...opposition to the acceptance of casinos claims that the costs of casinos easily outweigh the economic benefits. Furthermore, Economists acknowledge that the increases in economic growth reflect communities that did not previously have a casino (Geisler and Nichols 1). As casino gambling becomes more valued in the societal and profitable environments, there is still a notion that individuals with frequent gambling behaviors will continue to be negatively affected by the rise of accessibility to casino locations. As a result, there will be a greater risk of societal costs from problem gambling such as personal bankruptcies, drug consumption and an increase of crime (Goss, Morse, and Deskins). According to Potenza et al., many of the issues...
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...Is Compulsive Gambling as a Social Problem? Catherine Walker College Composition II Professor Eric Miller October 27, 2009 Is Compulsive Gambling a Social Problem? This paper explores the area of compulsive gambling and its effects upon American society. Compulsive gambling or pathological gambling has stagnated over the years, but has again become a silent stalker in that those who suffer from compulsive gambling suffer mostly in silence because of a perceived stigma that if you gamble you are a “loser”. The amount of money spent by Americans is astounding and compulsive gambling has become a major depressive disorder likely to occur in 76 percent of all compulsive gamblers (Unwin Davis, & Leeuw, 2000). As access to money become more limited, gamblers often resort to crime in order to pay debts, appease bookies, maintain appearances, and garner more money to gamble (Thompson, Gazel, & Rickman, 1996). The definition of compulsive gambling as it appears on the Mayo Clinic website is defined as an impulse-control disorder – a disorder in which you can’t resist a temptation or drive to perform an act that is harmful to you or someone else (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/compulsive-gambling/DS00443). The National Opinion Research Center states that “Compulsive gambling is a problem in that it affects the whole of society at a phenomenal rate.” (NORC, 1999). The American Psychiatric Association (APA) defines pathological gambling as being unable to resist impulses...
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...Military Versus Civilian Alcohol Dependency Military personnel are more likely to be alcohol dependent than civilians, which is due to the high stress and pressures of the military culture, lifestyle, combat, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Imagine what it feels like returning home after a 12 month deployment to the Middle East. What do you do when you feel there is nowhere to go? You go where you feel most comfortable--alcohol. There are many causes and factors for alcoholism. These factors influence many people to drink and contribute to a higher count of alcoholism in our society. Alcoholism is sometimes caused or influenced by genetic, psychological, social, and environmental factors. This also includes how it affects your body and behavior. Some additional factors include age, family history, steady drinking over time, mental health and depression, social and cultural factors, and combining alcohol with medications or illegal drugs. (Emmite, et.al, Remedy’s health communities’ mental health; alcohol abuse, May 2001) One of the main causes of alcoholism is the genetic component. There are some scientists that suggest that there is a genetic component that plays a role in certain areas of alcoholism. Those areas are having an increased risk for alcoholism, having an increased tolerance, and having ongoing cravings for alcohol. Although the genes themselves have not been identified, there have been a number of studies. Some of these studies were...
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...16, 2000 ALCOHOL Philip J. Cook and Michael J. Moore Duke University and NBER Prepared for the Handbook of Health Economics, Joseph P. Newhouse and Anthony Culyer, editors. Thanks to Michael Grossman, Will Manning, and Harri Sintonen for their very helpful comments. All errors remain the authors’. Abstract Excess drinking is associated with lost productivity, accidents, disability, early death, crime, neglect of family responsibilities, and personality deterioration. These and related concerns have justified special restrictions on alcoholic-beverage commerce and consumption. The nature and extent of government involvement in this arena vary widely over time and place, and are often controversial. Economists have contributed to the evaluation of alcohol policy through empirical work on the effects of alcohol-control measures on consumption and its consequences. Economics has also provided an accounting framework for defining and comparing costs and benefits of interventions, including excise taxes. Outside of the policy arena, economists have analyzed alcohol consumption in the context of stretching the standard model of consumer choice to include intertemporal effects and social influence. Nonetheless, perhaps the most important contribution by economists has been the repeated demonstration that there is nothing unusual about alcohol in at least one essential respect: consumers drink less ethanol (and have fewer alcohol-related problems) when alcohol-beverage prices...
