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Computer Mediated Communication Research Paper

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Face to Face vs. Computer Mediated Communication
Technological advancements have changed the way we conduct business. It has provided us with numerous alternative methods of communication. We are no longer limited to being in the same room or even the same country in order to communicate with one another.
Computer Mediated Communication
There are many forms of CMC being used in daily business communications. Emails, instant messaging, webinars, virtual conferences and many more. These forms of CMC allow us to be in constant communication with our co-workers regardless of location. We no longer have to wait to be face-to-face in order to get a response. These advancements have allowed businesses to perform without limitations at a much faster pace.
I remember the days of handwriting a telephone message when someone was out of the office. I remember having to wait for the person to return to the office to give them the message and only then, would you have a response. Now, we can send a quick email and rapidly obtain a response. …show more content…
This, in part may be true, however, there are still ways to communicate face-to-face with CMC. Personally, I am a fan of virtual meetings. Virtual meetings enable the team or coworkers to be in different locations yet still come togethr to attend a meeting and accomplish or set out goals. In my line of work, we have these meetings at least once a month. We are able to put a name to the face with team members across the Country, who otherwise, we would never meet. Once you put a face to the name it helps to make written/non face to face communications like email, more

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