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How Do Fairy Tales Promote Women Empowerment?

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Whether it was reading the classic Grimm Brothers tales of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty or idealising the lives of Disney Princesses, fairy tales are a major part of any child’s life. However, as we began venturing out of childhood and into adolescences the realisation of the narrow-minded patriarchal views every one of them has sunk in – but what if I told you a new fairy tale promoting female empowerment is just on the horizon? From fairy tale remakes such as Maleficent to popular television series like Once Upon a Time, our Western Culture has never been more enamoured with fairy tales. While these modern tales may remove an array of sexist ideologies and interject female empowerment, whilst still captivating audiences with cliché plotlines we’ve all known since the age of two, we still must …show more content…
The second time we see Sydney needing male assistance is after the mortifying event that sees her kicked out of the sorority and sitting in the rain – certainly not princess behaviour! Whilst sitting in the pouring rain once again in a state of emotional dishevelment another male, Lenny - one of the dorks, swoops in and saves the day! Oh but wait Sydney’s damsel in distress syndrome doesn’t stop there! Towards the end of the film Sydney is ‘saved’ by not one male figure but two, how strong could traditional patriarchal ideologies get?! While one of these white knights may be her father yet again, the final white knight is the absolutely guessable Tyler Prince - who in an urgent rush to get her to her student presidential candidate debate - kisses her to wake her up – where is the consent in that! That’s right ladies and gentlemen Sydney our ‘strong empowered’ female who ‘disembodies’ traditional stereotypes is completely reliant on men to make everything better! How does this belief back up the film's marketing strategy of ‘not your average fairy tale’? If anything this film doesn’t only reinforces sexist stereotypes but redefines constant as being

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