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...Disorders of Mood and Addiction Stephanie MacPherson PSY/275 June 15, 2015 Barry Brooks Disorders of Mood and Addiction Everyone experiences, from time to time, periods of sadness, fatigue, or unhappy thoughts. Among the United States population, around eight to ten percent suffer from a pattern of depression known as unipolar depression. Depressive and bipolar disorders show to be a leading cause of disability, without treatment a person can have a difficult experience with relationships, work, and social activities. Substance abuse disorders are becoming an epidemic. The need for instant gratification has become more and more prevalent in the world. The DSM-5 shows the symptoms checklist for diagnosis of substance abuse disorder (see table 1.3 in appendix a), and according to Comer, (2014) “the substances people misuse fall into several categories: depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, and cannabis” (p. 295). The different combinations of treatment methods that allows a person diagnosed with these disorders to carry out normal life and perform daily activities as the rest of the population. The potential causes of these disorders can change based on many different factors such as stress, genetics, lifestyle. In addition, the multicultural perspective enlightens the different gender and culture influences, and of males seeking treatment there is a higher percentage in females diagnosed. (McCullough, J. P., Jr., Klien, D. N., Keller, M. B., Holzer,Charles E...
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...Are the current corporate social responsibility policies employed by online gambling companies proportional to the psychological impact the industry has on its consumers? A critical review of the UK online gambling industry. Andrew Macdonald March 2013 MA (Soc) Business and Management University of Glasgow 1 CONTENTS 1 Introduction.....................................................................................................3 2 Literature Review............................................................................................5 Introduction and Definitions.................................................................................5 Justification of Research.....................................................................................8 CSR within Online Gambling.............................................................................10 Psychological Aspects of Online Gambling........................................................13 3 Methods.........................................................................................................19 4 Findings.........................................................................................................25 Survey Results...................................................................................................25 CSR Policies......................................................................................................30 Socially Irresponsible Practices............
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...ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This Term paper is made possible through the help and support from everyone, Including: parents, teachers, family, friends, and in essence, all sentient beings. Please allow us to dedicate our acknowledgment of gratitude toward the following significant advisors and contributors: First of all we would like to thanks the Almighty ALLAH, Who gave us the opportunity and strength to complete this paper successfully. Especially we would like to thank Mr. Asheek Mohammad Shimul for his support and encouragement. He advices us the topic of the term paper & allow us to acquire a new experiences as well as knowledge. Finally, we sincerely thank to our parents, families, and friends, who provided the advices. The making of this term paper would not be possible without their unconditional help. Table of content No of the topic | Name of the topic | 1 | Introduction | 2 | Usage of Internet | 3 | Modern Uses | 4 | Internet in Bangladesh | 5 | Current Trend | 6 | Research Purpose | 7 | Review of Literature | 8 | Hypothesis | 9 | Contradictory research | 10 | Method | 11 | Result | 12 | Discussion | 13 | Limitations | 14 | Source | Introduction: The Internet is a global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. According to internet World Stats, as of December 31, 2011 there was an estimated 2,267,233,742 Internet users worldwide. This represents...
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...Population Economic Status Assessment Klamath County has a population of approximately 66,380 residence as of the 2010 census report (*). The average household income is $39,534 (*) with 18.6% of households living below the poverty level (*). 47.7% of all African Americans in the county live below the poverty level, 27.4% of Asians, 27.9% of Hispanics, 32.8% of Native Americans and 16.1% of Whites also live below the poverty level. (*) 22.5% of children under the age of 18 live in poverty, while 20.3% of residence between the ages of 18-64 are living in poverty and 8.3% of people over 65 are living in poverty in the county. (*) The proportion of families eligible for public assistance is _________ with 41.0% actually receiving some form of assistance (*). This may be due to the high unemployment rate of over 11% (*) The percentage of people with unmet health needs due to financial constrains is estimated at 28% (*) and a homeless population of 3%(*). Only 1.5% of the total annual budget has been allocated to public health for the year 2016(*). Payment sources for medical care include 40% private insurance, 26% Medicare, 14% Medicaid, and 20% without insurance. DISASTER ASSESSMENT During an interview with the Emergency Manager of Klamath County, Morgan Lindsay, I was able to ascertain the following information. Klamath community does have a disaster plan that is implemented and maintained by the Klamath County Emergency Management division of the County. The purpose...
