...Part 1 Name: __Renee Swartz ‘’ This is my correct name’’__________________________________________________________ Computer Make and Model: __________________________________________ Operating System: __________________________________________________ Printer Make and Model: ____________________________________________ Hard Disk Size: _____________________________________________________ Amount of Random Access Memory: ___________________________________ Part 2 Paragraph 1: Follow the directions that have been supplied in the Unit 1 Individual Project to modify this document by following each step in the directions carefully. Once you have completed all of the assigned modifications to this document, you will save the document to your hard drive and then submit it using the Submissions area on the AI: U Virtual Campus under the Unit 1 INDIVIDUAL PROJECT assignment. Paragraph 2: This document is created just so that you can make modifications to it. It has spelling and grammatical errors in it. By correcting these errors and manipulating the sentences and paragraphs following the directions for the Unit 1 INDIVIDUAL PROJECT assignment, you will learn how to do many of the most common types of operations in the Word program. Paragraph 3: Word, which is a word processing computer program and much more, are an extremely powerful and full-featured business and personal tool for creating documents of all kinds, and Word is studied in Unit’s 1 and 2 in this course. PowerPoint...
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...Time Management My Schedule Sat 8:00-9:30 9:30-11:00 11:00-12:30 12:30-2:00 2:00-3:00 3:30-5:00 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thru Log101 Comp101 Log101 Comp101 Bus101 Stat101 Bus101 Stat101 Page | 1 Time Management Table of Contents My Schedule.................................................................................................................................................. 1 Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 The Four-List Method of Time Management ................................................................................................ 3 1. 2. 3. 4. The daily “the Things to Do” list - ..................................................................................................... 3 The Weekly calendar -....................................................................................................................... 3 Monthly/semester goals- .................................................................................................................. 3 Long term goal list- ........................................................................................................................... 4 Tips for Time Management ........................................................................................................................... 4 Attempting...
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...Discussion Board Unit 1 COMP101/1401B Introduction to Computers Discussion Board Unit 1 A. Questions for weekly discussions and conclusions 1. Which features or functions of MS Word do you find particularly useful as a college student, and why? I’m still learning how to use MS Word 2010. I have mainly used MS Document to write outlines and research papers. When I have typed up outlines, it seems to be pretty easy. It automatically gives the options between bullets, numbering or multilevel listing. I’m sure with this class I will be able to learn this program successfully. 2. Which features or functions of MS Word do you think you will use most often as a professional in your chosen discipline after graduation? I’m not sure exactly but I’m sure that I will use the tools that I will learn. As of right now I use MS Word to make flyers for advertising my business. 3. How can Word help you with producing correct APA documents? Do you think Word’s APA features are useful? Why or why not? Word has helped in many ways. The autocorrect feature is great when I misspell words or misuse sentence endings. It also lets me know if the sentence I typed is fragmented. Word is good for writing different types of papers I need. I just realized that I’m not sure if I have the right setup for APA. I have to double click to double space sentences and I have to manually indent paragraphs. Is there a way to setup MS Word for APA? B. What kind of...
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...Discussion Board Unit 2 Comp101/1401B Introduction to Computers A. Questions for weekly discussions and conversations. 1. Why are clip art libraries useful, not only in Word , but also in PowerPoint? Clip art libraries are useful to show pictures to your words. They are great for making your documents or slide shows more exciting. Clip art actually can draw attention to get the readers to focus on the project or document itself. 2. What are the copyright laws that must be followed when using clip art? The right of legal use of clip art depends on the intent of the copyright owner. Copyrighted clip art is off limits for commercial use unless you have a written agreement with the copyright holder. For instance, if you sold Nike products in your store, you would have the right to use their logo for advertising. If you didn’t sell Nike products then it would be illegal for you to use their logo without permission. 3. When might it not be appropriate to use clip art? Clip art probably wouldn’t be appropriate in legal and professional documents. It wouldn’t be professional if clip art was used. B. If you have not used clip art before, find 2 sites on the internet, and provide at least 1 example of when each site could be used in a practical way. Include the type of clip art found at the sites, including categories or special interest areas for the site. The first site that caught my eye was ClipartHeaven.com. The clip art ranges from...
