Premium Essay

Communism vs Democracy


Submitted By jhcena
Words 1908
Pages 8
Jordan Gabson
Writing and Rhetoric
Tuesday April 30, 2015

Democracy vs. Communism Communism has always been used as secret weapon to make the poor believe that being rich is inappropriate, and that the poor have less because the rich people took the money away from them. In reality, the communist government wants to take the money from the wealthy to make the governing body itself rich. Democracy, on the other hand, promotes capitalism, which allows economic freedom, which helps political freedom; efficiency, economic growth, and everybody having the opportunity to start the business that he or she desires. Communism and democracy are two different ideologies that have each had a great impact in the world. Communism can be defined as a socioeconomic structure that stands for the establishment of classless, egalitarian and stateless society. Democracy, on the other hand, is a political system of governance either carried out by the people directly or by elected representatives.
“Democracy may not be the perfect form of government, but sure it is way better than communism” said Jones in his journal, Power and Democracy Education

Every single human being in the world knows that this is not true. Everybody knows that communism is a secret weapon that the rulers in the countries where communism is practiced use it to enrich themselves, their families and their friends. Communism is a political ideology that is based on a common ownership, mainly concerned with equality and fairness. In communism, the power is accredited to a group of people who decide the course of the action. It is this group of people who decide on the activities of the entire public. These specific groups of people may come into conflict with the public of others. On the other hand, democracy is rule

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