...Question?? Accounting for decision making of Virgin Australia Holdings and Quantas Airways ltd. Report Review analysis the Topic Frame is: Introduction The presented report is aimed to present understanding and interpretation of different financial ratios in the context of judging the financial performance of an organization. The financial ratio revealed on the basis of different financial records and figures for a particular organization, indicates the existing status of the company. In addition to this, there are a number of different types of financial ratios for a company which are aimed to show different aspects of financial performance of the organization namely profitability, Efficiency, and financial stability of the organization for a long term. From the perspective of an investor or a share holder, it is quite crucial to have proper information regarding existing financial ratio of the company before making worthy investment within an organization (Gitman, and McDaniel 2008). In context to this, the paper shade some intensive lights over thorough interpretation of different ratios of two prominent airlines companies namely Virgin Australia Holdings Ltd, QANTAS Airways Ltd. The primary objective of the paper is to reflect financial performance of both the organizations for last two financial years (i.e. 2010 and 2011) on the basis of the interpretation and review of financial ratio of both the organizations. Analysis of financial performance...
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...important objects of the accounting and reporting are Profit and Loss Account ( Income Statement ), Balance Sheet ( Statement of Financial Standing ) and Cash Flow Statement. The financial statements provide information about an entity's: [IAS 1.9] * assets * liabilities * equity * income and expenses, including gains and losses * contributions by and distributions to owners (in their capacity as owners) * cash flows. A complete set of financial statements includes: [IAS 1.10] 1. a statement of financial position (balance sheet) at the end of the period 2. a statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income for the period 3. a statement of changes in equity for the period 4. a statement of cash flows for the period 5. notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes 6. comparative information prescribed by the standard The financial statements must "present fairly" the financial position, financial performance and cash flows of an entity. Fair presentation requires the faithful representation of the effects of transactions, other events, and conditions in accordance with the definitions and recognition criteria for assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Everything is about what ( a position ), where ( P&L, B/S, outside B/S), at which value and at what time should posted and recognized. In the case of Wansbeck Motors we have to explain Tom the content, importance and...
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...Competition Bikes Incorporation Financial and Operational Analysis Competition Bikes Incorporation is a manufacturer of sports cycles and is a famous brand among professional cyclists. This report presents a financial and operational analysis for Competitors Bikes Incorporation for the past three financial years, which include year 6, 7 and 8. The financial analysis presented in this report includes horizontal and vertical analysis of the three years’ income statement and balance sheet of Competition Bikes Incorporation, trend analysis of sales including sales forecasting for the next three years and ratio analysis. In the ratio analysis of the company, comparative analysis has been conducted by keeping in view the ratios for Competitor Bikes Incorporation’s major competitor “Two Wheel Racing”. On the other hand, the operational analysis includes analysis of working capital of the company, evaluation of internal control of the company with respect to the purchasing department and its operations and evaluation of Competition Bikes Incorporation’s compliance with the requirements of Sarbanes Oxley Act. Each of these analysis and evaluations are presented in sequential manner in the following sections. Horizontal Analysis of Competition Bikes Incorporation’s Financial Statements Keeping in view the horizontal analysis for Competition Bikes Incorporation for the last three years, it is observed that the company has managed to increase its sales in 7th year in comparison with 6th...
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...Google VERSUS Microsoft Strayer University Dr. Wade Ferguson BUS518 March 10, 2012 Although, both Google and Microsoft corporations have search engines in their portfolios, the core business for each is different and the diversity of their holdings, services and products really does not allow for a direct comparison of their actual offerings, but instead the financial statements, recent annual reports, and most importantly the financial ratios gleaned from these reports will help to identify which is more able to withstand the economic downturn and would be a more stable and profitable investment. Like so many of the dot.com companies, Google’s creation was conceptualized by computer science technicians. Larry Page and Sergey Brin met in 1995 while attending Stanford. They developed a search engine that was utilized by Stanford only, which they called Backrub. In 1997, Craig Silverstein joined the company, the company name was changed to Google and the search engine was released to the public. Google’s main core business is still its search engine used for internet browsing by individuals as well as businesses. In addition to the search engine, Google relies on its applications and advertisements to generate revenue. Googlemaps was created in 2005 and there are a wide variety of products and services including Android, its mobile platform, g-mail, Google earth, and Google venture. In 1975 Microsoft was developed by Paul Allen and a 19 year old, named Bill...