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...Techniques Second definition: Customer is King Third definition: Globalization 2.1.2. Second stream of thought: Destructive Definition Evolution Of The Consumer Culture 2.2. Implications Of The Benign Consumerism Definitions On Marketing Strategy 3. The Consumer Culture And The Consumption Society 3.1. Distinguishing Definition 3.2. Conditions For A Consumption Society 3.3. Unhealthy Pillars/Consequences Of The Consumption Society 3.3.1. Materialism 3.3.2. Compensatory consumption: The "Shopaholic" Phenomenon 3.3.3. I Shop Therefore I Am 3.3.4. Living Beyond Your Means 4. Antecedents To The Unhealthy Consumption Pillars 4.1. Intrinsic/Personal Influences 4.1.1. Personality Characteristics: Self-Monitoring Personality Trait Innovativeness, Fashion Orientation And Opinion Leadership Ethical orientation 4.1.2. Psychological characteristics Co-morbidity and the Joint cycle of compulsive consumption Obsessive thoughts and Risk Taking Propensity Low self esteem Dealing with Negative Emotions and life challenges 4.2. Societal Influences: "Keeping Up With The Joneses" 2 5. The Role Of Marketing In The Consumption Culture 5.1. Marketing And Materialism 5.2. Marketing, Capitalism and Democracy 5.3. Marketing Creates False Wants 5.4. Marketing Raises Expectations 5.5. Marketing Ethics And Advertising 5.6. Consumer Perceptions Of The Role Of Marketing: Case Studies 6. Research Gap 7. Research Question/...
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...Brain Sci. 2012, 2, 347-374; doi:10.3390/brainsci2030347 OPEN ACCESS brain sciences ISSN 2076-3425 www.mdpi.com/journal/brainsci/ Review Internet and Gaming Addiction: A Systematic Literature Review of Neuroimaging Studies Daria J. Kuss * and Mark D. Griffiths International Gaming Research Unit, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham NG1 4BU, UK; E-Mail: mark.griffiths@ntu.ac.uk * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mail: daria.kuss@ntu.ac.uk; Tel.: +44-789-111-94-90. Received: 28 June 2012; in revised form: 24 August 2012 / Accepted: 28 August 2012 / Published: 5 September 2012 Abstract: In the past decade, research has accumulated suggesting that excessive Internet use can lead to the development of a behavioral addiction. Internet addiction has been considered as a serious threat to mental health and the excessive use of the Internet has been linked to a variety of negative psychosocial consequences. The aim of this review is to identify all empirical studies to date that used neuroimaging techniques to shed light upon the emerging mental health problem of Internet and gaming addiction from a neuroscientific perspective. Neuroimaging studies offer an advantage over traditional survey and behavioral research because with this method, it is possible to distinguish particular brain areas that are involved in the development and maintenance of addiction. A systematic literature search was conducted, identifying 18 studies. These studies...
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...Critics of negative screening charge that merely excluding companies for their socially repugnant practices has no net impact, because there is always someone out there that willing to buy their shares instead. They assert that screening offensive companies may make the investor feel better about where they are putting their money, but they are not helping encourage social change and environmental improvement. But negative screening still has an appropriate place in the quiver of tactics used by socially responsible investors, to be complemented by positive screening and shareholder activism, and will remain the most palatable starting point for many. It is also important to note that while one investor excluding their investment from a company because of a particular activity will not make that company mend its ways, its the cumulative effect that's important. This is analogous to voting in a national election, where individual votes collectively create a "voice." For example, the recent struggles of the tobacco industry illustrate the cumulative and emergent effects of investor and consumer advocacy over its health effects. Most people imagine that the majority of companies included by positive screening are smaller companies embarking on products that may contribute to the world's future economic and environmental sustainability. Alternative forms of energy that produce less pollution, such as solar power, wind power, and hydrogen fuel cells, constitute a rapidly growing...
