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English Composition Course Analysis

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As I transition through college, the basis for studying English composition becomes a necessity in order for me to graduate within my next four years. The fact that it is one of the most despised courses of all required classes, most people tend to grossly overestimate the difficulty of writing an essay, as a result, relying on plagiarizing or asking other people to write the essays for them. Unfortunately, for most people, it takes time and effort to realize that writing essays require both concentration and practice. That being said, in order for me to succeed in freshman composition, I plan to make sure that I fully understand the topic of an assignment, in the case being an essay or report and doing all the work assigned by my instructor to stay well-prepared with the rest of the class. While alternating into freshman composition is going to be a challenge, I have realized the many steps to take in order to do well and not fall behind. As far as understanding the information, it is important for me to go to class every day and to take notes during the lecture or seminar, as well as listening to the instructor for what he or she has to say. Whether …show more content…
Knowing that certain tasks are going to take longer than others, it is important for me to create a schedule that allows me to manage my time to study. This will eventually allow me to become more adjusted to the work that is being given to me. For example, during the beginning of the year, everything usually starts out simple, but as the semester progresses, those assignments eventually become more difficult and the information provided will take longer to grasp. But being able to intake that information, will allow me to have an easier time with harder tasks as time progresses. Nonetheless, it is significant for me to do everything that the instructor says, in order for me not to fall behind in

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