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Explaining Autism Research Paper

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An Extraordinary Specialty
Explaining Autism Autism spectrum disorder is a very confusing and interesting disorder. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects behavioral, social, and communicational skills, and it is the most common developmental disorder (Yellow). The child may have trouble with communicational situations where they feel uncomfortable. Social would include any type of social situation whether it be walking through Walmart or in a small room. Behavioral issues can stem from specifically how the child behaves in general to how the child behaves when they are agitated or annoyed. It affects people of all different ages, is a lifelong disorder, and is currently incurable (Turquoise). Although the disorder has the name autism …show more content…
It all depends on the children and type of autism the children have. Symptoms can range anywhere form reduced eye contact to becoming aggressive with themselves or others (Blue). As Rebecca Pierce, a Registered Nurse at Gillette, would say, “symptoms will directly depend on the child or person with autism.” Because Autism affect people differently the way the symptoms show is going to be different too. Depending on the intensity of the autism can affect how easy or hard learning is for them. Some have a very hard time learning, while other do not (Blue). Children will often seem completely normal at first. The symptoms sometimes do not show until later (Blue). Children with autism sometimes do not like to be touched (Dark …show more content…
The focus of family therapies are to help families interact with the child (Blue). Some children with autism have a really hard time being in group settings, and this is one reason for family therapies because the child may not like to be around people at all.
Other therapies There are multiple different other kinds of therapies out there today such as musical, physical, speech, and occupational. All of these are used to help children with autism as well as the others that have been mentioned. Speech specifically is one of the most beneficial to children with autism (Blue). Need more here. Not only do these children usually receive therapies some even see psychologists to help with their symptoms (Blue).
Some children with autism need the assistance of medications to help with the symptoms. The medications are often used to help the children control their symptoms (Blue). Antipsychotics are usually the medications used (Blue).

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