to be identified. According to him a risk may have both negative and positive influences of different levels. If anything happens to people, communication with them can tell us a lot and it can be understood whether crisis can be overcome. Whether reputation can be left intact needs to be understood. I am acting as the director of the Regional Emergency Office and I got reports about the public water that had been infected with something fatal. The pollutant is a biological element that has life threatening effect. We know that biological agents...
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...Change Management and Communication Plan Introduction Change Management Plan There are both formal and informal power structures within Riordan Manufacturing. Power structures consist of the President and CEO, Dr. Riordan. Followed by the Chief Operating Officer (COO), which represent the top executives of Riordan Manufacturing. “Informal power structure refers to leaders, who are not necessarily in management, but are able to lead others to achieve goals or accomplish certain tasks.” (Daveron, 2013) These informal power structures refer to the managers that lead their groups and influence on their employees to achieve their goals. Improvements are always needed even though Riordan Manufacturing already has a successful foundation. Cross-functional teams would be a step to making improvements within the organization, which will help provide stronger teams. “Allows departments to communicate effectively, develop, solve problems, create, and sell the company products effectively through the diversity of the company’s employees.” (Robbins & Judge, 2013) Departmentalization would be the structure to use where you can group certain activities into departments. There could be some issues that arise from using departmentalization because each individual or employee has something special to offer that the company should be aware of. Culture changes within an organization can be seen as negative situation for employees, and can result in bad performances or behavior. When being...
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...Crisis Management Communication Plan General communication is significant in terms of any disasters strike. In healthcare setting, when at the time of acute or prolong of crisis, mass trauma or disaster, communication is very crucial. More often, during the times of major disasters on which communication will impair are due to lack of preparation and training. In addition, failure to communicate systematically will result with chaos arising. Yet, due to the fear of the unknown, stress is increasing among healthcare staff , patients and family. To effectively control the chaotic situation, all healthcare facilities should create a frameworks to create strong leadership teams to guide the employees, and exercise about the knowledge, skills and abilities of communication in response to different type of crisis. Communication Types of Crises "Crisis is a stage of an individual who experienced from an unexpected thread, loss self controlled, or dealing with terminal illness"( Arnold.E.C., 2011). When caring patients who experienced mental illness. To achieve communication effectively, health care teams must clearly understand the different type of crisis and the caused that affecting patient's well being, Foremost, the successful of communication during crisis depend on the coping mechanism of an individual. There are many different kinds of crisis; situational crises, adventitious crisis which included mass trauma and nature disasters. A situational crises...
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...Management and Communication Plan Management and Communication Plan Riordan Industries, Inc. is a Fortune 1000 enterprise, according to the overview from Apollo Group in 2012. The industry will continue to be successful with strong leadership, new ideas, and necessary changes of new and improved management structures despite the challenges that may be faced. The organizational structure of the Pontiac, MI plant is set up with twenty-one executives; two-thirds are male and one-third female. All parties are made up of different cultural backgrounds. It may seem that the male counterparts of the organization are held in higher regard, but this should not be the case. The employees of the company are looking for strong leadership to help them be successful in accomplishing and exceeding their goals. The present organizational structure has been successful for the company so far. Change is necessary in order for the company to be a continued success. The only problem that may arise is that the older executives of the company may not be willing to change. The older executives must be convinced that the change is good for the benefit of the company and requires their cooperation. Once the employees see that the executives of the company are willing to make a structural change in the organization, they themselves will be willing to implement these changes. All personal assets of the company are striving for a more successful company in the future. Though the change may...
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...We can define the culture as a mixture of: race, ethnicity, gender, religion, class and the origin It is difficult to have a successful cross-cultural communication but not impossible, one of the strategies that help to overcome these problems is as follow: * Show Respect for other Languages and Cultures Respect is a key to a positive communication regardless to the differences in general, as mentioned:” three basic ways to overcome obstacles to communication: patience, respect, and listening skills”(Grosse, 2002). The knowledge of cultures leads to an affective communication with a multicultural people; as in the hospitality management everyone knows that The Guest is A king, that show it all, listening to listen not to answer and argue is the half way to the solution of the conflict in communication, because the active listening can overlook misunderstanding; the increased awareness of our communication behavior and lead to a better cooperation and to efficient operation. Understanding the language is important but it is more to know about the accent like the French in Quebec, the tone like the Germans and the gestural like the Italians. This strategy is for a long term effective to overcome the obstacles in the cross-cultural communication, with the globalization, all the groups of organization prefer to have an international group to be unique in the market with the ability to succeed under the roof of international culture, So, people develop different perception...
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