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Submitted By iamme13
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February 10, 2014, I and my partner, went to the Municipality of City of San Fernando, Pampanga. We visited the City Environment and Natural Resources Office to conduct a short interview regarding the community involvement of their organization/department to the poor and environment. As a short discussion with Engr. Anele C. David (the Senior Environmental Management Specialist I), she explained to us the different programs they are conducting to help the less fortunate people and in the environment. First in the environment, they always have a Tree Planting Program. The recent that they had was held in Baguio (December 11, 2013), the City Legal Office headed by Atty. Atlee Viray planted 142 seedlings in Brgy. Irigan, Baguio City as part of their team building activity. Then they also had “Towards a Green City III”, City Mayor Edwin Santiago led the tree planting activity in Barangay Lara on November 16, 2013 with CENRO-officer In- Charge Engr. Anele David and Brgy. Captain Alejo Singian. Not just tree planting but also the City Government of San Fernando (P) led by Mayor Edwin Santiago held the “City wide Waterways Cleanup Drive and San Fernando River Mudball Toss” on October 4, 2013 in observance of the International Coastal Cleanup Month. It aimed to raise awareness on the waterways debris problem and promote volunteerism for a clean and healthy environment. These are for the benefit of everybody in the community. Also through the City Environment and Natural Resources Office, they offer free rides on board the electric jeepney (e-jeep) in celebration of International Climate Change Consciousness Week. Fernandino’s can avail of the “Libreng Sakay sa E- Jeep” from the City hall to Heroes Hall and vice-versa. I saw this as an advantage also for the employees and students of City College, this will save them money and time. And the assurance to pursue their study because they will no longer be worried for their transportation, especially for those who are less fortunate or average. These are just some of the activities and programs that the Municipality of San Fernando held. They are saving the Mother Earth for the next or future generation. To let them know how beautiful the world is by saving it from any harmful effect of people. II. THE EXPECTATIONS/BENEFITS OF THIS ORGANIZATION FROM THEIR COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT.
One of the expectations of the Municipality of San Fernando to its community is to continue what they have started to create an organized and well maintained community. Since they are just doing it to help in their community and for the future generation. They expect that the people today will support the programs of the government to keep the environment clean and safe from any hazardous effect that may cause it. And that the generation today will see all the good things that the local government is doing not just in the environment but also to the people in their community, especially the students who honored scholarships and the less fortunate who given the financial support from our local government. The government expecting that they create a good image to everyone by doing all this programs, that will benefit them. They want their sponsored students to finish their studies and be hired with the job that fits them and get paid in the right compensation that they deserve from the level of their performance. They want their people to look back from where they started. And to patronize our own made. To give our full support and cooperation with our local government in fulfilling all their programs to help in their community and to those who need to be prioritize, esp. the less average people that really need the support of the government in terms of financial, social etc. The government is trying to open the eyes of other people to see what is really need to be made first and prioritize, to be able to meet the expectations of the community and the people as well and not just the local government.

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