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...Discussion Board Unit 5 Comp101/1401B Introduction to Computers A. Questions for weekly discussions and conversations. 1. What are some of the main applications for Object Linking and Embedding (OLE)? OLE 1.0 was released in 1990 by Microsoft; it was the evolved from the Dynamic Data Exchange. A couple of the main applications for Object Linking and Embedding are Microsoft Document and Microsoft Excel. The reason for linking and embedding is maintaining active links between two documents or embedding one type of document within another document. Object Linking is a linked component that stores the path to the original data which is often in a separate fie. Embedding is using the Paste command in a container application that can create an embedded component or an embedded item. 2. Under what circumstances might you use OLE to embed an Excel spreadsheet in a Word document? Why might OLE be better than “copy and Paste”? You might use OLE to embed an Excel spreadsheet in a Word document when you want to work within the original document. It makes it easier to be able to work with. OLE is better than copy and paste because of OLE; you can create a chart in Excel, copy it, and paste the copy into a document in Word. But you can also go beyond the copy-and-paste operation. You can link the copied chart back to its original file in Excel (the source file). Then, if you make changes to the original file, the changes are automatically made to the copied...
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...Discussion Board Unit 4 Comp101/1401B Introduction to Computers A. Questions for weekly discussions and conversations. 1. What features or functions of Excel do you feel will likely be most useful to you in helping you achieve your career goals? I believe Excel will be useful when using it with organizing, tracking expenses, inputting data, and storing information. These different uses will be successful when using them towards my business. I believe the Excel Spreadsheet will be most useful to me. This function will be useful to track the financial data pertaining to the business. 2. What are some of the applications where you can envision using Excel in your personal life? I can use Excel for making lists for chores, books, dvds, and inventory on household belongings. I can also use Excel with budgeting bills, keeping track of savings and wish lists. There are many different uses that Excel would be beneficial in my personal life. 3. One of the first popular spreadsheets was Visicalc. Research the library or internet to find some of the functions that Excel has now that Visicalc did not have. Briefly describe what one of those functions adds to Excel’s usefulness or makes Excel more useful than Visicalc. One thing that Excel has now that Visicalc didn’t have was calculating the numerical data. Excel has formulas that you can use to help sum up equations. This function is more useful than Visicalc. It makes it easier for you to pull...
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...Discussion Board Unit 3 Comp101/1401B Introduction to Computers A. Questions for weekly discussions and conversations. 1. What features or functions of PowerPoint (PPT) do you feel are generally useful? I’ve never used PowerPoint so this is new to me. After reading and watching the M.U.S.E videos and the other sources in the learning materials, I feel that all the features and functions to PowerPoint will be useful. I have learned that your PowerPoint presentation should not be too flashy and the sound to your presentation should be appropriate. I have learned that you can add tables from Excel and Word and also add animations too. I think as long as you put together a great presentation with information that when you add clipart and sound that meets the presentation and is appropriate the presentation will be amazing. 2. From your experience of sitting through PowerPoint (PPT) presentations, what are some things that presenters have included in their PowerPoint Presentation that you feel are annoying and should not be included in a “good” PPT presentation? In my business there are tons of PowerPoint training presentations. What I feel is most annoying is pointless information. I’ve seen some that give me information but then put information in that has nothing to do with the subject of the presentation itself. Another thing is cartoon graphics. I personally don’t want to see an animation of random things especially if they have nothing to do...
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...| PARENTS IN COLLEGE MUST JUGGLE RESPONSIBILITIES | PARENTS AND COLLEGE | | 1/12/2014 | `COMP101 | Written by: Garang Wol: Parenting and going to college at the same time is not an easy thing to do. It’s a full-time job especially for single parents. Being a parent and attending school at the same time is very challenging, according to CPCC Family Resource Center coordinator Linda Jones. The most important things parents in college have to deal with right now are money, time management, and finding good-quality childcare. Nedine Muwne is a mother of three children and is in the dental program at CPCC. Muwne, 29, and her husband both work and attend classes at CPCC. “My husband and I needed more than day care for our children especially when the 11- years-old gets home from the school and if the day care center is closed for the other two children,” she said. “For working parents, balancing jobs, children and school can be tough, but we are parents and we have no choice. The only way is to understand a situation we are in,” she Muwne. The only assistance the parents in school get is childcare money and financial aid. “They get money to pay for their school fees and books,” said Sara Graham, program director for TRIO- Student Support Services. It’s not easy for the parents to make it on their own, to be in school and take care of children. “The most important thing is childcare,” she said. Parents in...
