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Company X Employee Handbook


Submitted By robbinsnt
Words 3535
Pages 15
Company X
Employee Handbook
Thongsee K. Robbins
(WGU Student #)
Western Governors University

Table of Contents

Part A: Standard and Procedures…………………..…………………………………………………………Page 2 Purpose of this Handbook………………………………………………………………………...…. Page 2 Change of Policy…………………………………………………………………………………………. Page 2 Employment Forms……………………………………………………………………………………..Page 2 Dress Code Policy……………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 2

Part B: Training…………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Page 3 Frequency of trainings…………………………………………………………………………….…. Page 3 Specific content included in training program……………………………………………... Page 3 Duration of training program……………………………………………………….………….…. Page 3 Who will conduct/facilitate trainings? .................................................................................Page 3 How training(s) will be present to employees………………………………………….…...Page 3

Part C: Monitoring, Auditing & Reporting………………………………………………………………..Page 4 Monitoring employee misconduct……………………………………………………………….Page 4 Auditing employee misconduct……………………………………………………………………Page 4 Reporting employee misconduct…………………………………………………………………Page 4

Part D: Evaluate & Review the program after implementation………………………………….Page 5 Develop a plan……………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 5 Review and evaluate the effectiveness of ethics program………………………………Page 5 Suggestions to improve the ethics program after implementation……………...….Page 5 Measures or procedures used to review…………………………………………………...…. Page 5 Frequency of review…………………………………………………………………………………... Page 5 Who will conduct the review? ................................................................................................ Page 5 How will improvements be implemented? ........................................................................Page 5 How will changes be communicated? ...................................................................................Page 5

Part A: Standards and Procedures Introduction

The Company X Employee Handbook is published to help new employees become familiar with the company policies and procedures. The employee handbook describes the benefits and working conditions of Company X that must be followed by all employees. In this employee’s handbook are the expectations of behaviors and actions for each employee to follow as they represent Company X’s values, goals and visions of the company.

Purpose of a Handbook

Company X would like to provide our employees with a friendly environment to help individuals strive to meet with their daily demanding challenges. Company X wants to lead our employees to provide an extraordinary service commitment to the consumers and to provide the best quality products with a price that is competitive with our competition. These policies and procedures serve as working conditions of Company X in order to provide a safe and pleasant environment for both customers and employees.

Company X is aware of our talents and abilities that each employee brings to the company. Company X would like to provide our employees with environment that promotes an openness and cooperation among the employees and the company so we may achieve both the highest fulfillment for our employees and the company vision. Company X has an open door policy where the company encourages our employees to take problems to the next higher level of management if they are not achieving their desired result with their supervisor. Company X is an equal opportunity employer. Company X provides its employees the best opportunities for growth pay and benefits base on employees’ merit. Company X treats our employees fairly and does not discriminate against race, religion, age, gender and national origin of our employees. Company X will obey all federal, state and local labor laws that pertain to the company.
Change of Policy Company X reserves the right to change and modify the policies and procedures that are outlined in this employee handbook. Company X also has the right to add or delete any polices, procedure, benefits and working conditions that are pertain to the grow of the company and its vision for the success of the company in the future without any notice to the employees.

Company X will strive to notify employees when change in policies or procedures of the company occur, but the responsibility lies within the employees to know about the policies, procedures, benefits and working conditions of the company rules and regulations.

Forms All new employees must complete all necessary forms to obtain employment with our company. New employee will have 3 business days to turn in the paper works to the Human Resources Manager with their Employment Eligibility Verification Form 1-9, W-2; direct deposit if they choose this option and 401K forms.
APPEARANCE AND DRESS Company X encourages employees to dress appropriately in business casual wear. Employees will not wear anything that would consider being an offensive to the company or colleagues. This includes profane language or clothes that promote sexuality, race, politics, religion, and gender. Company X desires to provide a workplace that is enjoyable and pleasant place for all employees to enjoy while working for the company. We as the management team expect your business attire exhibit common sense and professionalism. Some of the casual wears are not suitable for professional office employees to wear. Please use the following guidelines below as you select your business attire for work. Clothing that you would consider wearing to the beach, exercise, does yard work, sporting events, and dance clubs will not be appropriate for your business attire at work. If your clothing reveal too much cleavage such as your chest and your stomach or your underwear is deem inappropriate for a business wear, even on casual Friday. Clothes should always be pressed and free from any torn or strain. Clothes that have words or pictures that would make your colleagues or customers feel uncomfortable are not acceptable. Clothes with the company name and logo is encouraged. Friday is declared as a dress down days. On Friday, jeans and other more casual clothing are allowed for employees to wear. The following clothing is not acceptable for business attire for our company such as Bermuda shorts or short shorts, leggings and shorts. Dress and skirt should at least the knee length for comfortable sitting in a public place. Your clothing should not include the following wear such as spaghetti strap or mini-skirts because they are deemed to be inappropriate for the office attire. These clothing are acceptable to the company dress policies such as dress shirts, sweaters and casual shirts to wear to work. Our company encourages their employee to wear a suit jackets or sport jackets to the office where they are directly dealing with customers. Dress shoes and dress heels are acceptable footwear with our company. Shoes such flip-flops, thongs and slippers are not acceptable foot wear. Make- up and jewelry should be in a good taste. Keep in mind that some employees are allergic to some of the perfumes so when using these items please be considered of those employees who may experience allergic reaction to the colonel or perfumes you are using. Company X encourages its employees to dress in the attire that demonstrate good judgment and professional taste. We, the management team asked each employee please be considering of your coworkers and your professional images in the community to be the factors of your business attire. Employees who are find to be dress inappropriate in the workplace will be reprimand on an individual basis rather than punishment all employees to a more strict dress policies.
All hourly employees are required to clock in and out with the time clock that the company provide you. You are responsible to clock in and out for yourself and not for other employee. If you are caught clocking in and out for other employees, action will be taken against you.

