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Issues and challenges in cyber ethic



Introduction 2

Literature Review 3

Recommendations 6

Conclusion 8

References 10


This article will highlight the issue and challenges in cyber ethic. It will cover general outlined the concept of cyber ethic and tries to relate it with the globalization of internet which was a way of living nowadays.

Have you noticed that the whole world is now watching the same movies, listening to the same music and reading the same books? Of course not 100%, but the majority of the people on the planet do it the same thing as mentioned above. Why these activities happen, whereas they live not at the same location or place? This is what we call it as internet culture. Since the 1990’s, the Internet has a revolutionary impact on our culture. People around the world, start to use communication by instant messaging, electronic mail, interactive video call. Also, watching a movie, discussion and shopping they're using a World Wide Web or website.

Today, internet become part of living. I define frequent use of the Internet as simply daily use (Bruce Bimber 2000). This new world is big and may seem overwhelming. You might make a mistake without even knowing it. It is easy to use the internet but it is not always easy to do it right (Diane Bailey 2008). The majority of people have a knowledge of using or surfing the internet, everything is done easily and helpful through the internet but also changing many aspects of most people. It has made the world available at your fingertips, you have a freedom to do many things that were unimaginable. But, sadly some people abuse the freedom of use on the internet.

Literature Review

Globalization of cyber ethic does not have to be a bad thing, but on the other hand, with that change communities are losing something. Cyber ethic seems closer to the way of living, with values and behaviors. Indeed, internet has become so flexible and inexpensive that it has seeped into life almost unnoticed in household appliances, banks and shop automobiles and airplanes, school and medical clinics, to mention only a few examples.

|No |Age |Percentage (%) |
|1. |Under 15 |2.3 |
|2. |15-19 |14.2 |
|3. |20-24 |21.4 |
|4. |25-29 |20.3 |
|5. |30-34 |13.9 |
|6. |35-39 |9.2 |
|7. |40-44 |7.0 |
|8. |45-49 |5.2 |
|9. |50 and above |6.6 |

Table 1. Household use of the Internet by age category (SKMM 2014).

Table 1 show data collected by the Malaysia Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) from the book Communications & Multimedia: Pocket Book Of Statistics in 2012. Statistics present internet access and use to the internet exists from age of 15 until 50 and above. It seems likely users under age of 30 are most person using the internet. The factor of this gap because of education, entertainment and expression of curiosity of the person. Also the rise of smartphones has made information just a finger tap away. Most activities in internet as sending e-mail, finding information about goods and services and online banking.

“Cybercrime” also consists of engaging in conduct that is outlawed because it threatens order. Cybercrime differs from crime priminary in the way it committed: Criminals use guns, whereas cybercriminals use computer technology. Most of the cybercrime we see today simply represents the migration of real world crime into cyberspace. Cybercrimes become the tool criminals use to commit old crimes in new ways (Susan W. Brenner 2010).

With the rapid growth of the internet, it also has been increasing at the rate of the cybercrime committed over the internet. The example, the issues that surround cyber ethics are cyberbullying, uploading or downloading copyright and hacking. The cybercrime can be committed from anywhere in the world. It also can happen to anyone, any place at any time. Here the 10 most common internet crimes from the point of view Stephen Nale:
1. Phishing or spoofing.
2. Blackmail or extortion.
3. Accessing stored communications.
4. Sports betting.
5. Non delivery of merchandise.
6. Electronic harassment.
7. Child pornography.
8. Prostitution.
9. Drug trafficking.
10. Criminal copyright infringement (Stephen Nale 2012).

Internet culture among community today is not a new phenomena, either we notice or not, Internet culture already tarnished human life. On the internet, many people do things to another that they never consider doing to someone in real life. They often believe that they are invisible because they cannot be identified. This is not true because authority can easy to track them. Today, all internet connections are using telephone cables, even smartphone also has own identity. No reason users to commit the crimes.

Recently, in a couple of nights over RM3 million were reportedly hacked by a Latin American gang and about ten bank branches involved. The suspects were found using a computer virus to hack into the ATMs. Another example is when a hacker takes over our Facebook account, they can access all private information, images and messages. Their target is the personal information stored in the computer. They always look for weak points in a network system to hack the security system. In some cases, they may send the victim an e-mail with virus. By reading the e-mail, it will activate the virus or hackers can use to enter or access the computer. Once inside the system, they often install new programs such as sniffers that allow them to continue to use the system.

