...Need of Cyber Crime Law In India Abstract A Cyber space is a virtual space that has become as important as real space for business, education and politics. The growing danger from crimes committed against computers, or against information on computers, is beginning to claim attention in the India. The digital age has dramatically changed the scope of a crime by adding the electronic component and it comes a new form of science ≴Computer Forensic Science≵. Computer Forensic allows for the evidence of cyber crime to be admissible in court when prosecuting the cyber criminal. In most countries, existing laws are likely to be unenforceable against such crime. Cyber laws, as it stand today, gives rise to both positive & negative consequences. The main negative consequences is the digital soup so vague that many refer to it as the dark sides of technology and that cyber criminal currently have upper hand. The applicability and effectiveness of our existing laws need to be constantly reviewed to face the risk coming from the cyber world. In this paper we are going to firstly describe the computer forensic, cyber crimes, cyber laws of nation & technology challenges. Aim of this paper is to act as a catalyst to raise awareness regarding computer forensic which continues to grow as one of the most important branch of science and help in investigation of cyber crime which continues to grow as one of the most potent threats to the Internet and computer users of the cyber society of...
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...International Journal on New Computer Architectures and Their Applications (IJNCAA) 2(1): 127-137 The Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2012 (ISSN: 2220-9085) Cyber Forensics: Computer Security and Incident Response Virginiah Sekgwathe1, Mohammad Talib2 1 Directorate on Corruption and Economic Crime, Gaborone, BOTSWANA veesek@gmail.com 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Botswana, BOTSWANA talib@mopipi.ub.bw ABSTRACT The intensification of Information and Communications Technology usage in all facets of life exceedingly amplify the incidents of information security policy breaches, cyber crimes, fraud, commercial crimes, cyber laundering etc, hence require a well developed approach to tackle these incidents in order to realize legally defensible digital evidence. Since electronic evidence is fragile and can easily be modified, finding this data, collecting, preserving, and presenting it properly in a court of law is the real challenge. There is a need for use of semantic analysis to discover underlying security policy requirements and internal power structures and institutionalization of anti cyber attack, antimoney-laundering and regulatory schemes. The first responders to cyber security incidents often than always are an organization ICT personnel who are technically sound though may be deficient in investigative skill. The scientific standards of cyber forensics dictates the procedure as it promotes...
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...FORENSICS Forensics, by and large, is the application of science to the legal process. It is an emerging research domain in India. There are many different types of forensic sciences baring their vital presence possibly in every field of human endeavor. Of these, let us now discuss about the computational, cyber and the DNA forensics. COMPUTATIONAL FORENSICS: The development of computational methods or mathematical and software techniques to solve forensic issues is called computational forensics. These methods analyze the evidence beyond human cognitive ability. They scrutinize a large volume of data, which is at any case impossible for a human mind to figure out. In spite of this, we can’t say that these techniques alone would serve our purpose because computational forensics is a field which needs huge collaboration between recognition and reasoning abilities of humans combined with comprehension and analytic abilities of the tool or a machine, which is most of the times, a computer. Computational forensics aids us to model the uncertain. At the crime scenes, we usually get incomplete or broken evidences. These evidences are later on modeled by the computational forensic tool which gives us first clues from its largest biometric database (fingerprints, criminal histories, mug-shots, scar and tattoo, physical characteristics like height, weight, hair and eye color and aliases), which is a collection of significant information regarding the criminals, their criminal history...
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...person with the computer crime detectives. The Fort Worth Police Department consists of several different divisions and units such as beat patrol, narcotics, SWAT (Specialized Weapons And Tactics team) and a VICE team which generally works with a combination of offenses...
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...SCHOOL OF COMPUTING Bachelor of Computer Science / Bachelor of Software Engineering Forensic Computing Practice Assignment 2 Student declaration: I declare that: I understand what is meant by plagiarism The implication of plagiarism have been explained to me by our lecturer This assignment is my own work. Name ID 1)Nicholas Tan Tian Shen 0307878 Forensic Computing Practice Assignment 2 Due Date : Soft-copy submission on 10/11/14. Individual Assignment Question 1 a. What can a cloud provider do in terms of providing digital forensics data in the event of any legal dispute, civil or criminal case, cyber-attack, or data breach? Cloud provider need to provide the evidence by being forensically ready. To...
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...Assignment 1: Computer Forensics Overview CIS 417 Computer Forensics Computer forensics is the process of investigating and analyzing techniques to gather and preserve information and evidence from a particular computing device in a way it can be presented in a court of law. The main role of computer analyst is to recover data including photos, files/documents, and e-mails from computer storage devices that were deleted, damaged and otherwise manipulated. The forensics expert’s work on cases involving crimes associated with internet based concerns and the investigations of other potential possibilities on other computer systems that may have been related or involved in the crime to find enough evidence of illegal activities. Computer experts can also use their professional knowledge to protect corporate computers/servers from infiltration, determine how the computer was broken into, and recover lost files in the company. Processes are used to obtain this information and some of the processes are as follows; * Investigation process: Computer forensics investigations will typically be done as part of a crime that allegedly occurred. The first step of the investigation should be to verify that a crime took place. Understand what occurred of the incident, assess the case, and see if the crime leads back to the individual. * System Description: Next step, once you verified the crime did occur, you then begin gathering as much information and data about the specific...
