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Comparing Arranged Marriages In The US And The United States

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There are two main ways people find marriage partners. The first is by their own choice, and the second is where people other than the couple pick their partners, usually parents. Each type of arrangement has its advantages. Which choice is better depends on a person’s viewpoint and their culture. Arranged marriage is found throughout the world. It was the normal method of partner selection up until about the twentieth century. The parents of the couple often choose their child’s spouse, but a matchmaker may be used instead. The couple may not even meet until the day that they get married. People now in industrialized countries such as the United States have more freedom in their choice of partner than they used to. It often resembles parents setting up dates more than parents forcing their child to marry. These people do have the right of rejection if their parents’ choices are unacceptable. Free choice marriages are often considered normal in the US. Often potential partners are sought out through dating or common interests. Because American culture values independence and personal freedom, choosing one’s own spouse is very important. Recent immigrants or children of immigrants may …show more content…
Bargaining takes place in both relationships. In an arranged marriage, the bargaining is more obvious. A bride price or dowry is a traditional example. In a free choice marriage the couple themselves does the bargaining, and it is often more subtle. There are drawbacks and benefits to each potential spouse, and the overall benefit is weighed by each partner. The benefits or pluses would be similar background or high earning potential. Drawbacks include things like irritability or low earning potential. An example of relational bargaining might be that a woman may decide that the emotional support and shared background of her current partner outweigh the costs, such as low earning

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