Communities nowadays, we can see they have turned slaves to technology and affecting our youngster mindsets. They become an addictive habit like alcohol and cigarettes. Young people have become major consumers of peer to peer networks with college student lead users in file sharing all kinds. A websites like The Pirate Bay (TPB) and Torrent allow to download and upload movies and musics for free. Many movies without filtered can easily get from this website. This is not good for our culture and should be eliminated. Law enforcement already taken by many countries against the users by downloading and uploading copyright. Not even the country, websites like Facebook and Microsoft blocked the links to TPB and Torrent. A lot of websites can give access, to surf pornography without any barrier or free access. These activities have an unlimited resources and can give a million of dollars on the website.

We know that bullying is wrong but today, bullying does not only happen in real life anymore. Different kind of ways, communities is using the technology to bully another likes using bad language and make threats or attempts to humiliate other people. Cyber bullying is different from face to face because the bullies can keep a distance between themselves and their victim (Vanessa Rogers 2010). This is dangerous because it can change the victim’s personality from normal and happy person to scare and less confident person. There are so many negative effects of bullying and this is why, it is important to stop bullying. At the basic point, make sure when you type the Caps Lock key and an exclamation mark (!) are disable because someone might think you are yelling or screaming at them. One of the examples, a top leader in Malaysia found an image of his face in the Facebook with a body of a pig. The person who modified the image by using Photoshop, did not know he broke a law. He just wanted to make jokes to his friends. What will happen to the victim? Not only the victim might suffer psychological pain, the family also got an impact.


A key difficulty for cyberspace users is in this rapid but undistinguished crossing of boundaries that include legal, ethical and religious, amongst others (Lee Gillam & Anna Vartapetiance, 2012). If a person has boundaries mentioned by the author, surely no problems arise when we are surfing the internet.

National Cyber Security Policy launched by Prime Minister of Malaysia on 20 Aug 2007 after formulated by MOSTI since 2005 is a holistic approach for cyber defense of the nation. The lack of a sufficient number of law enforcement and security experts trained in detecting cybercrime means that organizations remain at risk form cyberattacks. There must be some sort of plan to inculcate best behaviors and practices on safe use of the internet. As technology moves forward, a law needs to react to deter users abuse, and reduce or eliminate misuses the technology. Specific legislation or law to control and reduce in cyber crime or internet abuse such as Communication and Multimedia Act 1998, Computer Act 1997, Sedition Act 1948 and Copyrights Act 1987 seen need to improve with the current issues. Although legislation and enforcement can go a long way in helping to curb cybercrime, they are not the magic bullets that will eventually eradicate cybercrime (Joseph Migga Kizza 2001).

Cyber bullying differs from other forms of bullying in that it can be intergenerational. Young people have made adults their targets, including parents, teachers and other members of the community, in a way that does not happen in the real world (Vanessa Rogers 2010). Awareness and education from the beginning of age. Parent must know what to do with the technology in front of their children. The internet is like the world largest library with full of information. Get use the internet to explore new things inside the internet that can help you tackle all problems but please filter, review and examine first before take futher action. Enjoy musics, videos and images inside the internet by yourself or with family but you should not download or share without pay. Use the application such as Facebook, Instant messaging and electronic mail (email) to communicate with family and friends. I believe we will be on our way to resolving the so-called battle in cyberspace, as the issue has been defined in the media (Shaheen Shariff 2009). By utilize internet wisely with the best practices like respect, honest and responsible, it is not impossible to reach the ultimate goal.

If you have educated yourself about the kind of problems that can happen, you will know what to do if they occur (Diane Bailey 2008). Parents protect younger children by keeping them in safe places, teaching them simple safety rules, and paying close attention (Nancy E. Willard 2007). As parents or leader in the family or organization, you should be flexible and aware of the current situation. You also should be a good teacher or mentor for everyone in family and organization by explaining, teach and prevent from unauthorized access. Although investment in public awareness, especially through moral and ethical education is long term, these are encouraging signs that these might be light at the end of the tunnel if we intensify our training programs. So we need to concurrently educate the user as well as develop security tools and best practices as we look for essential solutions to the ills of cyberspace (Joseph Migga Kizza 2001). Adult participation should driven groups to provide educators and policy makers how to harness these social dynamics for learning practices that are more keyed to adult social worlds.

Never open an e-mail or attachment if you do not recognize the sender’s (Michael A. Sommers 2008). One of the solutions, software and hardware of the computer should be created or developed. The reasons are to prevent users surf unauthorized access and to have strong or safeguard users data and security access.

