...to have been a result of World War 2, but the question arises of whether there would have been an inevitable confrontation between the USSR and the US without the Second World War. World War II ended with the US and the USSR as the only remaining world superpowers. The ravaged post WWII Europe provided perfect conditions for imperialism by other countries; the war created two superpowers with polarizing ideals. Due to the defeat of Nazi Germany and the concern over post-war settlements, their alliance broke and the ideals of communism and capitalism turned on each other in an effort to control the influence in Europe. The arguments pertaining to the Cold War being the cause of the Second World War has been going on for a long time and historians can’t seem to agree one perspective. The cold war was, to a certain extent, the result of the Second World War. World War II saw the union of the western democracies and the USSR due to the desire to defeat a common enemy: fascism and Germany. Once the war was over, this interdependency ended as well, and the result was two victorious superpowers with totally different ideologies. The defeat of fascism meant the ideologies of capitalism and communism were left to clash. The US used the atomic bomb on Japan without informing her ally, the USSR. Not only was this lack of contact a problem, but it also marked the start of a deadly new arms race. The USSR developed their own nuclear weapon in 1949 and both nations soon acquired the...
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...“Discuss Civil Rights and Human Rights in the 1950s and what many individuals and groups did to combat segregation, separation, fear, ignorance and sexism.” Following the war filled 1940’s came a time of social justice. Following WWII many social issues came to light that many wanted to fix. Many strong people and organizations rose up to try to resolve these social issues. The two main issues during the 1950’s were civil rights and sexism. Both were large issues that many fought to try to resolve during these times. Civil rights was arguably the biggest issue during the 1950’s and saw many positives towards success. The NCAAP (National Association for Advancement of Colored People) become the most influential organization during the civil...
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...human race and is successively learned by each generation. A culture is less precise. It can betoken the forms of traditional deportment which are characteristics of a given society, or of a group of societies, or of a certain race, or of a certain area, or of a certain period of time. (Margaret Mead, 1951: p.17) Definition of the Cold War The Cold War is the denomination given to the relationship that developed primarily between the USA and the USSR after World War Two. The Cold War was a period of economic, political and military tension between the Coalesced States and Soviet Amalgamation from 1945 to 1991. Following the terminus of the Second World...
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...big influence on Europe as well. They dispatched parts of Europe for a long time. Of course the path dependency is present in these regions. The process of European integration started later there. European identity is difficult to describe. Distinction between east and west means post-communism (eastern). Central Europe: Czechs feel like being central Europeans (since they don’t want to be part of eastern Europe.) idea of central Europe is based on Austrian-Hungarian-Empire + parts of Germany eg Bavaria. The link is also the way of making decisions, working, doing things, tradition, waking up early (Franz Josef) many similarities. Lot of conflicts in Europe are still connected to events that happened hundreds of years ago. Poland (republic) Linguistic Group: Western Slavic Religion: Catholic (important part of national identity) Ethnical Minorities: German, Ukraine, Belorussian (small and not important) Often divided (Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary) Is called state of wheels always moving We are Poles because we are not Russian, not German religion became very important for their identification. Day 2 Post-Yugoslavia states Tito managed to unify Yugoslavia after WWII and to keep it independent from Russia. self-managed socialism (market orientation). More contact to the west. Authoritarian system but not as closed as the other eastern states. Before he died he passed a new constitution that came into effect after his death. start of decentralization...
