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HIRE Model

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The researchers in this study proposed a new model for assessing nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) known as HIRE. The purpose of the HIRE model is to guide counselors in assisting clients who engage in NSSI. NSSI is defined as the intentional act of self-inflicting behavior that moderately affects one’s body tissue, and there is no motivation to commit suicide (Buser & Buser, 2013). To guarantee the model is relevant to NSSI, Buser and his colleague presented a method that aligns with the proposed criteria for NSSI diagnosis according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. The criteria consist of five components, which emphasizes the definition of NSSI, and the symptoms and consequences that may be associated with the act. Additionally, it is noted that NSSI cannot be linked to other disorders and there is no intent to commit suicide. The HIRE model is an informal method of assessment that suggests the use of open-ended questions so it can be adapted to specific clients with unique situations. HIRE is a mnemonic device that represents history, interest in change, reasons behind the behavior, and exposure to risk. …show more content…
The counselor is to evaluate the client’s past engagement of NSSI. The two most important factors to consider when reviewing one’s past is the frequency of NSSI and the methods used. By emphasizing on these two elements, counselors will also be reviewing the first section of the criteria for NSSI. The second part of the model is interest in change. After reviewing the client’s history, the counselor should evaluate their motivation to stop NSSI. By assessing the motivation to limit this behavior shows the counselor that their client is aware of the consequences that are associated with

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