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Woodrow Wilson Biography

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Introduction The 1910’s contained many significant historical events. In this decade, World War I began and ended, the Titanic set sail and sank, the Mona Lisa was recovered, the Panama Canal was opened, and daylight savings time was introduced in many countries (The People History, n.d.). It was also a time of great scientific growth, with Einstein presenting on his theory of general relativity and many changes made to the model of the atom. The decade was successful in the progression of science.
Presidents and Vice Presidents
William Howard Taft was the 27th president of the United States and the first president of the 1910’s (“William Howard Taft Biography,” 2016). He served from March 4th, 1909, to March 4th, 1913 (“William Howard Taft …show more content…
He was born on December 28th, 1856, in Staunton, Virginia, and died on February 3rd, 1924, in Washington, D.C. (“Woodrow Wilson Biography,” 2018). He attended Wesleyan University, the College of New Jersey, which is now Princeton University, Davidson College, Johns Hopkins University, and the Law School of the University of Virginia (“Woodrow Wilson Biography,” 2018). He served as president through the entirety of World War I, from March 4th, 1913, to March 4th, 1921 (“Woodrow Wilson Biography,” 2018). His vice president was Thomas R. Marshall (“Thomas R. Marshall,” n.d.). Wilson encouraged the development of new technology and embraced these changes as they happened source (The President Woodrow Wilson House, n.d.). He opened the Panama Canal, started air mail service, endorsed the creation of an interstate highway system, appeared in one of the first filmed campaign advertisement, used a microphone for the amplification of his voice, and witnessed the birth of radio (The President Woodrow Wilson House, …show more content…
Prior to the 1910’s, cigarettes were known as a healthy way to unwind from a long day (Agmon & Roth, 2016). Vitamins were also thought to be proteins, and that is what they are named for (Prengaman, 2013). The word vitamin is a combination of the words vital and amine, the scientific word for protein (Prengaman, 2013). Although it is now known that they are not proteins, the name remains (Prengaman, 2013). The scientific community also made use of the plum pudding model of the atom, a wildly inaccurate model that has since been improved using many of the discoveries of the 1910’s (APS News, 2006). And before Einstein’s revolutionary theory of relativity, only the Newtonian concept of gravity was known (Santini, 2015). Einstein’s theory dramatically changed the thinking of the scientific community on many subjects in physics (Santini,

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