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...The (un)Official United States History Cram Packet This is not intended as a substitute for regular study ……. But it is a powerful tool for review. 1494: Treaty of Tordesillas – divides world between Portugal and Spain 1497: John Cabot lands in North America. 1513: Ponce de Leon claims Florida for Spain. 1524: Verrazano explores North American Coast. 1539-1542: Hernando de Soto explores the Mississippi River Valley. 1540-1542: Coronado explores what will be the Southwestern United States. 1565: Spanish found the city of St. Augustine in Florida. 1579: Sir Francis Drake explores the coast of California. 1584 – 1587: Roanoke – the lost colony 1607: British establish Jamestown Colony – bad land, malaria, rich men, no gold - Headright System – land for population – people spread out 1608: French establish colony at Quebec. 1609: United Provinces establish claims in North America. 1614: Tobacco cultivation introduced in Virginia. – by Rolfe 1619: First African slaves brought to British America. 15. Virginia begins representative assembly – House of Burgesses 1620: Plymouth Colony is founded. - Mayflower Compact signed – agreed rule by majority • 1624 – New York founded by Dutch 1629: Mass. Bay founded – “City Upon a Hill” - Gov. Winthrop - Bi-cameral legislature, schools 1630: The Puritan Migration 1632: Maryland – for profit – proprietorship 1634 – Roger Williams banished from Mass. Bay Colony 1635:...
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...Imperial America EDGE Fall Quarter 2003 Tim Chueh Ambert Ho 12/5/03 What Is Imperialism? “Imperialism is the highest stage of capitalism…characterized by monopoly corporations and the compulsion to export capital abroad for higher profits. Unlike capitalism in the earlier stages, in the imperialist stage, capitalism has no more progress to bring the world…the cause of contemporary militarism” – Lenin “The policy, practice, or advocacy of seeking, or acquiescing in, the extension of the control, dominion, or empire of a nation, as by the acquirement of new, esp. distant, territory or dependencies, or by the closer union of parts more or less independent of each other for operations of war, copyright, internal commerce, etc.” – Oxford dictionary The word imperialism derives from “empire.” As such, it is useful to spend a bit of time to define the word. In working towards a minimal definition, Stanford Professor of Archaeology J. Manning in his first lecture on Ancient Empires starts with: “An empire is a territorially extensive hierarchically political organization.” Unfortunately this definition is too vague. All states encountered in human history are by definition hierarchical, and many nations today are vast compared to the...
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...University June 2011 Project Advisors: Professor Jason Blevins, Department of Economics Professor Jennifer Suchland, Department of Russian Table of Contents Abstract.................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................ 3 1. Macroeconomic Planning in the Soviet Union ................................................................. 5 1.1 The Early Policies of Period One ................................................................................................... 5 1.1.1 War Communism .......................................................................................................................... 5 1.1.2 The New Economic Policy (NEP) ............................................................................................... 9 1.1.3 Democratic Centralism ............................................................................................................... 11 1.2 The Significance of Economic Planning on Living Standards ................................................. 13 1.3 Five-Year Centralized Plans and Effects on National Income ................................................. 20 1.3.1 Trade Imbalances ............................................................................................
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...Higher Level History Notes 19th Century Russia The Russian people are descendants of the ‘Rus’ who are thought to be a mixture of Scandinavian and Slavic origin and settled in that region out of ± 800 AD Byzantine Empire A major legacy of the Byzantine Empire for the Russians was the eastern orthodox or Greek Orthodox Church With the decline of Byzantium came a wave of conquest from the East, the Mongols until the 15th century (Tatars). To a large extent, the Mongols allowed Russians to maintain their way of life: - Slavic based languages including writing system (Cyrillic) - Orthodox religion The Russians adopted much from Asian culture and this led western Europeans to think less of the Russians Geographically Russia was isolated from the rest of Europe: - Entirely land locked (mostly) - Huge Plains of Eastern Europe prevented overland travel During these early years there were a series of muscovite princes based in Moscow and called themselves Tsars. By the 17th century the Romanov family became the ruling dynasty: - Alexander I (1801-1825) - Nicholas I (1825-1855) - Alexander II (1855-1881) - Alexander III (1881-1894) - Nicholas II (1894-1917) Under the rule of Peter the Great (1689-1728) Russia grew greatly in size and entered the European World www.ibscrewed.org The Russia of 1800 was one of the greatest autocracies in Europe where: - The Tsar’s rule was absolute - There was a small...
