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Miss Maudie To Kill A Mockingbird Narrator

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On Friday January 29, the entirety of the Columbus High School freshman saw the play To Kill a Mockingbird. The Springer Opera House hosted the play for multiple high schools. As the lights dimmed and the stage illuminated, 12-year-old Scout took stage. Throughout the duration of the play, Miss Maudie was the narrator. However, in the wildly famous novel by Harper Lee, grown-up Scout was the narrator.
Within the brilliantly-written pages of To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout tells the story as an adult looking back on her childhood. This first person narration gave the reader a view of the mind, opinions, and thought process of a child. The play, lasting 120 minutes, had Miss Maudie as the narrator. Miss Maudie was a neighbor that lived across the

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