The company will pay our employees on the 5th and on the 20th of every month. The pay period will end on the last day of the month for paycheck to be pay on the 5th. For paycheck that will be pay on the 20th, the pay period will end on the 15th of the month. Our employee could either pick-up their paycheck after 3pm or they could have an option of a direct deposit. Direct deposit will be ready after 10AM. If the 5th or 20th land on the weekend or holiday, they will be pay on the last working day before payday.

The regularly scheduled workday for our business office is: Monday through Friday, from 9:00AM to 6:00PM.

The company observes the following holidays:
 New Year's Day
 Memorial Day
 Fourth of July
 Labor Day
 Thanksgiving
 Christmas

Full-time employees will be paid for these holidays. Part-time employees are not eligible for holiday pay.

Company X expects full attention of our employees while they are at work. Sometime employees may occasionally have to take care of personal business during the workday. We asked that you to limit your personal phone call for no more at 5 minutes. If you have unexpected visit, please limit your visit time to 10 minutes. The company’s phone are not allow for employees personal use either before or after work. An excessive personal phone calls, personal visits and personal business dealings is not allow and will to a disciplinary action.

Acknowledgement of Receipt of Employee Handbook
Please read and sign at the bottom of this page to acknowledge that I had read and understood the policies and procedures of this company. If I have any question now or in future, I will have the opportunity with the company Human Resources Manager to help me to have a better understanding of what are the expectation and require of me as being an employee of this company.
As I sign this employee handbook, I agree and comply with all policies and procedures that this company has laid out for me as guidelines to follow. I agree that the company have the rights to change or modify their policies and procedures any time without any advance notice to me beforehand.
I understand that if I have violated any policies and procedures as stated in this employee handbook, I will be reprimand and further actions will take against me.
I also understand that the employee handbook it’s not implied or express contract regarding my employment with the company.

Signature Date

Print Employee Name

New Employees

All new employees must complete orientation session with the Human Resources Manager. The orientation session will give the new employee the opportunity to complete all employment forms that are required by Federal and State laws, as well as payroll and withholding information. The Human Resources Manager will explain the terms and the rules and expectations of the company. The Human Resources Manager will provide an overview of the pay and benefit packages offered by Company X. The employee will be responsible for reading the following policies that have been established within the employee handbook.

All new employees will be put on twelve (12) month probation. During this time, the supervisor will have a chance to teach and observe the employee with a close supervision. While teaching the employee, the supervisor will have the ability to evaluate the employee’s potential and performance. At the same time, the employee will be able to learn and ask questions of his/her job responsibilities. During the probation period, Company X has the right to terminate an employee on reason that deemed sufficient by Company X.

All new employees are to be train by their supervisor during their probationary period of their duties according to their job description.

Before the complete of the twelve months’ probationary period, the supervisor will complete the evaluation for the new employee to determent whether that employee is hiring for permanent position or terminated. Performance Appraisals and Job Evaluations

The immediate supervisor will conduct an annual employee performance evaluation for each regular employee that they supervise using their job description as their guide for evaluation. In this performance evaluation, Company X will use as a guide to promote or demotion an employee. In the evaluation, Company X will recognize the strength and abilities of the individual employees to determine the need for improvement with the company. Also during this annual evaluation, will include any correction of deficiencies of the employees and the action it had taken.

At this time, Company X will have the ability to provide employees with an opportunity to discuss personal and Company X’s goals and mean for improvement for its employees. The annual employee evaluation will give the company the chance to add or deleted any employee’s duties

The employees that are on probate will receive the feedback from their immediate supervisor before the probationary period expire of their status which will inform them of whether they are regular employee or they are being terminated.

