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Personal Narrative: A Day At The Bed

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On the above date and time, I Officer Bednarski reported for duty. At approximately 0620, inmate Chrivia, Corey Alexander (A-15713) covered the camera in cell A. Officer Somers promptly arrived at the cell to ensure Chrivia was not inflicting self-harm. Officer Sommers conversed with inmate Chrivia for a period of time trying to figure out what was bothering him. Chrivia demanded to receive a blanket. Chrivia was told that the policy is no blankets are to be in holding cells and he would not receive a blanket until he is moved back into general population. Chrivia removed his shirt from the camera and sat down on his mat.

At approximately 0721, Chrivia covered the camera again. I quickly arrived at the cell to ensure Chrivia was not injuring himself or attempting to flood the cell. Again, Chrivia demanded a blanket. I informed Chrivia that our jail policy states that there is to be no blankets in holding cells therefore he will not receive a blanket. I took down the curtain to cell A in the event Chrivia covered the cell camera he would still be observable in the "New Booking" camera. …show more content…
Chrivia could still be monitored through the window in the "New Booking" camera; therefore I continued to pick up breakfast trays. Officer Somers continued to closely monitor Chrivia utilizing the "New Booking" camera until I finished picking up

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