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...CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM Introduction The youth form an important part of the machinery that shape the country’s destiny. It is them who may help to bring about a desirable change in society. History has many examples that justify the greatness of the contribution of the youth towards the progress and upliftment of the country. Here in the Philippines, half of the population constitutes the youth and their vast energies and enthusiasm must not go untapped. It should be utilized for social, political, cultural or economic reconstruction. If their proper energies are not used, they can go astray, get involved in undesirable and antisocial attitudes, thus damaging the very fabric of society. As far as possible they should be encouraged to get involved in the present task of reconstructing of the country. Today's youth, in general, seem at first glance to be hard, sophisticated and wordy. On the whole, they is better educated than their\ parents were. There are more schools, more colleges and universities and more chances \for them to develop the best that is in them. They enjoy all the advantages of modern sci\ence, television, radio, faster and more efficient travel - all contribute to his urbanity.\ The youth should be educated at schools, colleges and universities in creating a society. A society that is free of the evils of dowry, child marriage, caste and rave prejudices. Many organizations are busy in...
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...of the causes of crime in this country (Merton 1938; 1949; 1957; 1968; 1995; 1997; 1999; Clubb, 2001). Robert Merton seeks to explain crime in terms of a strain to anomie’ while Elliott Currie’ sees crime as a product of the factors associated with market society. These theories may concentrate specifically on America they are of general application; therefore, one can consider whether or not they explain the causes of criminality in the UK in the present day. There will be more in this paper on Merton and Currie as well as others in this. This paper discusses the effects of child maltreatment, adolescent maltreatment on delinquency and crime, including violet and nonviolent offending. This paper will discuss, gender difference, deviant behavior, and substance abuse (drugs). This paper will discuss will economic analysis classification of crime, deterrence, rehabilitation, incarceration, recidivism, parole, probation, court systems, good and services, and legalization versus non-legalization. This paper will discuss parents, family, home, school, siblings, peer, teen courts, programs, and prevention methods. What is Crime? & What is Criminal Justice Conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government or a local jurisdiction for which there is no legally acceptable justification or excuse. Crime does more than...
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...point of view; not an asset from which revenue is obtained. Instead the activities are based on profit and loss sharing schemes and transferring risks to make certain that the assets/capital is properly used. The Islamic banks act as investors instead of creditors and will share profits with the utiliser of funds. Each product offered takes the form of a contract which has to be clearly interpreted, disclosed and negotiated beforehand. However, it is the duty of the institution to make the terms and agreements clear to all stakeholders. Another Shariah principle prohibits all kinds of speculative behavior. The Islamic financial system is against all types of transactions with extreme uncertainties such as gambling and foreign currency speculation. Islamic banks will invest only in activities approved by Shariah. Any applications by businesses which deal in betting, alcohol or pornography are rejected. Every proceeding between and Islamic Bank and its client is based on Amanah (the principle of trust) whereby each party discloses their aims, projects, prices and eventually fulfill all their promises. Islamic finance is said to be more effective than conventional ones as it avoids some types of risks; debt trap, high dropout rate, asymmetric information and economic viability of the project. Dudley (1998) states that certain bankers argue that Islamic Banking might be decisive in the stability of the global economy. The concept of micro-finance is perhaps one of the most...
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...Insurance K. M. Mortuza Ali 1 K. M. Mortuza Ali Managing Director Prime Islami Life Insurance Limited 29 Dilkusha C/A Raj Bhaban (6th Floor) Dhaka – 1000 Phone – 9560889, 9570729 (Off) 8353552 (Res) Mobile – 019-366617 Fax – 880-2-9564390 Email – plicl@bdonline.com kmortuza@bdmail.net 2 Chapter (I) Basic ideas about Risk & Insurance 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What is Risk? How do we distinguish between pure risk and speculative risk ? How risk is handled? Why every risk is not insured? What are the characteristics of Insurable risks? What are the requisites of Insurance for Covering Risk? What are the Principles of Insurance contract? What are the different types of Life Insurance policies? How Insurance is different from Gambling? 10. What is the main function of insurance? 11. What is the greatest value of insurance? 12. What is the Purpose of Life Insurance? 13. How insurance protects value of life? 14. How life Insurance schemes meet the saving needs? 15. What are the social and economic values of Insurance? 16. What is the Actuarial principle of Life Insurance? 17. What is reinsurance? 18. What are the different methods of reinsurance? 1. What is Risk? Risk has been defined as the uncertainty as to the occurrence of an economic loss. It is the passivity of adverse result from a desired outcome. Risk and probability are not synonymous. We must understand the difference between risk and probability. The terms hazard and peril are closely related to probability...
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