Premium Essay

Comparing Forbin To Love In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Words 376
Pages 2
Love is painful, we see couples everyday that look so happy, but sometimes there's more that meets the eye. The couple could be going through something terrible, one of them could be cheating on the other, its a pity relationship. There's so much that we can't uncover just by a single glance. In Romeo and Juliet, the two are forbin to love each other, this causes so much pain that they end up dying because of it, sure they died together, but were they happy? Were they happy that they had to keep their love a secret? I know i wouldn't be, if i were in love i would want to show it, i would want everyone to know that i'm in love with this person and they shouldn't care, but people have opinions, and those opinions can hurt. In love you have to

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