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Submitted By DevilsDog
Words 923
Pages 4
Powerful national media, alongside social media interest was thrust upon the Chick-fil-A restaurant franchise approximately three months ago. According to Horovitz, B. USA TODAY (2012), this all occurred after the company’s president, Dan Cathy, gave his statement to a local religious publication on same sex marriage. He is quoted as saying, “guilty as charged” in supporting the biblical definition of the family unit. (para. 2) There was a huge back lash made at the Chick-fil-A establishments from the gay rights groups calling for boycotts, and the protestors also planned a same sex Kiss-in to be done at Chick-fil-A restaurants to express their disapproval of Chick-fil-A opposing views of same sex marriage.
This story went viral on different social media sites, Chick-fil-A and its owner’s perspective on same sex unions have increased the public’s appreciation for our Constitution’s First Amendment. It was seen in the eyes of many people, that the President of this popular food establishment was entitled to his opinion, be it right or wrong, because Mr. Dan Cathy had his First Amendment to back his right to voice his disapproval of same sex marriage. This right also gave strength to the Chick-fil-A adversaries causing them to fight back with organized Chick-fil-A boycotts in hopes of causing financial distress due to loss of business.
However, Chick-fil-A stood strong and continued with unaffected business and was in fact benefitting from the negative PR and their customer base grew in 28 of 35 media markets, says Horovitz, B. USA Today (2012). Chick-fil-A seemed unrelenting in their stand for supporting traditional family units. However, it seems that the restaurant chain has decided to tone down their own supporting of social and political agendas, which is not their focus.

To resolve this issue, Chick-fil-A has decided to avoid any political and media

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