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...Understand the sources of finance available to a Business 1.1 identify the sources of finance available to a business 1 1.2 assess the implications of the different sources 1 1.3 1 2.1 evaluate appropriate sources of finance for a business project analyse the costs of different sources of finance 2.2 explain the importance of financial planning 2 2.3 2 2.4 assess the information needs of different decision makers explain the impact of finance on the financial statements 3.1 analyse budgets and make appropriate decisions 3 3.2 explain the calculation of unit costs and make pricing 3 3.3 assess the viability of a project using investment appraisal techniques 3 4.1 discuss the main financial statements 4 4.2 compare appropriate formats of financial statements for different types of business 4 4.3 interpret financial statements using appropriate ratios and comparisons, both internal and external. 4 LO2 Understand the implications of finance as a resource within a business LO3 Be able to make financial decisions based on financial information LO4 Be able to evaluate the financial performance of a business Evidence (Page no) 2 2 Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged. Student signature: Date: 1 In addition to the above Pass Criteria, this...
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...rules. This is because, even though accountant follows a set of rules, there are still possibilities that the set of rules does not covers every aspects in detail. This had led to room for professional judgements. It will be based on accountant’s judgement. The differences is not only between countries but it could differ within the country as well especially for Multinational enterprises (MNEs) it could be complicated as it involved different countries. MNEs can be defined as companies who offer products or services internationally. For instance, company XYZ’s headquarter is in Malaysia while its branch is in China. The existence of MNEs can be explained by Dunning’s eclectic paradigm. Firstly because the companies can gain access to assets that will gives them competitive advantages over local firms. Secondly due to the extent to which relative transaction cost make it appropriate for the companies to use such advantages themselves instead of to license or franchise to other firm and lastly, the existence of MNEs because of relevant cost and the government policies that encourage companies to perform production in other countries. MNEs can be classified into three groups: resource-seeking, market-seeking and efficiency-seeking. Resource-seeking is the search of resources in other country. While companies with market-seeking, they tend to establish subsidiaries. Those subsidiaries play a role as producer of goods to supply the market in the country of parent’s location. As...
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...| | | | | | |[pic] | | | | | |UCD School of Business | | | | | |Accountancy Subject Area ...
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...PESTEL analysis for China1) Political Factorsi.Constitutional SystemChina or People¶s Republic of China adopts socialist system or communism in their political system in their decision-making processes in governing the country.The country¶s sole political party in power is known as the Communist Party of China.The government have the sole power to control all activities done by their citizen as whathave been describe in how communism system worked in governing a country. Inother words, the purposes of working in China are to contribute to the nation and alsoto the government as the government control on all activities in the country.ii.Stability of Government. The stability of the China government is quite moderate and stable because theadministration of the government are not publicize to the public either through thepress or on the internet. So, the degree of the citizen involvement in the politics is lowbecause of the heavy restrictions impose by the government. However, the policiesimpose and the law regulations are quite effective in terms of economy where China isone of the leading countries in the world. In the recent years (2001), China has joinedthe World Trade Organization and results rapid growth in industrial and manufacturingsectors because of the cheap labor in China. But still problems such as managingenvironmental degradation, demographic pressure and the extreme immigration fromrural to urban area must be faced by the government.iii.Business FreedomThe...
