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Comparing Tone In Literature

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Comparing Tone Each of the three articles, “We’re No. 1(1)!,” “What is an American,” and “Violence is Who We Are” have a similar tone. The authors Thomas L. Friedman, Michel-Guillaume Jean de Crevecoeur, and Steven Crichley all use negative diction throughout their articles.
In “We’re No. 1(1)!,” Friedman is upset with America. He asks if “Americans won’t settle for No. 2!” why do we settle for No. 11? America is “unmotivated” and “make excuses,” which are definitely not favorable actions. The word choice in this article is very pessimistic. Words such as “gloom,” “failure,” “weak,” and “problems” are used.
Crevecoeur’s article had a changing tone. Although the ending of “What is an American?” was positive, the negative beginning made an impact

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