The supervisor will schedule a time with each employees to set-up the exact time to do the evaluation for an employees. During the evaluation, both the supervisor and the employee will discuss the employee’s job performance and the job description. At this time, both the employee and the supervisor will develop an opportunity for the company to provide the employees with the training needs and improvement plans for each employee to performance at their best. The supervisor will share with the employees the company goals and vision for any future goals for success.

If an employee disagrees with their immediate supervisor of their evaluation, the employee will have 10 business days to respond in writing with an attachment of the employees evaluation form to their next higher manager.

To complete the evaluation form, both the employee and the supervisor will have to sign and date the evaluation form. The signature will acknowledge that both the supervisor and the employee have reviewed and understand the comments that are contained within the evaluation. The employee training and development process The company wills set-up the training program for all employees. The program will includes a new employee training with description of the job expectations and performance skills that will help new employee to performance his/her job responsibility at the maxizumie result possible. Also the training will help the new employee to understanding the important of how his/her position will fit in with the company structure. Company X is striving to provide the new employee with the background knowledge that the new employee will need to be able to have a better understanding of how important his/her impact would be on the company. The new employee must understand the important impact that he/she will contribute to her own department but must also be able to interrelate with the different departments of the company. Company X will provide a continuing education for all departments key person to familiar themselves with the important company function. The department key persons will attend an ongoing education with the company approve facility to host the continuing education. Including in this training education will be to update themselves with company policies and procedures and the technology that each department uses. Managers will attend yearly seminar on how to better supervise their team.
New Hire Training Company X will provide the new employee with both the training manual book format or online which ever method the employee chooses to obtain his or her training. In this training program will include a session on the practical and technical skills that the new employee needed to performance his or her job responsibilities. For the new employee to be familiar himself or herself with the policies and procedures of the company, the office manager will have to up keep both the manual and on online training program current. This includes in any change in policies and procedure and any system enhancements. The office manager will in keep in mind the user when designing the manual or online training materials for the new employee to keep material interesting and informational for the learner. The office manager will use the language that is familiar terms for the learner to understand and comprehend; it must include pictures and multi-media.
On the Job Training After the manual notebook or online training, the new employee will have the ability to be on the job training program. On the job training program, the new employee will be trained by the existing employee. Both of the existing employee and the new employee will work side-by-side together. This will allow the new employee to see firsthand the difference aspect of the position. This training will allow the new employee opportunity to develop a working relationship with a coworker. On the job training will reinforce the concepts that were being taught by an online or on manual notebook training program. The new employee will develop a better understand of the initial training and would be able to apply those same concepts on hands-on training.
Continuing Education in Employee Training Continuing education program for all department are as important as the new employee training. Continuing education will help reminding the employees about the procedures and concepts. The continuing education program will be both formal and informal. The informal continuing education training will include an up-to-date of the policies and procedures. The Human Resources Manager will send an email with an update of the policies and procedures to all employees on annual basis. The formal continuing education training program, staff will have the opportunity to take classes and attend seminar from an approve facility that the company provide to teach the employees new skills and to share ideas to improve the concept that the company already have in place. Attending Classes and seminars will help the employees to interrelate with other employees in their fielding to share ideas and experiences together how to handle issues that had arisen in the workplace. Meanwhile employees will gain new skills or ideas on how to better fullfill his or her job responsibilities.
Part C: Monitoring, Auditing & Reporting Company X has an open door policy for our employees. Employees are encouraged to report any misconduct by their colleagues. If the employee of Company X wittiness or have knowledge of their colleagues had violated the company policies and procedures, that employee must report the violation to their immediate supervisor. If the supervisor is the one that violated the policies and procedures of the company, that employee must report to the next higher level manager

If you did not reach the result you want, you should contact the company Human Resources Manager. The Human Resources Manager will advise you of what to do next to resolve the problems. The Human Resources Manager will help clarify any polices and answer any question regarding the issues at hand. If further actions are required the Human Resources will investigate all violated that are brought to the Company’s attention. RELATIONSHIPS WITH OUR CUSTOMERS Employees of Company X are not allowed to complain about the company policies and procedure to our customers. Employees’ personal problems are to remain as personal because every time our customers hear or see anything that having to do with our company, it will change the perception of our company. Our customers trust us with their business and they have high expectations and a position attitude toward our service. Each employee has the responsibility to fulfill the customers’ expectation of our company. As an employee of Company X, we must act professionally in every aspect of what we do and say. Our reputation is your future.

If you have a problem with the company, you should discuss the issues with your immediate supervisor not the customer. If you did not get the result you want, you should report the problems to the next high level of management. Company X realized that from time to time you will feel frustrated with the company internal problems; however we must not share the company internal problems with our customers because when we do, we will lose our credibility with the customers. RELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER EMPLOYEES Company X strives to provide comfortable and healthy working atmosphere for our employees. Company X is seeking to maintain a productive activity, to achieve this result each employees must treat each other with a respect for one another. Our company philosophy is simple to treat others, the way you would like to be treated.


