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Comparing Ray Bradbury's Harry Potter And The Child

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The book that I have chosen has been Harry Potter and the cursed child, this is because I feel it has a good connection as in keeping the reader interested and having great detail when explaining what is going through a character's mind and as in how they feel on whether or not it’s the action that is happening. I feel this book is good to read but also have because it may give reader a spark of interest to want to keep reading the text. A reason why I have chosen the book Harry Potter and the cursed child has been because I feel as if the literature that has been written has a way or form of making the reader feel a certain way as it may be the mood, tone, or just making the reader think harder. I feel that this book is very delightful because the way the character has said and how the reader takes it in may be something wise to the reader to connect to. Another reason that I have come to think of about Harry Potter being a …show more content…
My evidence to show that I feel they both Convey a message of friendship is because when Montag did not know if the could trust Faber or not in helping him escape and not get caught, as to when Harry did not know whether or not if the could trust how others felt about him and him being a Magical Law Enforcer. My reason for this example is that Montag and Harry have both been through a conflict with a person or can item. Then in Fahrenheit 451 in the passage Burning Bright summary when Beatty starts beating on Montag, Faber begs Montag to run away from being or getting caught about the car peace which was a secret as well, this made it seem as if the theme should be when you're in trouble look to the ones who were there for you or run and be careful. This meaning that these books are good to be compared to because it shows whether or not to put your faith in someone's hands or to trust nobody on building a

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