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Horse Play Research Paper

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Horse Play

I was in my house peacefully in bed when my mom came up stairs in my room. My Mom yelled, “ Wake up, it’s time to go to Linda’s house!!“ Linda is my older friend. My Mom, sister, and I go there from 9:00A.M. to 12:00 in the afternoon. We were so excited to get to get to Linda’s. She’s awesome, and we love going to her house.

We were ready to go. My mom almost forgot to get her car keys, but don’t worry she got them. My sister and I wanted to hurry to get in the car and go, but my mom had to lock the house doors. Then, she had to get in the car, turn it on, and then we could go. Next, we got out of the car at Linda’s.

When we got out of the car at Linda’s we met her and our horse instructor Alisha. We also met the animals. The horses names are Analee, Jay, and Jay’s mother ( I forget her name ). We also met Milo the fuzzy orange cat …show more content…
I did it! I finally did it, I rode the horse by myself. I started riding as fast as I could. I loved it! Linda said to slow down. It was amazing! I never wanted to get off. Horses are amazing animals, and it is super fun to ride them( you would know if you ever rode one and liked it ). Analee just kept running. I was stiff as I could and finally got her to stop. She stopped and I was jerked forward. I thought I would fall, but then I remembered my jumping pose. I didn’t fall I was stopped, and didn’t fall off Analee. Everybody was amazed!!
Finally, I had to get off Analee. I went to put my stuff in our family truck, when I saw the ducks...I chased them, when they least expected I grabbed a baby duckling, showed it to Linda and let it go. The baby duck was amazing and adorable. I put my stuff away in the truck , and when I least expected it I saw a bobcat come out of the corn. I yelled bobcat at it at the top of my lungs, and it ran back in the corn. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me over to my mom panting. I told her everything, and she believed me. I showed her where it came in and out of the

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