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Community Nurse Prescribing


Submitted By samlou
Words 2348
Pages 10
This paper aims to explore the role of the V100 nurse prescriber. The development of nurse prescribing will be outlined, followed by a reflective case study in which ethical and legal implications will be discussed and finally a reflective conclusion will be drawn. Where appropriate the paper will be written in the first person (Webb 1992).

Nurse prescribing was first recommended, by the RCN, in 1980 and became part of the government’s policy agenda in 1986 with the Cumberlege Report (DH 1986). Further, the Crown Report (DH 1989) advocated prescribing by trained community nurses from a limited formulary. Legislation was introduced in 1992 -The Medicinal Products: Prescription By Nurses Act, 1992 followed by secondary legislation, Medicinal Prescriptions By Nurses etc which came into effect in 1994 - providing a legal basis to allow nurses to prescribe (Dimond 2002). Nurse prescribing using the Nurse Prescribers’ Formulary (NPF) was introduced nationally in 1998 following the success of eight demonstration sites set up four years earlier (Luker et al 1998). A second Crown Report (DH 1999) recommended the establishment of two groups of nurse prescribers: independent and supplementary. In 2000 the government announced proposals to extend nurse prescribing further to allow prescribing from an extended formulary following more intensive pharmacological training (DH 2000).

In the case study the patient’s name, address, date of birth and gp’s details have been changed to protect patient confidentiality, in accordance with the NMC’s Code of professional conduct (NMC 2004). The patient will therefore be referred to under the pseudonym “Jane Smith”. During the assessment the “Seven principles of good prescribing” (appendix 1) were taken into consideration to enable appropriate decision making and effective prescribing (National Prescribing Centre 1999). It is

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