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...COMP101 – Problem Solving with Computing Homework - WEEK 2 [30 points] This is a review of some of the material from Chapter 2 and lectures from class. No credit for answers that are copies or near verbatim transcripts – please use your own words1 and document sources where appropriate. 1 This will apply to all assignments in this class. Answer the following questions: Chapter 2 1. Short Answers [1 point each, 2 points total] 1. What does a professional programmer usually do first to gain an understanding of a problem? The first thing that a professional programmer usually do first to gain an understanding of a program is to closely relate customer (Interview ) to inquire or gather information about the problem. 2. What two things must you normally specify in a variable declaration? The two things normally specified in a variable declaration are the variable type and identifier. 2. Algorithms / Pseudocode [1 point each, 5 points total] 1. Design an algorithm that prompts the user to enter his or her height and stores the user’s input in a variable named height. Declare height Display “Enter Your Height” Input Height Display “Height” 2. Write assignment statements that perform the following operations with the variables a and b. - Adds 2 to a and stores the result in b. - Subtracts 8 from b and stores the result in a Set b=2+a Set a=b-8 3. Write a pseudocode statement that declares the variable cost so it can hold real numbers. Floating...
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...COMP101 – Problem Solving with Computing Homework - WEEK 12 [30 points] This is further review of some of the material from Chapter 6, some simple steps in coding using JavaScript and the repl.it website, and lectures from class. No credit for answers that are copies or near verbatim transcripts – please use your own words[1] and document sources where appropriate. Chapter 7 Answer the following questions: 1. JavaScript Debugging Exercises [1 point each, 5 points total] The snippets of JavaScript below contain syntax errors and/or logic errors. Identify the errors and insert your corrected code. a. function main() { var num1 = getNumber(); var num2 = getNumber(); } function getNumber() { var input = Number(prompt("Enter a number")); } main(); b. function main() { var total = 0; for (var ctr = 0; ctr < 10; ctr++) { total = computeTotal(total); } } function computeTotal(total, ctr) { total = total + ctr; return total; } main(); c. function main() { var playerName1; var playerName2; playerName1, playerName2 = getPlayerNames(); } function getPlayerNames() { var name1 = prompt("Enter the name of player1"); return name1; var name2 = prompt("Enter the name of player2"); return name2; } main(); d. module main() ...
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...САНХҮҮ ЭДИЙН ЗАСГИЙН ДЭЭД СУРГУУЛЬ БИЗНЕСИЙН УДИРДЛАГЫН БАКАЛАВРЫН ӨДРИЙН ХӨТӨЛБӨР МЭДЭЭЛЛИЙН СИСТЕМИЙН МЕНЕЖМЕНТИЙН ТЭНХИМ РЕФЕРАТ Сэдэв: Java, XML хэлнүүдийн бизнес дэхь хэрэглээ, үнэ цэнэ Хичээлийн нэр: “Мэдээллийн системийн үндэс” Хичээлийн код: ISM221 Анги, Групп: 454 Гүйцэтгэсэн: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . З.Туул /FA10B029/ Шалгасан: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Б.Энхзаяа /магистр/ Огноо: 2012/05/17 Улаанбаатар. 2012 Агуулга Оршил ....................................................................................................................3 Онолын хэсэг Програмчлал, програмчлалын хэлний тухай ойлголт....................4 JAVA хэлний тухай............................................................................5 XML хэлний тухай.............................................................................6 Үндсэн хэсэг JAVA, XML хэлнүүдийн бизнес дэхь хэрэглээ..........................7-8 JAVA, XML хэлнүүдийн бизнесийн үнэ цэнэ...........................9-12 Дүгнэлт................................................................................................................13 Индекс.................................................................................................................14 Ном зүй..........................................................................................................15-16 Оршил Интернет бол дэлхий дахиныг...
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