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...1.0 ECONOMY ANALYSIS 1.1 Develop Country 1.1.1 Luxembourg Years Economic indicator | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | GDP | 2.30% | 1.20% | 2.30% | 4.00% | 6.20% | Inflation Rate | 1.60% | 2.00% | 2.40% | 2.50% | 2.60% | Unemployment Rate | 4.10% | 3.60% | 4.50% | 4.50% | 4.10% | Table 01: Economic performance of Luxembourg (Sources from: Index Mundi) Chart 01: Economic performance of Luxembourg (Sources from: Index Mundi) The graphs above have shown that the GDP, inflation rate and unemployment rate of Luxembourg. In year 2003 its show the GDP is 2.30%. In 2004, the graph was decrease by 1.10% which is 1.20%. Then, start in year 2005 the GDP was increase from 2.30%, 4.00% in year 2006 and 6.20% in year 2007. That graph has shown that the year 2007 have the higher GDP. For the inflation rate, in year 2003 is the lowest rate that is 1.60%. In 2004 the inflation rate was increase by 0.40% which is 2.00%. In 2005, 2006, and 2007 the inflation rate also increase every year by 0.10% which is 2.40%, 2.50% and 2.60% in 2005, 2006 and 2007. It show that the country give a good performance of inflation rate every year because the rate is increase slowly. There also approve that the country show the increases of money supply and the decline in the real value of money. For the unemployment rate in 2003 is 4.10%. Then the unemployment rate was slightly decline by 0.50% which is 3.60% in year 2004. The unemployment rate was increase again in year 2005 and 2006...
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...IFRS Who cares about goodwill impairment? A collection of stakeholder views April 2014 kpmg.com/ifrs Contents 01 02 03 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 17 18 20 21 Time to engage Exploring the issues Key themes The academic research Is goodwill impairment testing relevant? Is goodwill impairment testing effective? What are the difficulties? Do we need all of these disclosures? What are some of the alternatives? We have three unanswered questions A call to action Appendix 1: The interviewees Appendix 2: References and notes Acknowledgements © 2014 KPMG IFRG Limited, a UK company, limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. Who cares about goodwill impairment? | 1 TIME TO ENGAGE On 30 January 2014, the IASB launched the public phase of its post-implementation review of business combinations accounting when it released a Request for Information.1 We believe that a key aspect of the review is the impairment-only accounting model for goodwill, which was introduced in 2004. Comments are due to the IASB by 30 May 2014, so now is the time for all stakeholders to provide their feedback on this emotive topic. The Request for Information essentially asks three questions in relation to goodwill impairment testing. • How useful have you found the information obtained from annually assessing goodwill for impairment? • Do you think that improvements are needed regarding the information provided by the impairment test? • What are the main implementation, auditing or enforcement challenges...
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...Policy Brief to address the issue of South Korean access to rare-earth minerals Eleonora Nam 201232133 "China controls about 95% of the global supply of rare-earth minerals, which are used in everything from consumer electronics to batteries to defense systems. In recent years the government has reduced its export quotas to secure greater control over prices...China's export restrictions on rare earths have been the focus of the international policy and market pressures in recent months." - Wall Street Journal Issue: China is the "world leader" in the reserves and "production" of rare earth minerals - raw material for the production of metals. It produces 95-97% of all rare earth elements on earth. Moreover, China does not allow the export of rare earth elements as raw materials, only finished products that are made in China. China's monopoly power in the REE market allows to influence "international affairs". As Elliot Brennan pointed out, with the increasing demand, reduced exports of Beijing in recent years is forcing high-tech companies to move to China and governments to invest in their "exploration" and "production." Most importantly, this power allows China to manipulate the prices of the rare earths, for the demand is increasing each year. Nowadays, none of the technology industry can do without the use of the rare earths, which are necessary for the production of products such as smart phones, wind turbines, batteries for electric vehicles, as well as...
