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Computer Effects on Cognition


Submitted By mosagwe
Words 815
Pages 4
Cognition or Perception is the process of understanding or gaining familiarity of a faculty via thinking, experience or our senses.
Are you slowly and gradually losing your awareness? If so, how can you get your perception back? Well, according to Adam Gazzaley, computers; specifically gaming, improves the brain activity in the prefrontal cortex (Smith et al, 2001). The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain associated with cognitive control. Adam Gazzaley is a well-known professor in the field of Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco. He also founded the Neurology Imaging Centre. Gazzaley led a team in a study that attempted to prove that when particular cognitive abilities were targeted in the game ‘NeuroRacer' they increased the multitasking ability in elderly individuals (Tun & Lachman, 2010).
Another point is, Gazzaley discovered that the effects of this cognitive training lingered around for a while, sometimes over six months even without regular practice. These effects on the cognitive activity of the test subjects spilled over to their day to day activities. Gazzaley observed that the elderly people even scored higher than the youths who had no training in the game. This exposure also improved their speeds in task accomplishment and switching and also enhanced their executive control functions especially on persons with fewer logical and scholastic advantages (Small et al., 2008).
Though, the Gazzaley study is criticized on the basis that despite claiming that the mental training ameliorates the cognitive degradation in individuals, it is yet to establish the levels of improvement in perception. The cognitive training is yet to be perfected or proven to be permanent on the subjects since it is yet to be measured. Gazzaley based the improvement in cerebral skills on a spike in the brain activity observed on MRIs conducted on the test

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