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...NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Learner: Uchendu, Prince | | BTM7102 | Dr. Dmitry Eremin | | | Research Topics of Interest | Assignment 2 | | | Although the main task instructions did not include the turning in of the 8 to 10 topics of interest list required, but it did not exclude its submission either. So I decided to add it at the end of the document post reference section. It can be disregarded if it does not need to be considered as part of the main task submission requirement. Thank you. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Faculty Use Only ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Dr. Randy Brown Annotated Biographies Oreku, G. S., & Li, J. (2009). End user authentication (EUA) model and password for security. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 21(2), 28-43. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/docview/199920202?accountid=28180 This article proposes an End User Authentication flexibility...
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...Digital Computer Crime There are multiple different scenarios in which computers can play a part in crime. Technology has made significant leaps and bounds in the last three-quarters of a century, which is truly astonishing (Taylor, Fritsch, & Liederbach, 2015). While it is wonderful for thousands of citizens across the world to be able to communicate instantly back and forth, there is a percentage of people that use computers, the Internet, and electronic communication to cause harm to others. It can be frustrating to understand exactly how to keep yourself safe in this world that is largely ran by computers, therefore, the following paragraphs will go in depth on what digital computer crime is and how you can be protected. To begin, there are four major categories of digital computer crime. The first category is classified as the computer as a target (Taylor, et al., 2015). This means when the computer itself is a target, the attacker is trying to deny the legitimate user of the system access to his or her data or computer (Taylor, et al., 2015). The intruder targets the server and can cause harm to the network owners or the operation of their company (Taylor, et al., 2015). An example in this category would be the alteration of data. The enemy could attack the useful information that is stored or processed by the computer, which could alter decisions made by the company or could directly impact the user by changing their records (Taylor, et al., 2015). ...
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...The Role of Federal Agencies in Fighting Digital Crime Abstract The United States of America is the most connected and technologically advanced country in the world. The genius of our electrical engineers, computer scientists, and technology companies has helped to change the way that the world does business, made our daily lives safer and more enjoyable, and brought the world closer together. Albeit, these are remarkable innovations, but they have unfortunately given criminals, terrorists, and hostile states new opportunities to steal American property, disrupt our way of life, and compromise our National security. This paper will attempt to show the roles and challenges of law enforcement agencies such as the Secret Service, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and others that have taken on roles to fight computer crimes and terrorism. This paper will also discuss how the U.S. could align the efforts of these agencies to better protect the nation against digital crimes and terrorism. Keywords: law enforcers, national security, protect, crime The Role of Federal Agencies in Fighting Digital Crime Cyber crooks are always working to steal the privacy and money of hard-working Americans. The computers of American consumers are subject to endless scams and schemes achieved by malicious e-mails, malware turning their computers into unwitting bots that send out unwanted spam, or the plethora of identity theft conjured up by these crooks to steal hard-working people’s...
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...Computer Forensics The world of crime has expanded right along with the explosion of the internet. The modern cyber criminal has veritable global playground in which to steal money and information from unsuspecting victims. Computer forensics is a quickly emerging science against the increasingly difficult battle to bring criminals to justice who perpetrates crimes on others. The computer forensics field is a relatively new investigative tool but enjoys continual advances in procedures, standards, and methodology which is making the identification, preservation, and analyzing of digital evidence a powerful law enforcement apparatus. The job of the cyber forensic professional is to look for clues the attacker left behind on web sites, servers, and even the e-mail message itself that will unravel their sometimes carefully woven veil of secrecy. Attackers come in all forms and from a variety of different circumstances. For instance, an attacker can begin a phishing scam with only a web server they control with very little programming experience and a way to send a lot of e-mail messages. (Jones 4) In order to combat the waves of cyber-attackers, we must utilize Open Source Community applications to combat the continual onslaught of infections, exploitations, and trickery employed everyday against our systems and networks. Today's attacker uses a variety of technologies to employ their methods and understanding those abilities is integral to preparing for an investigation...