A working area should be neatly and orderly kept to make a more pleasant and productive place to work. As employee of the company, you are expected to keep your surroundings area clean and presentable to your fellow employees and customers who may come to visited.

Part C: Monitoring, Auditing & Reporting

Auditing Employee Misconduct

If Company X suspect any misconduct of the employees, Company X have the right to inspect or monitor and enter or search any office, desk, file, locker or any other area that the company have reason doubt that the violated had taken place.

Company X has an open door policy for our employees. Employees are encouraged to report any misconduct by their colleagues. If the employee of Company X wittiness or have knowledge of their colleagues had violated the company policies and procedures, that employee must report the violation to their immediate supervisor. If the supervisor is the one that violated the policies and procedures of the company, that employee must report to the next higher level manager

If you did not reach the result you want, you should contact the company Human Resources Manager. The Human Resources Manager will advise you of what to do next to resolve the problems. The Human Resources Manager will help clarify any policies and answer any question regarding the issues at hand. If further actions are required the Human Resources will investigate all violated that are brought to the Company’s attention.

Part D: Evaluate & Review the program after implementation

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...Standard Operating Procedures and Ethics All employees, management, and directors of Company X are expected to not only familiarize themselves with the Standard Operating Procedures and Ethics but to also help each other comply with these standards and embrace a team environment. While this handbook is a broad guide as to how to conduct yourself you will receive additional training regularly. In the event there is any question as to how standards are to be followed or of the proper ethical choice in a situation please reach out to Human Resources. They will help address your questions and guide you in the right direction. Ethical Responsibilities: All employees, management, and directors of Company X should make it their top priority to operate on a daily basis with honesty, integrity and without malice. Unfortunately, all ethical decisions are not easy and the right answer isn’t always apparent. In situations such as these, reach out to Human Resources. Beyond unusual circumstances we must treat all other employees as well as customers and people of the community with respect and dignity regardless, age, sex, origin, or different abilities. Staff Schedules: Directors and management of Company X are responsible for creating employee schedules. Work schedules are to be taken very seriously. Schedules are created two weeks in advance. If you are requesting time off you must submit your request in writing to your department manager no later than two and a half weeks...

Words: 1231 - Pages: 5

Free Essay

Lit1 Task2

...that a covered employer must provide a qualified employee with twelve weeks of unpaid leave in any twelve-month period to care for oneself or a family member with a serious health condition. The FMLA requires twenty six weeks in any twelve month period for the care of a member of the armed forces. Within this act are a number of conditions and exceptions. A serious health condition that is covered by this act includes pregnancy, prenatal complications, birth of a child, adoption of a child, or fostering a child. The health conditions also include chronic condition, long-term conditions, hospitalization, and ongoing treatment conditions (FMLA). An employee may choose and an employer may require an employee to use any unused sick/medical leave, personal leave, family leave, and vacation for all of the twelve weeks or for however much time employee has in unused leave. The paid sick/medical leave can only be used if such conditions for would otherwise be accepted by the employer as provided in the employer’s handbook. The twelve weeks can be taken continuously, intermittently, or as reduced work schedule. An employer must continue to provide health insurance benefits during the twelve weeks as it would if employee was actively working. Upon returning to work the employer shall provide the employee with the same position or an equivalent position with equivalent pay as the employee had before the leave provided that the employee is still able to perform the duties of the position...

Words: 1461 - Pages: 6

Premium Essay


...Table of Contents Question 1(a) 1 Question 1 (b) (i) 2 Question 1 (b) (ii) 3 Question 3(a) 5 Question 3(b) 6 Question 3(c) 7 Question 4(a) 8 Question 4(b) 10 References 11 Question 1(a) The issues arise in the above situation is whether Ahmad have any contract made with Suria Supermarket. The law consist in the above situation is Invitation to treat (ITT). As you known, invitation to treat does not mean amount to an offer. Section 2(a) of the Contract Act 1950 defined as something which is capable of being converted into an agreement by its acceptance. There is a different between Invitations to treat with an offer. A proposal must be distinguished from an invitation to treat (ITT) so that the proposal can be the only way to attract any party to enter the contract. Examples of Invitation to treat which is Good displayed in shop windows and shelves, Advertisement, Auctions, Catalogues and Price lists. Based on the above situation, the law of Invitation to treat of display of goods is exist which it is not a proposal to sell and invitation not capable of being accepted, In shop , owner merely holds himself prepared to consider proposals made to him at the suggested price, so an offer to buy is made when the customer puts the goods in a trolley or takes the item off the shelf, but the contract only made when the person bring the item to the cashier’s desk and pay for the item. Section 2 (a) of the Contract Act 1950 provides that when one person signifies...

Words: 3500 - Pages: 14