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How Does Gambling Affect Society

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The perception of casinos has changed in the eyes of local communities, as those communities believe that the business brought in from casinos will result in growth to their local economies. While casinos have been able to gain more approval, they still face adversity, as there has been an ongoing debate about whether or not their negative aspects are acceptable to society. The opposition to the acceptance of casinos claims that the costs of casinos easily outweigh the economic benefits. Furthermore, Economists acknowledge that the increases in economic growth reflect communities that did not previously have a casino (Geisler and Nichols 1). As casino gambling becomes more valued in the societal and profitable environments, there is still a notion that individuals with frequent gambling behaviors will continue to be negatively affected by the rise of accessibility to casino locations. As a result, there will be a greater risk of societal costs from problem gambling such as personal bankruptcies, drug consumption and an increase of crime (Goss, Morse, and Deskins).
According to Potenza et al., many of the issues …show more content…
In the study conducted by Yip et al., it was portrayed that gambling affects the rates of substance abuse amongst youth. This data was conducted in 2006-2007 from four-year high schools in the state of Connecticut. The students were categorized as low-risk gamblers, at-risk gamblers, pathological/problem gamblers, and non-gamblers. The total sample size was 4523 adolescents. In the case of this experiment, substance abuse is categorized as cigarette smoking, marijuana use, alcohol use, and drug use. First, they compared non-gamblers to low-risk gamblers and the data shows that the odds of non-gamblers were .54 times less likely to engage in cigarette smoking compared to low-risk gamblers who were .52 times more likely to smoke

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