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...Cyber-Crime Trends Melody Ann Lovelace CJA570 October 10, 2011 Ray Gagne Cyber-Crime Trends In the dawn of the 21st century, the evolution of new technology and science concepts have made changes to everyone’s daily life. Cyber-crimes are a creature that did not exist 15-plus years ago. Back in the day, before technology, were only the conventional crimes such as illegal behaviors people thought were criminal behaviors. However, in today’s time an individual must be extremely careful because not only are people combating traditional crimes but cyber-crimes as well. Cyber-crimes are the newest and most complicated crimes for the new century. A cyber crime is an individual conducting actions such as disrupting communications and devices, disrupting networks, Internet, and telephone; both landlines and mobile. Individuals of various ages are committing cyber crimes because these types’ crimes are easier to commit than the traditional kidnapping, murder, or human trafficking. According to Parthasarati (n. d.), cyber criminals fall into one of four categories or groups including children and adolescents between ages six to 18, organized hackers, professional hackers/crackers, and the discontent employee(s). The child or adolescent will partake in such behaviors to prove his or her self superior or outstanding over other individual in his or her age group. The organized hacker will want to fulfill objectives such as political bias and fundamentalism to name a couple. The professional...
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...Global profiles of the fraudster White-collar crime – present and future kpmg.com/fraudster 2 Global profiles of the fraudster F Introduction to the typical fraudster identified in the investigations KPMG firms reported on two years earlier. The typical fraudster in the 2013 study is 36 to 45 years of age, is generally acting against his/her own organization, and is mostly employed in an executive,3 finance, operations or sales/ marketing function. He/she holds a senior management position, was employed in the organization in excess of six years and, in committing the fraud, frequently acted in concert with others. Other findings, however, are different. This time, we have developed a series of themes in order to understand the changing relationship among the fraudster, his/ her environment and the frauds committed. And after taking into account the insights of our investigation leaders around the world, we conclude that the type of fraud and the type of fraudster are continually changing. “The intriguing thing about fraud is that it is always morphing, like a strain of flu; you can cure today’s strain, but next year it evolves into something as bad if not worse, ” says Phil Ostwalt, Global Coordinator for Investigations for the Global Forensic practice at KPMG. One major change is the growing use of technology by fraudsters, and not just in the technologically advanced countries, such as the US “a concern for all business is that we are about to see a new generation...
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...[pic] MASTER OF MANAGEMENT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE, ETHICS AND VALUES GSGM7253 TERM PAPER Issues and challenges in cyber ethic PREPARED BY: |MEOR NORULAZMI BIN MAT SALLEH |MD1409MD0030 | Contents Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Recommendations 6 Conclusion 8 References 10 Introduction This article will highlight the issue and challenges in cyber ethic. It will cover general outlined the concept of cyber ethic and tries to relate it with the globalization of internet which was a way of living nowadays. Have you noticed that the whole world is now watching the same movies, listening to the same music and reading the same books? Of course not 100%, but the majority of the people on the planet do it the same thing as mentioned above. Why these activities happen, whereas they live not at the same location or place? This is what we call it as internet culture. Since the 1990’s, the Internet has a revolutionary impact on our culture. People around the world, start to use communication by instant messaging, electronic mail, interactive video call. Also, watching a movie, discussion and shopping they're using a World Wide Web or website. Today, internet become part of living. I define frequent use of the Internet as...
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...History of Digital Crimes and Digital Terrorism and Their Common Current Forms Stephanie Fisk Strayer Universality CIS 170 Professor CIANCIOTTA Dec. 12th, 2013 Introduction Computer crime refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Net crime refers to criminal exploitation of the internet. Dr. Debarati Halder and Dr. K. Jaishankar (2011) defines cybercrimes as: "Offences that are committed against individuals or groups of individuals with a criminal motive to intentionally harm the reputation of the victim or cause physical or mental harm to the victim directly or indirectly, using modern telecommunication networks such as internet chat rooms, emails, notice boards, groups, and mobile phone. Such crimes may threaten a nation’s security and financial health. Problems surrounding these types of crimes have become high profile, particularly those surrounding cracking, copyright infringement, child pornography, and child grooming. There are also problems of privacy when confidential information is lost or intercepted, lawfully or otherwise. Internationally, both governmental and non-state actors engage in cybercrimes, including espionage, financial theft, and other cross-border crimes. Activity crossing international borders and involving the interests of at least one nation state is sometimes referred to as cyber warfare. The international legal system is attempting...
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...TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction 1 Purpose 1 Methodology 1 Organization_______________________________________________________________ 2 Body 2 Computer Forensics 2 Internet Security 2 Conclusion_________________________________________________________________ 4 Sources 5 Introduction In this report I will be writing on two jobs: computer forensics and information Security. I am writing on these two due to the fact that these are two job considerations for my degree. I will be discussing benefits of each job, average pay, and description of each job. I will take time to go into detail into each of the jobs that I would like to have. I will be going into the origin of each job, degrees required for each job, and the different fields that these jobs cover. Purpose The purpose of this report is to educate others and myself on what these two jobs are about. To better inform others of the importance of each of these jobs in the digital world. It will hopefully allow others to have a better understanding of the two jobs that I have chosen. There are many things about each of these jobs that people would deem as boring or not interesting, but the digital world is a very interesting place. It is like another world laid on top of this one, there but just out of reach unless you have the technology to access it. There are many things one can gleam from the internet and the digital world, and I will expound upon...
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