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Communications an Art or Science


Submitted By mbutler519
Words 1842
Pages 8
Communication Art or Science?

Communication is very important in today’s society. No matter how one feels about communication it is the key for successful personal and professional relationships. There are many individuals that just don’t know how to communicate effectively. It could be from shyness, social or interpersonal skills. Whatever the case they are unable to communicate effectively. Communication is not a skill that is learned it is an art. Either you have it or you don’t. Either you are comfortable in conveying your message in a clear and concise manner, your listening skills are effective, you are able to use nonverbal and verbal communication skills as well being comfortable in presenting information. Not everyone knows how to communicate in a manner that is effective. Many non-communicators play the guessing game. They won’t say what the message is that they are trying to convey or they say half of the message. People are not mind readers. If you don’t communicate the message in its entirety then how can you expect an individual to understand exactly what is being conveyed.

Communication is an Art My first thought is what is the process of effective communication? Communication is the process of sharing thoughts, ideas, or emotions with another individual. In order to communicate effectively you must possess some of the following skills: attention, attitude, and feedback. It is important that a sender pays attention to what a person is trying to communicate and use the best words as well as body language to communicate between the sender and receiver. In addition, the receiver must pay attention to what is being communicated by listening and watching what is conveyed. Attitude is another important asset to effective communication. It is essential that both the sender

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