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Compare The Preamble To The Constitution

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The preamble to the Constitution sets forth the purpose behind our nation’s founding of a new government. While each statement has a main objective it wishes to pursue, the different sides of the political spectrum have various ways of achieving these end goals. Conservatives value traditional practices, while a liberal thinks there should be an increased opportunity for change. These two sides are very dissimilar, but there is also a moderate side. These people usually have a middle view for the two opinions of the liberals and conservatives. The statements of the preamble allow for these political sides to have choices on how they wish to get to the intended goal.
The first purpose of the preamble is “to establish justice.” The conservative view of this statement is to have freedom for the innocent without exploiting their rights. In a court case, an innocent man should be able to walk free without going through multiple trials. The liberal view of establishing justice is to expand rights for a more just society. This means that all rights and laws should be considered while deciding the fate of a person. For this statement, the moderate view is to be guaranteed a fair treatment no matter the person. Everyone should be …show more content…
This means that everyone should be able to live peacefully in their homes with no unwelcome disturbances. A liberal would view domestic tranquility as no one should be forced to give up their values for the benefit of others. All people should be able to continue with their beliefs, and not have to sacrifice them so others people will get their way. The moderate view of the liberal and conservative one is that everyone in a community should live peacefully as one. This means that all citizens in a community should live amongst one another without any fighting, and should help each other out if

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