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Personal Narrative: Why I Love California

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Dad, I known that you love sports, so California is a great place to be for seeing lots, and lots of sports games. California has baseball, football, soccer, hockey, and basketball. All of these different sports are all over the state. Many California cities have a sports team, or two.

I know you love baseball, and that is is your favorite sport, so you would love seeing all the different games. I known that the San Francisco Giants are your favorite sports team, so we could go to one of their games, at AT&T park! Just across the bay, is the Oakland A’s, at OCO Coliseum. We could also go to a San Diego Padres’ game at Petco Park. I known you don’t like the LA Dodgers,but we could go to one of their games at Dodger Stadium anyway!

Dad, I know that you also like hockey, and there’re just enough teams in California to go to …show more content…
California has Disneyland, a magical place where dreams come true. Here you can create your own adventure, or take a tour. Right next door, there’s another theme park, California Adventure Park! Here you can go on a ride that makes it seem like you are flying over California. California also has Knott’s Berry Farm, a place to push the limits, or win prizes. We could also go to Universal studios, here we could be wizards for the day, or go on a studio tour and explore where Hollywood movies are made.

Mom, Dad, Braeden, there are many museums in California. I know that you guys love museums, so it’s perfect to go there, and go to all of the museums. If you like looking at old airplanes, we could go to the March Air Field in riverside, or the Wings Of Fame museum in Chino, Ca. Or, if you like to look at skeletons from thousands of years ago, we could go to the La Brea Tar pits in Los Angeles. If you admire the president, and love learning about them, we could go to the two presidential libraries there, the Richard Nixon, and the Ronald Reagan

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