With the increasing of crime in the cyber world, every country should have a computer forensics. The purpose of this department is to gather or collect evidences to analyze and present to a court of law. It is important to have it because the collection of evidences and the way the forensic present and gather information should help in the court law. Computer forensic differs from other forensic sciences as digital evidence is examined. There is a little theoretical knowledge to base assumptions for analysis and standard empirical hypothesis testing when carried out lacks proper training of tools and lastly it is still more ‘art’ than science’ (Jack Wiles & Anthony Reyes 2011).

In addition, website likes Google, YouTube and the rest of website should promote or campaign the importance of cyber ethic to the users. From this campaign, it should raise awareness, the safer use of internet and ethical conduct. Cyber ethic is not only the code of conduct for computer but also principles that should follow by users. Adults are more concern with this issue, they will protect the children by all means. So the campaign raises awareness to the parents and make them want to be more proactive in keeping their children safe from internet abuse.


The computer is no longer a expensive things, it is a ‘must have’. For those who don not own their computer can walk in a public library or cybercafe to access to the internet. Also many places provide an access to internet such as coffee shop, fast food restaurant and public building. Thus, the Internet has become a part and important in human life. It also proved helpful and positive in many situations regarding learning, living, commerce and culture but the problem of cyber ethic gets worse day by day. While, the internet has widely used, it also offers opportunities for cyber criminals to harm the innocent people. There will be always a new methods and challenges in the internet world. This problem appears quite a less quantity right now, but if there is no action taken to avoid it, definitely it is going to be worst. If the technology is used wisely, it is advantageous. But the addiction of anything can be harmful.

New technologies are changing patterns of communication. As people look to stay connected with family, friends and coworkers, they are likely to use one or more methods of communication including e-mail, chat and blogging. All of it easily supported on the today computer and portable devices such as laptops, PDAs and cellular phones. Some changes are welcome, some are not and some are just odd. After a period of use, we often forget their origins and they become business as usual. Although cyber world is not reality life but we as a user must follow the ethical. In my opinion, ethic is the most important thing to know before the user get to use it.

With your new knowledge of Cyber Ethics, you have the power to ensure that you and those around you are responsible cyber citizens - making you a cyber hero! Teach what you have learned to others. Share your Cyber Ethics page with your students and their parents. Teach Cyber Ethics to your children, siblings, and/or other younger relatives. Have Cyber Ethics discussions with your adult friends and family members. Cyber Ethics is and will continue to be a major topic in the future, particularly in education, so contribute to the discussion and help to make the Internet a place that we can all enjoy safely and responsibly ( 2014).


1. Adrian Kay Heng Heok & Luyt, Brendan (2010) Imagining the internet: learning and access to information in Singapore's public libraries, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

2. Bruce Bimber (2000) Measuring the Gender Gap on the Internet, University of California, Santa Barbara, U.S.

3. Bernama (2014) Malaysia Prone To Cyber Crimes.Retrieved from 26/11/2014

4. Barbara MacKinnon (2012) Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues, 7th Edition. University of San Francisco, U.S.

5. Diane Bailey (2008) Cyber Citizenship and Cyber Safety. The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc, U.S

6. James J. Lynch (1996) Cyberethics: managing the morality of multimedia. Northwestern University.

7. Joseph Migga Kizza (2001) Computer Network Security and Cyber Ethics. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.

8. Jack Wiles & Anthony Reyes (2011) The Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period. Syngress

9. Lee Gillam & Anna Vartapetiance (2012) Cyber Ethics and Online Gambling, University of Surrey, UK.

10. Michael A. Sommers (2008) The Dangers of Online Predators Cyber citizenship and cyber safety. The Rosen Publishing Group.

11. Nancy E. Willard (2007) Cyber-Safe Kids, Cyber-Savvy Teens: Helping Young People Learn To Use the Internet Safely and Responsibly.

12. Shaheen Shariff (2009) Confronting Cyber-Bullying: What Schools Need to Know to Control Misconduct and Avoid Legal Consequences. McGill University, Canada.

13. SKMM (2014) Communications & Multimedia: Pocket Book Of Statistics. Retrieved from 26/11/2014.

14. Stephen Nale (2012) The 10 Most Common Internet Crimes. Retrieved from 26/11/2014

15. Susan W. Brenner (2010) Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace. ABC-CLIO.

16. (2014) Cyberethics. Retrieved from 26/11/2014

17. Vanessa Rogers (2010) Cyberbullying: Activities to Help Children and Teens to Stay Safe in a Texting, Twittering, Social Networking World.

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