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Competitive Sports Persuasive Research Paper

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Many people have mixed opinions on kids being able to play competitive sports or sports in general. Some believe that competitive sports is bad for young children that if they get seriously hurt from playing competitively that can affect them in the future. While some others believe that competitive sports is important for their children , with it helping them bring up their self esteem by playing for a trophy or winning a trophy. But I believe that kids shouldn't be able to play competitive sports, if they get seriously hurt it can affect their future with them dieing in a early year in their life.

As i believe that children should not be able to play competitive sports. For some kids that played competitive sports many Teens that got seriously …show more content…
High cost for sports some parents pay a hefty price to buy their kids their thing for the sports like soccer parents pay for the athletes uniform and shoes and fees to join the team. And many kids that got pushed to play sports they usually stop playing the spirit which means that the parents wasted their hard earned money in things that thought it was important for their kids but soon turned into wasted money. "High Cost of Youth Sports." The Huffington Post., 21 June 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2017. .Problems with sports in this text it talks about a kid who got a concussion and wanted to play sports again but as the game was starting he didn't want to play he felt worried. This is important because it talks about children who get seriously hurt and worry about their health and in this part it talks about how the kid said he only has one brian and doesn't want to ruin it. The kid knows what's the problem and he worries about his brain and what could happen in the future. Cohen, Adam Buckley. "Listening to Wisdom From a 10-Year-Old Son About His Head Injury." The New York Times. The New York Times, 28 Nov. 2009. Web. 17 Apr. 2017. .kids being happy with their choice with a hobby. In this text it talks about how many kids don't want to join a sports team because they hate sports and would like to have a hobby about other things which is good for kids let your kid choose what they want to to do because they could be more happy. how a kid who was pushed into playing parts and didn't really like them he forgot all the games because he wasn't added to many of the games just sat in the bench it says that waste the kids time and parents time because there waiting for their kid to play and he doesn't even play. S., By Jeff Pearlman, and Fr. Why I Don’t Want My Kids to Play Team Sports (n.d.): n. pag.

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