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Behind The Veil Dubois Analysis

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Living in the United States as an African American automatically made them a target. How are blacks suppose to transition from being slaves to successful educated people in America when they are constantly being thrown under the bus with no support or guidance? The system was built around black folks to be on the bottom of the social class to stay. While the blacks are trying to adapt and stay positive to being free in society, they have to deal with an emotional and mental breakdown of losing their identity, family, and way of life. It’s difficult to find your place in society when society recently viewed African Americans as property. A very important reason why the country was anxious about these African Americans being free was primarily fear of them trying to transform it like their homeland …show more content…
Dubois uses it in a literary term to express the color line. He described the color line as a characteristic colored people would be labeled as until they die. A label of an outsider or foreigner who will never be like the white americans, a form of segregation. Having to deal with the veil means part of the Blacks are hidden behind the veil because they have no possibility of escaping it. Dubois strongly argues how society and the corrupt government gets all the credit for oppressing black people into this veil (Dubois 15). But the government was very nonchalant about it to where only the woke people comprehend the corrupt social system.
The whites can create hatred and low self esteem towards blacks by their discrimination and prejudice actions. Their views can create false stereotypes and assumptions about african americans. These unfair treatments can create blacks who are ambitious to fight the system, beat the odds, and not being a typical failure statistic have doubt on himself. Putting these failure over an entire race makes it hard for them to live through the double

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