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Compare And Contrast Social Work And Being A Victim's Advocate

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Social work and being a victim’s advocate can prove to be both challenging and rewarding. Challenging because there have been so many changes in the last five years or so. Such as technology, workloads and the economy crash. The rewards of being a social worker would be having a flexible schedule and knowing that you are making a difference.
We have come a long way in the last few years. Now technology has replaced traditional paperwork. Almost everything has become paperless. When we had to do everything by hand, it was a matter of playing the waiting game. When you sent a client’s paperwork into the state, you had to wait and see when and if they received everything. Now with modern technology, it is easier not only communicating but sending information as well.
Modern technology allows us to communicate faster from different locations. We no longer need to wait for paperwork in the mail or worry about how many times we must make long distance phone calls. We can now just get on either our desktop, laptop or even our …show more content…
Having a smartphone allows you to take instant notes and means that you can transfer to your computer later and time. As a social worker, you also need to have knowledge of using a computer as well. You will be using technology everyday so you need to know how to use it.
Even though with technology, we can communicate faster, you still have more of a workload. By this, I mean because we use computers we have to send more emails, and type more notes. Before, in an office setting you had about 50 or so people working in an office building. It was easier to have that one on one communication, modern technology has replaced many of them and therefore, a social is on their own and they have a huge workload. Before, there were workers that helped keep files and folders together and in a proper filing system. Now each worker is responsible for their own cases, files, and

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