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...MANAGING INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS WORKBOOK A DYNAMIC PROCESS Third Edition John L. Maginn, CFA Donald L. Tuttle, CFA Dennis W. McLeavey, CFA Jerald E. Pinto, CFA John Wiley & Sons, Inc. MANAGING INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS WORKBOOK A DYNAMIC PROCESS The CFA Institute is the premier association for investment professionals around the world, with over 85,000 members in 129 countries. Since 1963 the organization has developed and administered the renowned Chartered Financial Analyst Program. With a rich history of leading the investment profession, CFA Institute has set the highest standards in ethics, education, and professional excellence within the global investment community, and is the foremost authority on investment profession conduct and practice. Each book in the CFA Institute Investment Series is geared toward industry practitioners along with graduate-level finance students and covers the most important topics in the industry. The authors of these cutting-edge books are themselves industry professionals and academics and bring their wealth of knowledge and expertise to this series. MANAGING INVESTMENT PORTFOLIOS WORKBOOK A DYNAMIC PROCESS Third Edition John L. Maginn, CFA Donald L. Tuttle, CFA Dennis W. McLeavey, CFA Jerald E. Pinto, CFA John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright c 2007 by CFA Institute. All rights reserved. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced...
Words: 96021 - Pages: 385
...20F report of foreign companies, as in Sinopec, Petrobras and Lukoil. A comparison was done on the five companies to determine if there exists a corelation between sustainability perspective and financial performance. OIL INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Oil accounts for a large percentage of the world’s energy consumption, ranging from 32% for Europe and Asia, and 53% for the Middle East. The world consumes 30 billion barrels of oil per year, with developed nations being the largest consumers. The United States consumed 25% of the oil produced in 2007. In 2009, world energy consumption decreased for the first time in 30 years (-1.1%), as a result of the financial and economic crisis (GDP drop by 0.6% in 2009). This evolution is the result of two contrasting trends. Energy consumption growth remained vigorous in several developing countries, specifically in Asia (+4%). Conversely, in OECD, consumption was severely cut by 4.7% in 2009 and was thus almost down to its 2000 levels. In North America, Europe and CIS, consumptions shrank by 4.5%, 5% and 8.5% respectively due to the slowdown in economic activity. China became the world's largest energy consumer (18% of the total) since its consumption surged by 8% during 2009 (up from 4% in 2008). Oil remained the largest energy source (33%) despite the fact that its share has been decreasing over time. EIA expects that world crude oil and liquid fuels...
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...CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Since the 1960s to date, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) have been given due recognitions especially in the developed nations for playing very important roles towards fostering accelerated economic growth, development and stability within several economies (Yitzhaki, 2006). They make-up the largest proportion of businesses all over the world and play tremendous roles in employment generation, provision of goods and services, creating a better standard of living, as well as immensely contributing to the gross domestic products (GDPs) of many countries (OECD, 2000).Over the last few decades, the contributions of the SMEs sector, the development of the largest economies in the world have beamed the searchlight on the uniqueness of the SMEs; and this have succeeded in overruling previously held views that SMEs were only ―miniature versions‖ of larger companies (Al-Shaikh 1998; Gaskill et al. 1993). And although Small and Medium Enterprises have been at the center of the policy debate for quite some time in both developed and developing countries, little analytical work has been undertaken in this area.The dearth information that exists among researchers on Small and Medium Enterprises however provides a sense of how important this sector is for sustainable development in emerging economies (Medina, 2001). For instance, recent studies conducted by United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concur that SMEs...
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...I. Introduction 1.1 Significance of the Study The comparison between China and India is a popular topic in social sciences. Since these two very similar countries gained independence around the same time, one democratic in 1947 and another communist in 1949, many world leaders and scholars have come to view the economic, social and political performance of the two Asian giants as the best testimony of which is the better approach to modernity for developing countries (Gilley 21). Current scholarly interest tends to focus more on evaluating the different development models that China and India embrace. It is easy to find works contrasting the two countries’ economic reforms, political systems, social progress and human development, yet direct comparison between China and India’s building of soft power is lacking. However, the understanding of how China and India build their soft power strength is essential as the two Asian giants, both of which have splendid cultures and a long history, are on the rise and eager to shine in the world stage. To address such inadequacy, this paper intends to present an assessment on China and India’s soft power building and find out who has the lead in the race. 1.2 Structure of the Study The paper is divided into several sections. It begins with a literature review that goes over studies on China and India’s soft power strength. Then, it proceeds to explain the key concept “soft power” using Nye’s classic theoretical framework. Concerning...
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