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...achievements, unlike medieval ideal of “all glory goes to god” Names Ideas o Renaissance: Began in Italian city-states, a cause de invention of the printing press, laid way for Protestant Reformation Events Books/Texts Italy: City states, under HRE (Holy Roman Empire) o For alliances: old nobility vs. wealthy merchants FIGHT P-Prussia Popolo: third class, “the people”, wanted own share of wealth/power R-Russia A-Austria Ciompi Revolts: 1378 Florence, Popolo were revolting [eew], brief period of control over government B-Britain Milan taken over by signor (which is a tyrant) • o Under control of the Condottiero (mercenary) Sforza- Significant because after this, a few wealthy families dominated Venice (e.g. Medici) Humanism: Francesco Petrarch (Sonnets), came up with term “Dark Ages”, began to study classical world of rhetoric and literature Cicero: Important Roman, provided account of collapse of Roman Republic [like Edward Gibbon], invented Ciceronian style: Latin style of writing which humanists followed • [Even though they weren’t in Rome, Humanists did as the Romans do] Despite being accused of following Pagan culture, Petrarch talked a lot about universality Civic Humanists: Politicians/ diplomats, utilized public education for common good Plato: Studying Greek allowed enlightened people to observe platonic ideals [also, big fat...
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...International Security Lecture 1 March 30th, 2015 The politics of security knowledge What is international security? We could start thinking about the security council of the UN But also about the invasion of Afghanistan (chapter 7 UN in order to secure the international security) We can also think about security in terms of the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This was a unilateral act of war, but sure it can also mean other things We can think of the national security agency, the agency in charge of spying all the signals and communications to a certain extent. What’s interesting about the NSA, it is seen as a threat to the security of the privacy. Lately, with the reports of the UN development programme, we start talking about HUMAN security (not military security, but rather the security of individuals, having a livelihood that’s acceptable). Whether security is international or not, it can be a rather confusing word The protection of values we hold dear. We search for it, we pursue it, we achieve it, we deny it to others. * what is to be secured? Is it the security of states? Or individuals? * What is the actual threat that we’re facing? Primarily to be dealing with military threats, or are there other types of threats we are facing. Essentially contested concept A concept that ‘inevitably’ involves endless disputes about their proper uses on the part of their users – Walter Gallie There can be ambiguity (one persons freedom-fighter is the other’s...
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...IBUS%3100%–%TEXTBOOK%NOTES% CHAPTER%1%–%GLOBALIZATION% WHAT%IS%GLOBALIZATION?% • Globalization:+ shift% towards% a% more% integrated% and% independent% world% economy% –% away% from% distinct% national% economic%units,%towards%one%huge%global%market% Merging%of%historically%distinct%and%separate%national%markets%into%one%huge%global%marketplace% Argument%–%tastes/preferences%of%consumers%in%different%nations%beginning%to%converge%to%some%global%norm%% Standardized%products%such%as%CocaTCola,%McDonald’s%and%iPods%help%create%a%global%market%% Significant%differences%still%exist%between%national%markets%along%many%dimensions,%i.e.%tastes/preferences,%distribution% channels,%value%and%business%systems,%and%legal%regulation% Most%global%markets%–%markets%for%industrial%goods%and%materials%that%serve%universal%need% Sourcing%of%goods/services%from%locations%around%the%globe%to%take%advantage%of%national%differences%in%cost%and%quality% of%factors%of%production%+ Aim%is%to%lower%overall%cost%structure%of%an%entity%and/or%improve%quality/functionality%of%product%offering%+ Impediments% to% global% production% include% –% formal/informal% barriers% to% trade,% barriers% to% foreign% direct% investment,% transportation%costs,%and%issues%associated%with%economic%+%political%risk+ Regulation,%management,%and%policing%of%global%marketplace%necessary%as%markets%globalize%further% General+Agreement+on+Tariffs+and+Trade+(GATT):+international%treaty%that%committed%signatories%to%lower%barriers%...
