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Comparative Analysis of Economies


Submitted By usama10028
Words 2166
Pages 9
Usama Rehan Khan
4650578 | TBS905
A Comparative Analysis of UAE and France Economies
Submitted to: DR. Asima Shiraz
Usama Rehan Khan
4650578 | TBS905
A Comparative Analysis of UAE and France Economies
Submitted to: DR. Asima Shiraz

Contents Abstract 2 Introduction to UAE Economy 2 Introduction to French Economy 2 GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 3 Components of GDP 4 Consumption 4 Private Investments 4 Government Expenditures 5 Net Exports 6 Unemployment 7 Inflation 8 Exchange Rate 8 Critical Analysis of Economies 10 France 10 United Arab Emirate 11

This paper is an attempt to give the comparative analysis of the economies of France & UAE. Both economies vary in their structure, size and opportunities. This work tries to elaborate the economies by discussing variable like GDP, Inflation, Exchange Rate and Unemployment. It tries to give a clear picture of the past trends, factors influencing the variations and future predictions. It also involves the critical analysis of both the economies that what current scenario would shape up the future.
Introduction to UAE Economy
The UAE has an open economy with high sizable annual trade and per capita income. Since the discovery of oil in UAE more than 30 years ago the country has achieved economic diversification and reduced the contribution of oil and gas to GDP to 25 percent. UAE has transformed itself from desert principalities to a modern state with high standard of living. UAE government spending has increased in effort to decrease unemployment and infrastructure expansion. In April 2004, the UAE signed a trade Agreement with Washington and in November 2004, agreed to negotiate Free Trade Agreement with the US; however talks did not move forward. The major

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