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Submitted By Octavia23
Words 480
Pages 2
Name: Travis Crocker
Student Number: 22072964

(1.) When I watch sports, I like to see some action. There's nothing quite like seeing two hockey teams fight it out against the boards or a soccer match with its stands full of fans. But for participating in sports, I enjoy those that let me get up some speed. There's nothing like the feeling of wind in your hair as you take a bike down the hill or glide down a mountain full of fresh powder. For the sensation of pure living, I'd have to say that my favorite sport is sailing.

For one thing, sailing is pretty easy to get started on. I was only lucky enough to go sailing a few times on a friend's parents' boat. I thought that I'd sit back and enjoy the ride, but it turns out there's very little about sailing you can't learn as you go along. As a new sailor, you should always cruise with someone who knows what they're doing. I quickly learned to man the sails, steer the rudder, and learn basic sailing rules and safety procedures.

There's a lot of teamwork involved. Sailing is cooperative, not than competitive. When it's time to pull the mainsail across the boat, everyone on board has to work together to move across the boat at the same time, or else someone's going to get hit with the boom and go overboard! Each person has a job to do at each time, and they work together. For example, each movement of the rudder requires an adjustment in the sails in order to get the best wind. After each day on the water, I felt that I learned more about my friend and his family.

There's a natural competitive aspect, too. If you're on the water going in the same direction as another boat, a race happens almost naturally. That's because the upwind boat will always 'steal' the wind from the downwind boat. I enjoyed the few times we met another boat on the water and had a few minutes of unofficial 'racing'. Unlike racing in cars or even on a bike path, there's nothing aggressive about it. Racing is the natural outcome of meeting another boat, and it adds another factor to the sport.

After a day of sailing, there's another hour or so of teamwork to take down the sails and rigging, clean the boat, and get it ready for the next day's sailing, either docking it or getting it back onto the trailer. Everyone has to work together to get it done, no matter how tired they are. It adds another social aspect to the sport, and when it's done, everyone's ready for a meal or a beer together. I really enjoyed this aspect of sailing, because it brings friends and family closer together after spending an amazing day on the water together.

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