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Communication Plan for Legacy Wisdom Academy


Submitted By ironicolga
Words 4892
Pages 20
College of Liberal Arts and Communication Communication Arts Department


Submitted by: Olga Vivero Clarissa Osorio Joyce Samantha Gula

Submitted to: Professor Maria Nornelyn Cachuela

March 12, 2014 I. Rationale Legacy of Wisdom Academy of Dasmariñas, Inc. is a private and non-sectarian educational institution situated in Golden City Subdivision, Brgy. Salawag, Dasmariñas City. Currently, it has 539 enrollees which comprises of the preschool, elementary, high school department population. If the community where the school is located will be taken into consideration, it could be concluded that it is advantageous for the school to receive enrollees from within the subdivision. However, the percentage of enrollees that the school wants to have an increase on will not be met because of certain problems cited. For one, the school building is sandwiched between residential areas and can only be expanded vertically. Furthermore, there is no initiative from the school itself to market the school to potential enrollees. This is evident in the lack of information available to non-Legacian community. Also, the lack of school website and the school’s lack of presence in social media and the internet making it non-searchable adds up to the school’s unpopularity compared to competitors. Therefore, there is a need to develop a communication plan that will help the organization in meeting its objective of gaining more enrollees, the possibility of expanding the school, and increasing the school’s popularity, among others. SWOT ANALYSIS OF LEGACY OF WISDOM ACADEMY OF DASMARINAS, INC. Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities | Threats | Academic quality * Academic plans and textbooks are up-to-date. * They evaluate 5 reference books every year

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