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Summary: The Second American Revolution

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When the Founding Fathers established the freedoms of the United States, they created a new outline of what a country should be. While it is easier said than done, the Founding Fathers did an incredible job of shaping what would soon be the world’s leading power. However, on the way to becoming a world power, the United States had to recognize and correct its one major flaw, slavery. The sectional divide grew too large to handle and after Abraham Lincoln’s election, the South decided that secession was their only option. Hence, the Second American Revolution began. While the beginning of the war was mainly about maintaining the Union, the cause of the war evolved similarly to the way President Lincoln evolved during the time. A revolution …show more content…
During his campaign, he addressed the issue of slavery by saying that he was not an abolitionist, but he was against the extension of slavery. He knew the extent of the suborn aggression that Democrats and Republicans inflicted upon each other due to the intensifying sectional tension, so he “believed in evolution rather than revolution” because knew that an issue as large as slavery couldn’t be solved through war or negotiation (23.) Only time could solve the issue. However, at this point in time, southerners saw northerners that were against slavery in any way as radicals like John Brown which is why Lincoln’s election was the catalyst for secession. In the beginning of the war, “Lincoln was a conservative because ‘he accepted the need of dealing with things as they were, not as he would have wished them to be’” (25.) His only real goal was to “preserve the Union and maintain the republic” because he didn’t want to say anything disagreeable, but he also needed to regain the South which meant that he needed a reason for his people to fight (29.) While his plan to be a level-headed moderate could’ve worked for him had the South not seceded, he soon realized that playing nice was not getting him anywhere. He knew that “the nation could no longer pursue ‘a temporizing and forbearing policy towards rebels,” so he needed something for the Union to rally behind (36.) That something would be the abolition

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