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...International Business Exam Chapter 1 Notes Domestic vs International Business * Business: is the manufacturing of goods or services in order to make a profit * Term “trade” is used interchangeably with business * Transactions: exchange of things of value * Domestic Business: business that transacts mainly in the country it was base din * ie owned by Canadians, in Canada, selling to Canadians (Rare) * International Business: economic system of transactions conducted between businesses in different countries * Domestic Transaction: between 2 Canadian companies * International Transaction: between Canadian + non Canadian company * Domestic Market: the customers of a business who are in the same country as the business * Foreign Market: the customers of a business who are in a different country as the business * 5 Ways for businesses to must be international * MUST own retailers or distributors in another country * MUST own manufacturing plant in another country * MUST export to other countries * MUST import from others * MUST invest in other country businesses * Trading Partner: Canada businesses make relationship with businesses in another country, so they would be Canada’s trading partner. History of Canadian Trade * European Trade * 1700s – trades grew fast after permanent Canadian settlement * Demand for raw materials (beaver pelts, fish, lumber) ...
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...The London School of Economics and Political Science THE ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY IN THE DEMOCRATISATION OF GLOBAL GOVERNANCE INSTITUTIONS: From ‘Soft Power’ to Collective Decision-Making? Saif Al-Islam Alqadhafi A thesis submitted to the Department of Philosophy of the London School of Economics for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, London, September 2007 Declaration I certify that the thesis I have presented for examination for the MPhil/PhD degree of the London School of Economics and Political Science is solely my own work other than where I have clearly indicated that it is the work of others (in which case the extent of any work carried out jointly by me and any other person is clearly identified in it). The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. Quotation from it is permitted, provided that full acknowledgement is made. This thesis may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of the author. I warrant that this authorisation does not, to the best of my belief, infringe the rights of any third party. 2 Abstract This dissertation analyses the problem of how to create more just and democratic global governing institutions, exploring the approach of a more formal system of collective decision-making by the three main actors in global society: governments, civil society and the business sector. The thesis seeks to make a contribution by presenting for discussion an addition to the system of international governance that is morally...
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...Unit I Foreign Policy What is Foreign Policy? Foreign policy has many exegesis as there are internationalist who attempt to define this most intriguing subject of international relations. Initially, it has been define as a “ statement of national goals limited both absolutely and relatively by national power”. The Foreign Service Institute of the Philippines prefers to allude to it as “ set of guidelines articulated by the government to a country in order to promote its national interest through the conduct of its relations with other countries” The Foreign Service Institute of the Philippines has likewise quoted a dictum ascribed to President Ferdinand E. Marcos that: The foreign policy of a nation is the articulation of its fondest needs and aspiration, and in international affairs, it is its sole weapon for the promotion of national interest. Foreign Policy is a “part of the general program of government. It is furthermore an extension of its domestic policy”. The term “system” when used in the context of an organization, implies an entity composed of a set of parts and created to accomplish certain, objectives. The aim of the system is the coordination of human efforts and material resources to produce desired results in a dynamic organization. An organization, as social system, has certain inherent characteristics: 1) it has subsystem and, is part of a suprasystem in continual interaction with one another 2) It has define objectives...
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...How China rises What lessons can be drawn from China's spectacular and sustained economic growth? As Hu Jintau remarked at the 17th Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, the period since the previous Congress five years ago has been extraordinary. China's economic achievements have been arousing not only astonishment and admiration but also some anxiety. In the past twelve months alone, The People's Republic of China (PRC) has overtaken Canada as the biggest source of imports to the USA, and overtaken the USA as the biggest source of imports to the European Union. Concern about the low level of investment in Africa has been displaced by concern about the effects of the high level of Chinese investment in Africa; there is now even anxiety about the effects of investment by Chinese state-owned firms into the Western economies. The Chinese Communist Party is also expressing concerns. The themes of its 2007 Congress included protection of the environment and the achievement of social harmony. According to some estimates, China has displaced the USA as the world's biggest source of greenhouse gases. Inequality is rising as fast as pollution: China now has over 800 individuals with a personal wealth of more than a hundred million US dollars each, up from 500 in 2006; while the average income in rural areas of China is 480 dollars per year. Made in China. Hu Jintau's remark on the extraordinary nature of the most recent years can be faulted in only one sense: China has...
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